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S2 licensed
love this game.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Fckin cheaters

that guy playing is still failing, its funny to see how the only cheaters suck so badly at the game.
S2 licensed
i don't know if there is exactly more PC players playing bad company 2, idk.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :DON'T get wireless, its crap on the xbox IMO

i has wireless and it is the same as corded for me atleast.
S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :Sorry for a slight OT, but does anyone here have the code for the F2000 on bad company 1 (x360) ?

there is no code, your EA account has to be a battlefield veteran, you have to register 2+ battlefield games on the battlefield veteran site.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Loads of "competitions" about at the moment to get a Beta key for the betas release on 8th March.

Got my key, be interesting to see how it plays.

fileplanet subscribers got the beta early
S2 licensed
this game looks awesome IMO
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :Meh... I only asked a simple question

I probably will get one, I just regret selling my other x360 last year

I'm sure there's plenty of good games out there to buy along with FM3

Edit: Lol £200 for your birthday? Lucky you, I get £20 if I'm lucky And BlueFlame is right, pirating games makes you look stupid tbh, I've done it in the past, not really proud of it :/ and now I stick to buying my games, knowing I'm not at risk of getting banned.

get a 360, get forza 3 and Battlefield BC 2
S2 licensed
this game is freaking awesome
S2 licensed
1 day for me xbox 360 here.
S2 licensed
lol danica :P
S2 licensed
post multiplayer please?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Done in 15 minutes now. :O

Gonna install tomorrow and then I'll browse quickly through it. I'm really gonna play once I get my copy.

I'll show some tease-pics tomorrow

if you could, could you post some videos of you walking around some of the maps?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Deserves better.

Does anyone believe me, if I said I'm downloading it for the PC? Can't believe it's cracked, I just couldn't resist... I'm not gonna play though, or am I? Done in 30 minutes.

But really, I feel bad now, this epic game shouldn't be downloaded...

download it and play it, then delete when you get the real game
S2 licensed
video review. ... 2_vdr_022610.html?show=hi
they sound biased towards mw2...
although 8.9 is not a bad score at all i just think it deserved better.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Wait, what That code, which will be in every game case? And my Desert Eagle too?

lol yes.
S2 licensed
if you have your VIP code ALL dlc forever for BC2 will be free.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :How much it sucks when you play with total idiots That aplies to every multiplayer game of course, but when first two guys on the list have 2000, and other 10 have like 200, 300.. it's frustrating, i hope there will be more smart people on the full version.

yea its just cause its a demo, but the game will be better about 1 week after release when people actually learn the maps.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :So, free multiplayer maps on launch day These guys are awesome..

i hope its wake island
S2 licensed
Quote from adamlfs :So wait if I understand this correctly. All DLC is free!?

Ok great of PC users and PSN guys... But wait just a sec..360 users have had trouble before, where microsoft won't let users have free DLC. Everything has to have a price. Well least I remember my friend talking to me about this before, with the case of TF2 and the 0% DLC they are getting cause valve want to do it for free.

BF BC 2 will have a ingame store(similar to mass effect 2) controlled by DICE and microsoft can't do anything about it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Woah, nice! But could 'accesible' mean, cheap.. i'm kinda skeptical

Dice loves to give stuff for free, and since they have a in game store now which they can update without microsofts approval, i am sure they will.
S2 licensed
All maps will be free + game modes for DLC. ... nior-producer-patrick-ba/
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :Try here:

Also, everyone should go to the gallery, click on "most votes" and vote for "hugs n kittens". I really want to see Kyle Busch drive that car haha.

I have a feeling there is some sketchiness going on with the voting, there have been a ridiculous amount of votes cast since I looked this morning.

yea, i think someone made the 4chan car and is hacking the votes for it.
i kep reloading the page and the 4chan car keeps getting like 10 votes a second.
S2 licensed
Quote from lizardfolk :For some reason...bumpdrafting just sucked today. Papis, Gosselin, Cobb, Carmichael. All the drivers I wanted to do well got taken out because of bumpdrafting (among others).

Hilarious how bumpdrafting caused such a major problem.

Congrats to Peters...and good job to Piquet. He did impress me today. But man...the bill will be high for NASCAR this weekend...lets just hope the 500 will be a little better.

well the bumpers on the Stock cars line up better than the trucks.