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S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Won't be on GTA tonight. Wednesday night will probably be best.


i don't have a mic but i should be getting one soon.
and when i do get one i might sound like a little kid... as im only 14.
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Yeah I got pretty good at getting headshots while people are flying/driving. Funny when you hear them screaming down their mics 'how the funk did you do that?!'

As for going to get ammo, always best to have a little team so someone can keep cover for a few minutes. Usually Frenchy, Rappa and myself team up and go airport owning, always a good laugh.

You should join in some time Quicksilver.

i should be on gta soon tonight if you want to go online?
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :No thanks, i play racing games with a wheel, thank you very much

just think! in forza you can drive a Porsche with a Porsche wheel!! :o
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :So Forza get's Porsches but GT doesn't?

why does GT not have porsches? i though they had every car
S2 licensed
new vids

i freaking want this game now!!!! no doubt i am going to buy the limited edition.
S2 licensed
i want that go kart
S2 licensed
10 years ago a head on nascar into the wall at 160+ would kill you.
now it just stuns you
i am so glad that racing deaths don't happen often anymore.
this crash freaks me out but im glad he didn't get hurt
Last edited by mutt107, .
S2 licensed
you can't change the rims.
S2 licensed
Quote from ghost55 :puta pa kept pushing me in the pits and i now have -1000 money on live to cruise i would love a refund cuz i was so close to getting 10000 its not right i need that refund thanks

take it to the live to cruise forums.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Well, i think

8gb is a little too much. And also i think that u got ur all channels filled up with ram sticks. The less slots filled = better overclock. But in other hand, more is always better and whats most important is that ur satisfied with it.

8GB won't be too much once bigger and better games hit stores
and DAMN you got that for 750$? where??
S2 licensed
""Guess the time, Win the cash! its that easy!""
from: pass time on speed channel.
Last edited by mutt107, .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Please say a few lines and tell us what YOU think if this forum (Only nice lines)
Ill start:

-Easy to get friends to play with
-Very nice devs, working hard.
-Nice moderators
-Awesome insim creators
-Easy to ask an question and get an answer in no time.
-Funny threads like: The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies. and other
-Easy to share your thoughts.

next up: you. Please do not post to Dis-agree.

fixed for ya :P
oh and i like this forum cause you can talk about anything almost.
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :GT5 can take their Nascar and shove it up their tailpipes.

true... so true.
S2 licensed
V8 supercars in forza 3

S2 licensed
i want a demo for NFS shift and forza 3
S2 licensed
Quote from DejaVu :veyron + engine mods + other mods drag strip here i come 2000+ hp maybe?!?!?

massive tire spin here you come
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :A few things I noticed:

Weapons on that video that weren't on the weapons list that came out a few weeks ago
A weapon called the AUG Hbar Bling
Another Bling gun, the Scar Hbar Bling
Riot shield seen in use
Weapon in last short clip has red dot and silencer
My pants are wet.

2x attachments will be awesome
and i think BLING is a camo or some kind of attachment
Last edited by mutt107, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Stiggie :Is it just me, or does it look exactly the same.

it looks better to me
its not suppose to look completely deferred from MW1 its a sequel.
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I dont think Rewind will get added to multiplayer.

Think about it. For your car to be "timewarped" back to a good spot, it would surely mean all the other players would also be "timewarped" back to a certain spot. If however, it only affected the one guy who was doing it, it still would not work. I could only imagine it rewinding you back to a spot, only for it to put you on the racing line resulting in your car being smashed into. I seriously doubt Turn 10 would be so stupid to put the rewind feature in Multiplayer.

I may be wrong though, although i hope i am not.

on one of their e3 vids they said that rewind would only be for single player and hotlapping.
S2 licensed
you didn't say it had to be car engines
S2 licensed
Quote from jrd.racer :can the XBox 360 controller work with grid?

im sure it can, if it don't work you can always map the controls with Xpadder,
S2 licensed
i would take this, very nice price for what you get with it. ... aspx?Item=N82E16834152087