Ideas for S4:
- Snow
- Rally track
- Track editor (like vehicle editor not only objects)
- +15 official cars (GTR/MUSCLE CAR/KART updated/BIKE/...)
(mod is not always perfect)
- Weather (rain, fog, season?)
- Special software for server
- Possibility to change rims
- Make suit skinable
Hi, everything is possible if you want play online you need import your model on the data base from this site. Please refer to tutorial from here :
News ^^
D46 run good
Reduce all graphics details, play with no fullscreen
I can training myself with bike on my tv screen, fps about 36-43, sometimes is a little laggy but like multiplayer session when someone leave pit. Fernbay is better because oldest square is okay too.
For lfz editor, that run with windows on rpi too laggy but it run, for example i’ve installed office 2007 and that’s okay. Lfs editor won’t run on wine because some directx is not supported with BOX86 and wine.
Nice to use gimp and saw the result of my skin with lfs directly
Brake is really realist, with small clutch, the bike is more stable now! At 30km/h, the steering (death zone) seems to slow, but is okay for me, this is "live for speed" not "live for slow" ^^
If it help: I've raced against JayDeM, if connection is laggy, i've saw the bike falled and sound too, it a bite dissapointing. I have a G27 with vr, for the bike i use the laptop of my girlfriend with a XBOX controller, "A" button is for rear brake, B button is for up gear, X for down gear, LB clutch, RT gaz, RB brake. If steer bike begin to move at break, you need reduce brake, small rear brake and gaz, you can also begin to break with rear before front brake, in high speed, if you brake too late, keep your angle and light rear brake with the new patch, that more stable. Maybe add a new sound when you fall with bike? Bike is a new dimension and i love it! Tyres after 5 laps is over.
Hi everyone, the mesh from sketchfab is ripped from the other game, that's not a problem, i need to finish the mesh that' i've started in blender and reupload a legal version. @Daniel564 if you have some reference, i can make it better
Hi, i've updated my PUG 405 SUPERTOURING mod, and i have a little problem with skin. When i name the skin with a "é" i can't update my mod. I don't know if it is a bug, but if you can't upload your mod, verify how you have named your skin.