He was never crossing the white line with all 4 wheels and he has proven that he's TEH racer. I don't see the point for a DT. The DT you are talking about should have had Senna for pushing him into the wall...
I bought Limited Edition when it came out for 39€. Each expansion here costs 14€. That is like another 40€. Premium game costs something like 40€ again. IIRC it contains all those DLCs. Smart policy. If I was hardcore BF3 gamer I'd need to buy basically the same game, again. With Premium on it. Oh my god, just turned it on after couple of months but turned it off straight away. Golden CS.
Definitely not. It's completely new engine, new graphics, etc...
Just did some random laps and it says I'm 3rd in the world. 21.900 is kinda slow I expect it to be somewhere around low 21s maybe 20s. So far I got that strange Shift 2 shaking feeling, hopefully games from SimBin won't go that way.
I knew it was faulty card from the beginning. I am friggin hateful for whoever did those cards because it's common issue around the world. Seems like whole GTX 4xx has been faulty........ Shame I bought it. May I ask what firm you bought your 480 from? I got mine from Gainward.
I've got GTX470 and you've got code 116 which is common for these 2 cards. I'd rather type good news, but I am afraid I don't have any. Your GTX is most likely after its life. I am still getting random BSODs with my 470, I am sure it's not an overheating issue as well as dust or any other issue you could repair. I tried literally anything and it still happens - reason: faulty GPU. I still have my old card, because I've got no money to buy a new one.
2 ways how to check it: Put your GPU into someone else's rig. If it doesn't work you've got the clue. If it works, you are maybe having a problem with your RAM. Again, put it into someone else's rig. There is no other way.
Some links to get a better understanding of code 116 (use anything described there to prevent this problem)
it's not real at all, you've just got a darker palette of colors used in game. it's definitely a change from ps3 default, though. your eyes just have another feeling with new colors.
I created this thread since our beloved steam platform has made some steps forward and created trading system, gifts, coupons etc. This is the place where you can share your things which you need to trade or give to someone.
Let me start...
Anyone wants -75% off Portal 2 coupon? It just randomly popped in my steam inventory and since I already own Portal 2 there is no need for me. I'll give it for free... PM me if somebody's interested.
Dunno, I don't like the fact it's something we've had here already... It might be just recycled Crysis 2 with new story line and totally the same hud, missions, trillion dlcs afterwards. Simply some more EA money eating if you know what I mean... Hopefully I am wrong.
Is this like the only forum where you publish your vids? You seem to get quite small amount of views... I remember your Le Mans vid being done a month ago and it still has only 300 views. People should discover it really quick.
Depends on car and speed. But in my car, even burnout damages the tyre quite a lot, donut would be a lot worse I guess. So you're asking if making donuts would mean buying new set of tyres - I think you are right. Typical summer set of tyres can't handle that much...