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Quote from Anathema :

My nephew driving ze FBM.

momom momom MOMO When he is 5 years old he'll get an S3 license for Christmas.

'Then when he's 6 I'll buy him chrome rims, sparco stuff, new stereo, and that oh-so-beautiful S15... You know, I want him to be comfortable while I drive him around...'
S2 licensed
Cheating is stupid.
Cheating in a racing simulator... Way to kill the game eh?
It takes all the fun out of driving in a RACING simulator. If you wanna cheat go play NFS
S2 licensed
I read the name and i thought it was going to be something to do with porn...
Sorry for off-topicness
S2 licensed
It may be a bug, or just a graphical corruption on your computer.
But if i'm to be honest its very minor to post on here
S2 licensed
Yeah really good race guys!
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Quote from nisskid :how so? u think throwing ur car sideways at 150-200k's side by side with another car doesnt take concentration?

also as far as complication goes, thats more to do with what stage racing is vs drift, drift is still a relatively new sport in the mainstream, and although it is the fastest growing motorsport, its still not at the competitive level as racing. but dont worry, as the budgets go up and the stakes higher, u will see similar development to drift.

Yes it does take alot of concentration, but with racing you have to really be in it, and master the lines etc... Plus, you're going alot faster.
You're drifting around a corner, and hit the wall doing 80 or so, but if you're in a race then you'll probably be going round the corner at 120+.. or entering at least, so racing is more fast paced.

Quote :one of the biggest issues is that people often think they are better at drifting than they really are. because there is no way to guage there performance on LFS (if someone says that drift score thing im gonna fly over and give u a swift kick to the ovaries) they just think they have mastered it. just like someone not familiar with racing can look at 2 totally different level racers and not see any major difference, luckily for racing its easy to guage, just look at the clock.

unfortunately most people look at drifitng and think, ok so all i have to do is get my car sideways and ive mastered it, they get their car sideways, then think owell this is drifitng, ive already mastered it, drift is easy.

drift is actually a lot more complicated than what probably 97% of the people in this thread think.

Yes it is. And what seems to happen alot of the time is, people are able to drift well in LFS then think they can drift in real life.
LFS may be a simulator, but theres still some differences. IE if you hit a wall doing 120 you'll probably die.
S2 licensed
'Oooh whats he doing YES!! he cut on the inside AHHH trouble there!'
S2 licensed
Quote from kamkorPL :Well said.

It's only in geek sim world that people show that they dislike a motorsport that they didn't even experienced first hand in real life.

You could say you dislike the motorsport IN the game though.
S2 licensed
LFS license: NathanRx-7
Online screen name: N.Robinson
Do you accept the rules: Yes
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :If you can drift pretty well, then you must have no problems with driving a damn fast car

I can drift well, and I find it rather hard to drive with them.
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Everybody can drive a car, change gears, turn the wheel. Drifting is much more different. Things are not so easy, you need skills.

They both require the same amount of skill, though drifting just needs more practice.
S2 licensed
Well drifting takes more practice to get right, but actual racing is alot more complicated and takes alot more concentration.
But yeah.. some people like drifting, some people like driving. Just because you dont share the same interests doesent mean the other sport/style isnt good does it?
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Nathan, you have to realise that you are, in fact, a beginner. The sooner you realise and accept it the sooner you can begin to improve. The problem here is that you're simply not listening. Go on CTRA1. Put up with the other beginners, and don't complain about them. You will get better taking in to account all the advice in this thread, but only if you actually listen to it. Making excuses won't make you faster.

Yes I guess you're right...
Well I've been taking everyones advice in SS1, you know, watching other people, hanging behind and getting used to the track etc and to be honest it does make stuff easier.
Thanks everyone for the advice.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Nathan you are a complete beginner, you've hardly got any experience and can barely keep the car on track. You will get better but at this stage your main aim should be finishing races in low power cars (CTRA1 or SS1) not trying to be competitive in big cars in longer races (CD1).

Well I guess...
S2 licensed
Quote from STROBE :Nobody in this topic so far is 'having a go' at you, they're tryng to get you to see that you can't just jump in and expect close racing if you yourself are struggling to do a lap staying roughly on the racing line. Most "serious" race servers that you're asking for probably won't tolerate that, and you'd be racing on your own at the back. Choose a beginner server, and gradually feel your way around and pick up some speed. Spectate and ride with other cars to watch their braking and lines. Don't jump in the XRR or any GTR, they're too grippy and powerful. Use the XFG/XRG until you can race in the mid-field on CTRA1 or any "beginner" server that doesn't expect more experience or speed.

Yeah I understand that, but it's like a no-win situation, because theres CTRA 1, which has alot of new S2 players, and ALOT of people that are innexperienced, then there's other servers which has XRR's etc that have people who are at the other end and are very experienced.
I'm not a complete beginner, and I'm not experienced neither so as you can probably tell it's frustrating.

EDIT: I just saw your post,
Quote from evilpimp :I would suggest you do like I did when I started racing.

Get into the usual server such as CD or CTRA and look at were the pace of the slower car is. Either join at the back or pull over the side quickly at the start and wait for everyone to pass then go. This will keep you out of the T1 carnage and you will also learn to control the car a bit more. Once you become more confident of how the car controls and the line on the track, just focus on not bumping someone whos on the inside of you in a turn. If someone passes you, be patient and you might get him back. If you're not patient, you'll just ruin the race for both of you guys.

I was in the exact same situation as you. Drifter starting to race but I still stick to the XRG in CTRA seeing as I find that it's more of a challenge. I do slide it once or twice by accident but usually I manage to keep it straight. In LFSBC Round 1 for example, I used the XRG and still managed to get a pretty good pace and take the win.

Also, if you want to start league racing, I suggest you try leagues such as LFS Beginers Cup. It's a great way to learn what you're really aloud to do and what not to do. It also teaches you a lot about league racing and how to react when theres an accident in front. You also learn how not to get a heart attack (the pressure).

Hope this helped, that's how it really was for me and I suggest you try what I've done. The main thing is to be patient even on the track and not rush things.

Yes it did help and i'll have a look, thanks.
It's impossible for me to drive XRG in CTRA, as I have alot of habits with it, with drifting.. so i tend to end up drifting round corners, not cleanly.. uh.. driving them.
Last edited by NathanRx-7, .
S2 licensed
Make sure you're in neutral, hold the gas, then go into first, then use the brake and vuala.. you have smoke
S2 licensed
I didnt start this topic so people could say 'you're the problem' or 'stick to drifting'
As I said before.. I know I'm not good jesus christ I started properly racing TODAY...
S2 licensed
Quote from pine-fin :Eventhough I personally dont have experience on racing THAT much, I am still going to say this:

If your patience is that short, then maybe its not a good idea for you to consider 'REAL' races?

I have patience, I just find CTRA frustrating.

I'm sure CTRA 2 etc are ALOT better but i guess you have to go through a rough/frustrating stage before you can get to the good, fun bit.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I think the reason us "regulars" get on fine in Race 1 is because after so many miles (ie almost everyone in this thread has done 30k plus) you can see what's gonna happen because you've seen it happen so many times. I usually get a sixth sense and can just FEEL an accident is going to happen (probably just intuition from sub-consciously watching other cars) and can avoid it. Also, i've been in a fair few LFS accidents and can react - ie in some cases you need to actually keep controlling the car while the accident is happening, to act on the situation during the accident rather than to re-act to the situation after the accident as often that's too late.

Yeah I understand that, and it's pretty easy to avoid most accidents, but people who are completely new to s2 mostly go to CTRA, as its so popular, and theres alot of full on pileups...
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Well I watched you for a bit on CD1 and as I said to you on the server trying to race the GTR cars isn't a good way to start racing seeing as you can't drive them cleanly at a reasonable pace yet. Slower cars would be far better for you atm.

I don't think you should really moan about pile ups on Race 1 given the fact I saw you crashing out before the first corner on CD1

Nah that was a bad run :P

Ask one of the [CD] members, I'm not doing badly.
I'm not a perfect driver yet, but i'm not bad neither.
And the crash at the first corner of the CD server.. well.. EVERYONE crashed then not just me, and it wasent cause of me neither . Really bad run.
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :The slow cars in CTRA 1 make races more tighter, but also easier and thus most of the grid tend to overdrive and not consider others enough.

You have finished 1 / 13 races on CTRA, causing about two yellow flags per each driven lap and are looking for cleaner racing? No offense, but the best and easiest way to have cleaner races is to look in the mirror and think about what are you doing wrong.

As I said before, there are alot of pileups on race 1

Quote from dawesdust_12 :I dunno, in all honesty, I don't see how people can't finish in Race 1, it seems no matter where I start on the grid, I can finish races. The only thing I can say in Race 1 is maybe as a drifter, try the XFG because you could be getting yourself into trouble with some poor RWD habits.

Yes I know, as I'm used to drifting i tend to have RWD habits. Only on CTRA though, I'm doing fine on CD

Quote from AstroBoy :Lol "Grip"

Thats not helpful.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :You don't have to specifically choose between either. Just do what you want! If you want to have a serious race, then go have a serious race. If not, go drift.

I'm not choosing between neither, thats my point, I dont want to limit myself.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :You've finished one race on CTRA and given up. I'm really not being mean when I say this, but I think you should stick to slide skidding. Racing requires more commitment than you're willing to give.

It's usually because i get totaled in like the 5'th lap :/
I'm willing to put commitment in, and i dont want to stick to drifting.. I want to experience more in lfs... rather than being limited to sliding cars and not really racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :It's not called grip racing, it's just racing. Or do you call drifting 'lack of grip sliding'?

Well I didnt know what to call it when its with XRR's.
I guess i'm just used to drifting.
S2 licensed
Usually I drift, or drag, but at the moment I'm really into real racing, mostly with the XRR.
I guess alot of people will say 'Good riddence to drifting' but hey... Drifting and racing both show forms of skill.
I usually go on the CD server, but whenever its mid race (usually 10 - 20 lap races) it's rather boring waiting for the next race, so does anyone know any REAL racing servers, that has clean racers etc?

I know some of you will say CTRA but I find it extremely dificult to get past the first server due to crappy cars and crappy drivers :P

Thanks in advance,
Last edited by NathanRx-7, .