'Then when he's 6 I'll buy him chrome rims, sparco stuff, new stereo, and that oh-so-beautiful S15... You know, I want him to be comfortable while I drive him around...'
Cheating is stupid.
Cheating in a racing simulator... Way to kill the game eh?
It takes all the fun out of driving in a RACING simulator. If you wanna cheat go play NFS
Yes it does take alot of concentration, but with racing you have to really be in it, and master the lines etc... Plus, you're going alot faster.
You're drifting around a corner, and hit the wall doing 80 or so, but if you're in a race then you'll probably be going round the corner at 120+.. or entering at least, so racing is more fast paced.
Yes it is. And what seems to happen alot of the time is, people are able to drift well in LFS then think they can drift in real life.
LFS may be a simulator, but theres still some differences. IE if you hit a wall doing 120 you'll probably die.
Well drifting takes more practice to get right, but actual racing is alot more complicated and takes alot more concentration.
But yeah.. some people like drifting, some people like driving. Just because you dont share the same interests doesent mean the other sport/style isnt good does it?
Yes I guess you're right...
Well I've been taking everyones advice in SS1, you know, watching other people, hanging behind and getting used to the track etc and to be honest it does make stuff easier.
Thanks everyone for the advice.
Yeah I understand that, but it's like a no-win situation, because theres CTRA 1, which has alot of new S2 players, and ALOT of people that are innexperienced, then there's other servers which has XRR's etc that have people who are at the other end and are very experienced.
I'm not a complete beginner, and I'm not experienced neither so as you can probably tell it's frustrating.
EDIT: I just saw your post,
Yes it did help and i'll have a look, thanks.
It's impossible for me to drive XRG in CTRA, as I have alot of habits with it, with drifting.. so i tend to end up drifting round corners, not cleanly.. uh.. driving them.
I didnt start this topic so people could say 'you're the problem' or 'stick to drifting'
As I said before.. I know I'm not good jesus christ I started properly racing TODAY...
Yeah I understand that, and it's pretty easy to avoid most accidents, but people who are completely new to s2 mostly go to CTRA, as its so popular, and theres alot of full on pileups...
Ask one of the [CD] members, I'm not doing badly.
I'm not a perfect driver yet, but i'm not bad neither.
And the crash at the first corner of the CD server.. well.. EVERYONE crashed then not just me, and it wasent cause of me neither . Really bad run.
It's usually because i get totaled in like the 5'th lap :/
I'm willing to put commitment in, and i dont want to stick to drifting.. I want to experience more in lfs... rather than being limited to sliding cars and not really racing.
Usually I drift, or drag, but at the moment I'm really into real racing, mostly with the XRR.
I guess alot of people will say 'Good riddence to drifting' but hey... Drifting and racing both show forms of skill.
I usually go on the CD server, but whenever its mid race (usually 10 - 20 lap races) it's rather boring waiting for the next race, so does anyone know any REAL racing servers, that has clean racers etc?
I know some of you will say CTRA but I find it extremely dificult to get past the first server due to crappy cars and crappy drivers :P