The online racing simulator
InsimDotNet? {NOT SOLVED}
Hi, Anyone have an InsimDotNet Insim that works I can use as a template for my insim? New to, I know shit all about it and I only know how to code LFS_External. All help would be appreciated
I cant give you a template, but I can give you some code you can start with..

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using InSimDotNet;
using InSimDotNet.Packets;

class Program

using (InSim insim = new InSim())

//here you register packets do you want to use, like ISM

// Initialize InSim.
insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings
Host = //host ip here,
Port = //port insim here,
Admin = //admin password here,
//UdpPort = 30000, // Specify UDP port
Interval = 750, // Update interval (milliseconds)
Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_CON, // Enable MCI updates
Prefix = '!',
IName = //some insim name here

if (opt != "")
opt = Console.ReadLine();
} while (opt != "x");

//ISM function handler..
static void InSimMulti(InSim insim, IS_ISM ism)
Console.WriteLine("Server:" + InSimDotNet.Helpers.StringHelper.StripColors(ism.HName));
// Whenever we connect to a host request the player and connection lists.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL });
// Request for STA info packet to be sent.
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 1 });
insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 1 });
catch (Exception e)
_log.Error("Exception: In InSimMulti: ", e);

I'm sorry, but if you know everything about LFS_External, how come you can't even get the Insim.Net to connect to LFS? There are also documentations on the Insim.Net repo: