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S2 licensed
LOL i bet thats funny to race against
S2 licensed
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :no difference to |AH| lol

and another thing nathan - u must like the idea u asked aaron if i was doing |Cj's|MotorsportZ

and one more thing i made a quick crappy skin on paint because i was bored and i dont have photoshop on here - ive posted a picture here tell me if its crappy or non crappy please!!! There is also a new logo lol

I've got a new RB4 skin for CJ's btw dude.
And yeah, I like the idea.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Work Friendly?

Newer Games ONLY Run on Vista?

More Powerful?

Not stable?


Please explain some of those statements as imo they are all wrong.

You don't need to go through 50 things to get to a bloody program.
It's more.. 'Fluid' I guess.
I meen next Gen games. Not the newer games, I meen the ones coming out in the near future. Crysis was going to be Vista-only, before they got a bunch of people saying 'XP 4 LYFE'
And you don't need to hack stuff to get stuff working
Not stable? By that I meen it will crash sometimes. More than XP did. That's because Vista still has bugs as it's still under development.
S2 licensed
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :come on people i need some comments on the cj's motorsportz thread to see if people like the idea!!!

Take the hint. If they dont comment then dont like it
S2 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :
And just 2 minutes ago
Foordy do you want soup?

I think she's having a love tiff with someone online
S2 licensed
Quote from Nock44 :Well I have decided to say "I have finished LFS-ProStreet InSim v1.0" so I decided to release it to the public.

About LFS-ProStreet: It started when me and my friend (PS| Fusion) decided to make a Copy of "NFS: ProStreet" as an InSim mod, Earn money for wining races, buy cars etc. A few good things about it is that we only have two Super Administrators so that leaves a few spaces open for Server Admins, so if you want to join and apply for Server Admin come join, do a few laps and get yourself on the Highscores and then we can see if you are good enough to become a Server Admin


Please Note: Forums and Website are still Under Construction!

Basically another cruise server?
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Them decals will be about as useful as a chocolate teapot. They're tiny.

Resize them lol...
S2 licensed
Quote from moskvich3v1 :Ok i post here a Request Can you make some lighting tribal but with orange,yesllow and red colour like fire ... full/fire_decals_full.jpg

Google is your friend!!

Sorry for hijacking your thread again, just helpin.
S2 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :Lol bands, OWNED!

Dont worry mate ive been there, and then you get sexy looking teeth and the girls are tripping over themselves for you, true story.

Yeah... Now all that needs sorting out is his face!

Just kidding!
Yeah chicks dig nice teeth
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Leatherface :o
S2 licensed
I'd actually like to sign up on my own... see how I do
S2 licensed
Quote from AaronH :Hi i see that my name is down


ive also invited the team if thats ok, if they all turn up is in material

im just asking wheter or not teams are allowed ? im sure this has been mentioned else where but have not picked up on it

so if you could let me no please

cheers dude

|AH|Aaron - |AH|MotorSportz

I'd like to sign up, with Aaron
S2 licensed
Quote from FCS13 :This is my thread, if you want to show that, make one, ok?


aaronh ,try what beefyman said

Just thought some people might find it helpful. This is why you made the thread I presume...
S2 licensed
Here's what I use on EVERY one of my skins. ... 9/decalsheetbiggergf9.jpg

S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :quickie edit:

How do ya do that smoke?
S2 licensed
Assassins Creed
S2 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :The "burnout" you are talking about is called a brake stand, all you have to do is rev the engine to 5000rpm with the clutch in, press the brakes, but not all the way. Release the clutch quickly and release the brakes untill the rear tires begin to spin (if its RWD). If it's front wheel drive, you just use the hand brake.
NEVER go above 5000rpm when you attempt to do this, it'll just burn up the clutch.

I would not suggest doing brake stands in a car unless you know how to use the clutch and brake pedal VERY well, you will most likely end up burning the clutch like this poor fool.

I've never done brake stands in LFS, but I think setting the brake force to a realistic setting and then setting the balancing based on a real car would be the best way to do it. otherwhise it's either cheap or it won't happen.

I have done them in Racer though, in a modified AE86 I did up just to make fun of the drifters.

I dont think he knows what a clutch is
S2 licensed
I only use my own skins, or my team skins (Which are usually created by me anyway)
S2 licensed
Quote from TG44 :The Drift Wars server is hosting that layout.. seems like you've been there alone...

Oh well.. the drifting isn't bad.

Nope, its a ripped layout
S2 licensed
Aaron, you think there's gonna be a |CJ's|Motorsports? :P
S2 licensed
Well first off, its alot more work-friendly if you know what I meen. You can get to stuff easier, etc
Most of the newer games will only run on Vista too. All together, its alot more powerful.. Though it isnt very stable (This will be fixed in SP 2)
S2 licensed
Oooh I got another...
<Insert cool name here>
S2 licensed
Onyx Motion
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Two or three people have spoken to me, or passed comment about this, and everyones said the same thing. Who said that these were distinct tests or even that this would be a complete list of what to test for? Gekkibi clearly stated that this wasn't a complete solution.

Anyone capable of writing this program would be intelligent enough to take into account acceleration rather than pure speed and lap time, change in the angle of rotation between polling, etc. etc. There are so many variations and variables that you could use, just from a passive server side monitoring point of view. If you wanted to go whole hog and make a passive client side scanner that talked to a "master server" and the client's LFS installation, that collected and analysed data, then the level of which you could take this is almost limitless.

Making it a single distinct test would be failure on epic levels, but surely that's stating the obvious?

'No, I didnt fail 1000 times on making the light bulb, I simply found 999 ways how not to make a light bulb' Thats how the saying goes. Or something like that