Oke testers there is a forum now on the Porsche site with all excistings issues. Even fixes etcetra. Looks promising. Give as many feedback as you can. Lets get this wheel better and better
@ Pio : That happend to me also in the beginning. But when I set the rotation degree in rfactor from 17 to max it didnt happen anymore. I do agree I have more spinouts, but I cant say its a failure of the wheel or me not used to the wheel yet.
All power plugs on the wheels spark. Mine aswell. Looks like your is failing apart. Didnt you loose 3 screws ???. I think by the sound it makes it lookes something is oose. Did you open the wheel yet ?. I think 1 of the fans is loose.
Its so hard to understand this is a beta test. Why do people have to give sarcasm. Nobody expext to get a wheel wich runs perfectly during a beta test. For that matter every hardware needs some testing and getting ride of flaws or mailfunctions. So mature these kinda answers .
Same here. But it isnt every time. Cant figure out when its happening or not. Just replug the power seems to help.
The self centerin issue is resolved for me. I used the Vista 32 betadrivers for XP and it works. I have some fun nights on rFactor. I have changed the FFB to negative and it doesnt keep self centering. The belt drive is quite and when FFB set to high it just rips outta you hand.
However setting the FFb so high will start the vens inside. And there loud . Even with headset on I could here the noise of the vens. I will take the cover off and see if there is anything in the ball bearing. Maybe I give it drop of some oil specially made for vans. Man that noise isnt normal. It would drive me insane.
Also started testing the H shifter. When testing it outside of a game it feels a bit raw. Like you need a lot of pressure getting through the gears. However during gameplay the gears shift so nice and right into place. Its just me who must get used to this kinda gameplay. Its a whole new dimension for me using a H shifter during racing. Its awesome, I like it very much. But is really hard to get ride of your old driving style.
The wheel starts coming together here. Still playing with the settings. I wanna see what its capable off. ANd still in test period. ANy news on the testers over the pond to america and canada ?. There is 1 arrived but how many testers are there ??
The extension cable doesnt have a negative effect. I use the extension cable from the day I got the wheel. Indeed due to the shape it doesnt fit on a mobo supplied USB port. I havent got any issues of the dongle. Works without any interruption.
Nice Vid. I wonder how you set the wheel up in rFactor. For some reason I cant get it right in rFactor. The wheel doesnt center very well. In center it feels like it wanna go left or right. When holding it in center on the straight it gives resistance.
Embarrased ??? About a wheel ???.
Why in earth should I be embarrased about the Porsche Wheel. I feel its a honour to be a tester and trying out the wheel. Sorry I dont quite follow you on this 1.
Isamu I apprecied your effort for making your own wheel. Using a Frex. But you cant compare a frex with a G25 or the porsche wheel. That comparing a ferrari with a trabant. That not be perspective. You need to look at the target and the target of the G25 or Porsche wheel isnt getting Frex owners buying there wheel.
Sure the quality of the frex is way better then both wheels. And it should be considering the costs. I would love to see your setup up and working as I a m interested in the end result but dont compare that with the G25 or Porsche Wheel.
The good thing about those pots you can replace them atleast when 1 is broke. At least it are the metal ones instead of those jurky plastic pots. They break easily and can go outside there range. I never seen a metal one go outside its own range. But time will tell, like Teedot said.
When I had my server up I tried several settings on the PPs. The lower indeed meant less stress on the server but you could actually see people warp from time to time. When setted higher there wasnt any warping anymore. However with a higher PPS it means more bandwitdh needed. I always set it to 6 to avoid unnecesarry warping or lagging. But it means on some host you need to take down the amount of drivers who can drive online.
I just took a look at the iinside pictures. Those belts wont wear out. I use the same belts for washmachines. Those last at least 10 years. Its the samew manufactor. They will last. Very solid
I have had the same thing on the LED display. Went away out itself. I will tommorow have a look at the foam to see if its gives the breaks more travel distance. I think a little more travel distance would help the breaks. But you dont wanna remove too much to take away the pressure feeling in the break pedal.
Have testing again without the drivers. Without the drivers it seems to work sorta. What I have noticed now is that the gearbox keeps stuck in second gear. Regarding the wheel I dont think that much improvment needed. We wait for the new drivers and see what comes out of it.
yeah something similar. It wont hold the 0 position. Just got a email from Thomas. Tommorow new drivers. So we wait and see.
@luke S. Do you have the wheel ??. If not, why telling its crap. Like every new piece of hardware there is some issues. You know that so wait with remarks until the reviews coming out.
First I couldnt install any driver. I have 3 versions. But the latest is installed now but now I cant get wheel calibrated. It keeps jumping back to his original standing before calibrating. So when starting LFS and want to drive the car is turning inmeddiatly.
I have got the new drivers aswell. Finally its working now, but it isnt centering anymore. I cant get it right. It keeps popping back to its original spot. Also the USB-HID doesnt seems to be installing anymore. Windows gives a failure on installing the USB-HID. Any suggestions fellow testers ???