Team Name: ZION Team Car Model: FZR Team Manager: mroziu Team Vice-Manager: pit3k Drivers: P. Paczynski [pit3k] POL
R. Mroz [mroziu] POL
J. Dresler [achimpl] POL
M. Paczuski [marcin84] POL
P. Joński [krecik91] POL
J. Lindner [QBi] POL
P.Schultz [firebee] POL
My friend and me has written small InSim application which one of the features is possibility to change race order after qualification by admin.
So we set /start fixed by sending ISP_MST message to server - InSim Application is working with admin privileges.
Later on we send ISP_REO with proper structure
36, 36, 0, number of plids, plids.
But after the race restart with IS_MST /restart we get ISP_REO packet with race order like it was in qualification. So information with race order we send earlier was ignored by server.
I'm pretty sure that this was working on Y patch.
Maybe someone has similar problem like we have right now.