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S3 licensed
I don´t play on cruise servers, but yesterday we had our first 2017 league race in cesav. It was Open Config Track and It was a nightmare trying to check where I was and If there were someone joining track after his pit-stop without map rotation ( I always play with map rotation turned on ).

So please Scawen, don´t remove that option.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :/autox?


We have axload, but right now if you want to configure a server you have to set "/track as7x 2" with one command, wait lfs load that track, that weather, and a random layout you dont want, and after that, call "/axload name"

Adding one parameter would make it easier and prevent fails like sending axload when the random layout is still loading causing that desired layout won´t load, and saving cpu and time.
S3 licensed
Scawen, you added a second parameter in /track <trackname> <weather> not long ago.

Would be possible to have a 3rd parameter to indicate <layoutname>? I hope its possible and easy.
S3 licensed
I imagine what they did is analyze all traffic going to master server, understand it, replicate a master server this way and redirect DCon to their hacked master copy.

A solution to this would be implementation of a new protocol ( not from scratch, but with enought modifications to actual one ) and with all the stablishment communication cyphered.

I understand with that solution, the load on master server would increase a bit, as it should cypher and decypher lot of messages ( like getListServer, signUpHost, joinHost, unlockAccount, etc ), but It would allow us to keep running our own servers and stop cracked ones.

I hope Scawen will do this, or any other anticrack measures, for the next big patch ( the one with tyre physics )

By the way, and in my personal opinion, this post has become in a big advertisment to anyone who want to join into the cracked lfs world, I think you shouldn´t have posted that list here, but just my 2 cents.
S3 licensed
Select debit card instead, and it should work..

Other option is directly send an email to devs..
S3 licensed
I left a server " Test" with version K23 running since when it was released, on a CentOS with wine.

It´s still working since that, but I think none but me joined there, so I can´t say if with some ussage will fail or not
S3 licensed
Thanks for the new circle/packet Scawen. I will test it as soon as I have some free time.

Quote from Gutholz :
But the app needs to know more than detecting "Car is driving into insim checkpoint at x=123 y=456 z=789 diameter=8 playerID=1 objectType=circle objectID=5"

It also needs a way to detect "This was a jokerlap start checkpoint." and "This other checkpoint has some other function."

You can create a simple protocol when you create layouts, and always assign id=1 to Joker Start, id=2 to Joker end, etc.. This way your insim would be compatible with any layout created in that way. And when you read it, it would be:

Car is driving into insim checkpoint at x=123 y=456 z=789 diameter=8 playerID=1 objectType=circle objectID=1 ( Joker Start )

Quote from Gutholz :
Problem is from insim's point of view the checkpoitns all look the same.

Exactly, all circles checkpoints look the same for insim, so you can code what do you want to do with any expecific index ( or range ). I don´t see the problem there.
S3 licensed
Identifying circles with X Y Z, would be like MCI but native. That would make us to edit our insim every week for the next track.

With a byte to identify the circle, at the begin of seasson we create all the league layouts we will be using, so we could assing circles with this pattern:

0 Not deff.
1 Joker lap
10-40 pits
50-110 Controlled cornet cut.

Then insim knows somedriver crossed circle numer 55, its a cornet cut.
No matter what track is it, no matter what coordinates, this way I can identify what kind of circle is.

It´s like insim buttoms, you can set id for everybutton and manage it individually, no matter where you show it on screen.
S3 licensed
BTW, I just noticed we got 25 extra slots to skin upload. Thanks!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :We just won't say, because we always end up in trouble.

But we are working on it! Smile

Nice job.

Just one question, why there is no reversed config on RO? I know we can create it with layout, but... Shrug
S3 licensed
I imagined that Send method job was to take care about formating it.. So that´s why I thought some char scape was missing on that method or something like that.

Ok, I will use the send packet directly but I´m still thinking Send method should do that without error.

Thanks for your fast reply..
S3 licensed

I have found a critical bug with encoding.

If a InSim APP try to send "{" or "}" in a message , InSim.Net won´t send it, and if you dont have that line surrounded by try/catch, it will crash your insim.

How to replicate, try any of those.. I don´t know if any other char will fail too:

insim.Send(con.UCID, "{", 0); // crash
insim.Send(con.UCID, "}", 0); // crash

//both with catch Exceptionm.Msg= Input string was not in a correct format.

By the way, if you try to send:
insim.Send(con.UCID, "{{", 0); // will work, and send a single {
S3 licensed
All of our 5 CESAV´s servers are running on CentOS 6..

You only need to install wine. Then you can start/stop the servers with a simple script that open a server in a screen or close that screen.

Mono is only needed for some InSims..
S3 licensed
I cant give you a template, but I can give you some code you can start with..

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using InSimDotNet;
using InSimDotNet.Packets;

class Program

using (InSim insim = new InSim())

//here you register packets do you want to use, like ISM

// Initialize InSim.
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings
Host = //host ip here,
Port = //port insim here,
Admin = //admin password here,
//UdpPort = 30000, // Specify UDP port
Interval = 750, // Update interval (milliseconds)
Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_CON, // Enable MCI updates
Prefix = '!',
IName = //some insim name here

if (opt != "")
opt = Console.ReadLine();
} while (opt != "x");

//ISM function handler..
static void InSimMulti(InSim insim, IS_ISM ism)
Console.WriteLine("Server:" + InSimDotNet.Helpers.StringHelper.StripColors(ism.HName));
// Whenever we connect to a host request the player and connection lists.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL });
// Request for STA info packet to be sent.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 1 });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 1 });
catch (Exception e)
_log.Error("Exception: In InSimMulti: ", e);

S3 licensed
Nice server, and great admin Smile
S3 licensed

I have forked this project to keep it updated to last InSim Version, version 6.

I haven´t test it yet, but I´m confident about it.

I have changed version to from 2.1.3 to, but I think when LFS get to official realease, should become 2.1.4

Here you can download everything ( source code and bins ):

If you find any problem with this, let me know it, so I can try solve it..

@DarkTimes: Feel free to check my code, make any changes, and push it to your official repo if you think convenient .


PS. Updated to, very small changes but, to make clear there is other version.
Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
S3 licensed
Bug: Online, If you try to place "Start positition" or "Pit start point" fast, quite fast, system create duplicates entries, like 1 1 1 1 4 , instead of 1 2 3 4 ...

Question: This new westhill wont have yellow join/exit chalk lines on pit?

Question: Old westhill had 3 lightings, this new one just will have 2? Or one is missing?

S3 licensed
Downloaded. Im now configuring a new CESAV server.

Nice job Scavier

Edit: Server " Test Patch" up and running ( without quotes )
Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
S3 licensed
My 2 insims are in 3.5 but I think I could change it to 4.5 without problem..

About mono, a possible temporal solution could be instead of throwing an exception when linux/mono try to execute that function, use the one slower but compatible?

Looking at the proyect, I see the file "LfsEncoding.cs", that file didnt exist in 2.0.14b, Are you sure you uploaded 2.0.14b? Checking ... ceControl/list/changesets

S3 licensed
Wellcome back

Quote from DarkTimes :I uploaded the latest release which was 2.0.14b.

Nice. I like to see you will continue from 2.0.14b and I hope you keep compatibility without need to rewrite our insims..

Some suggestions, I already have them in my compiled version:

1º Remove kernel32 dependency to be able to run under mono / linux, ... php?p=1787806#post1787806
2º Repair minor bugs reported in ... php?p=1818728#post1818728 and ... php?p=1819666#post1819666
3º In TyreEnums, add TYRE_NONE and set values to enums..
4º AXM minor bug, ... ol/changeset/0e087537e78b that you already fixed in a later 2.0.14b version
5º And finally, ... ol/changeset/2ebde9135b8f add this too. ... ol/changeset/9911c0d34bbd

I think this six changes would be a nice start point to continue improving the insim..

Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
S3 licensed
Quote from denis-takumi :When i try use
insim.Send( UCID, "Message" )
i catch Exception

using Linux + Mono

I had this problem too. I saw this message ... php?p=1787806#post1787806 and now its working on mono.

I have to test it deeply but looks like working fine.
S3 licensed
Scawen, as B12 and all next will be incompatible, could be possible to add in InSim, a field that indicate what language is using the driver? I think that having something like eng spa fre... 3 letters should be enough..

That could help a lot servers that runs differents InSims programs, so that InSim program read that info, and show to final user his language, or any default one..
S3 licensed
Updating all 4 servers to 0.6 B9

Btw, I dont know if its already reported..

On dedi host, if you press the X for windows close, and keep it pushed for a while ( 10-15 seconds ), then release the button in non X button, LFS say: HOST -> Timer bounded.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :About the incompatible update, the main thing about it is an improved multiplayer system that will make the host more responsive and reliable.

Physics and all replays are still compatible
Game only needs host packets to continue processing
Quicker joining to host - no waiting for other players
No waiting for packets from players with slow connections
Much longer timeouts - lower probability of disconnection

Also fixes for various bugs and security issues that have been reported.

Great news