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Quote from jayhawk :Pretty funny, but he sounds like a cross between Jackie Mason and Christopher Walken.

Agreed, my buddy sent the link to me, then when I brought it up to him, we both thought it sounded more like Christopher Walken.
The Hardest Mario Level Ever As Played By Mel Brooks
S2 licensed ... -as-played-by-mel-brooks/

Very funny, not safe for work, very bad language but I think with the language, it makes the video 10x better.
S2 licensed
I'd love to join but I would have to drive independant...let me know
S2 licensed
I totally agree, don't get me wrong, you bring up a strong point, teams shouldn't just let walk-on's onto the team, but that's where I say "ya live and ya learn", I have always been against that type of strategy and I guess maybe it could work sometimes, but in the long wrong, your correct, recruiting that way isn't very successful, but that's what a team needs to learn...
S2 licensed
Hey man,

Take a close look to the servers that pop up on the screen when you open up LFS, join some team servers when their populated, see how you like the people, don't jump on the first team you see, until then, what racing interests do you have within LFS? Drift? Rally? GP? Favorite car?
S2 licensed
Quote from Rooble :I wouldn't say everyone posts abuse and negative comments, but after so many 'teams' posting here and joining another 'team' people just get sick of it.

More then half the teams that pop-up only exist to carry a tag, its like its some sort of fashion statement and only lasts a few days. No one has a problem with someone who really sets out to make a team and really sticks to it, take for example a guy named shaun he started a team called Team Zoom.
This fella has stuck with this same team since he announced it to the LFS world even though I'm sorry to say he doesn't have the members he really deserves.

Then you get some off beat demo racer who decides to create his new drift clan, only to join another team the following day because he didn't have 50 members in the first 10 minutes. So some comments may come across as harsh or abusive but if you've seen it 100 times then there's a good chance it will happen again, and we all know respect is earned not dished out with a proleet clan/team tag.

A lot of people carry a tag to show unity, to show organization, to show a sense of an established group of individuals, and that catches the eyes to players who wish to join a team. My message to those irritated about the players creating teams...don't check the team forums, simple as that, don't put yourself in a position where your only going to get frustrated, it's not worth it. I could join or even make a team of a solid six guys, that just like to race, just like to have the tags on, to like being within a team, and not race competively in a league but still gain that sense of friendship within the team, that's a successful team IMO, it's not about having the biggest team, hell, I could have four guys that could easily be out-numbered by the general public in a server, yet we all have a good time what were doing, and of course, advertising a team that only has four members may look in some eyes "pointless" or a "lost cause", but to them, it's a chance to make new friends, and all the posts that are made with a negative fashion towards these guys is basically saying, hey, you can't make friends here, find a group of people that you may/may not like and try and form a connection / friendship with them.
S2 licensed
I see what your saying Banshee and I agree completely, maybe kinder messages towards the team leaders like "Maybe you should work on getting more members that are interested in joining before you actually create the site", it's obvious the attitudes of some individuals are getting in the way to a kinder and friendlier community.

Great post mr_x, glad we think alike so much , and yeah, my BHD era ended about 2006, our timezones probably never matched up but who knows, maybe we ran into eachother lol, not sure if you are familiar with big name squads in the U.S., but I'd say the most popular team I joined was GNS (Genome Soldiers).
S2 licensed - I pay I think 12 dollars US for a site, voice communications, and a 11 slot server...
S2 licensed
Bringing a team of 7 or 8 guys into S2 was not easy, I had a total of 2 members who had already owned S2, and I was getting it the next day, one member was leaving come summer and that left me and the other member...with time restraints...I'd rather just race on the time that I can race, not a set time, of course, I'm looking for teams who specialize in Rallycross but not sure if I'll jump into the team scene quite yet...Not to mention at the time I had a girlfriend which restricts gaming time to a near 20 she's outta the picture and I'm back playing when I can
Necessary abuse?
S2 licensed
This isn't a flame, or an attack, just read it if you wish and maybe you'll think twice next time you post...

So the question at it really necessary to reply to any/every team recruiting thread with "why bother make a new team, just join one?". Having a first person shooter background, I feel like making a team can be the best move made by someone. It not only gives someone the oppurtunity to take on a new role but it also gives players a responsibility, one of which to maintain a team, learn the game better, learn characteristic skills that maybe the outside world doesn't teach...

When I first made a "squad" while playing Black Hawk Down, back in, let's say early in 2004, we were a low key team. In time, people admired our skill, our compassion, and our friendliness to anyone who joined a server we were in. Everyone would hope on voice comms and when we weren't playing, we were just talking, talking about everyday life, talking to complete strangers that shared the same passion towards the game. I met a lot of great people in that time, most of which I still talk to, to this day. We were a successful team, we put many wins under a belt, but we had our setbacks, we didn't always win but we depended on one another to pull together and fix what we were doing wrong, and that's important in competitive gaming. It's a great chance for not only the younger generation but also the older, adult era to really get out there and feel like they have made something. Of course, not all teams can be successful and sure, many teams do fall short of becoming anything well-known, but you live and you learn.

Again, I didn't post this thread to start a debate but LFS has a pretty broad population, and within the population are different genres of racing. You have your regular straight up racing, drifters, rallyers, and on top of that, car classes. Finding someone who shares the same interest in cars and racing with you is a great feeling and it's natural to want to expand by finding more people who share the same values.

I guess the message I'm trying to get out there is let people do what they want to do, regardless if you think failure is right down the road for them, how do you think top name teams have gotten out there and made a name for themselves? I'm sure when they came up with the idea to make a team, many people shot them down and said the same thing some still say today....Regardless, it's an oppurtunity for someone to broaden their role in LFS, whether it's being a leader, learning how to treat individuals, or being a driver who must obey the leader, and listen, and learn, and progress with their experience and skills, whatever it is, it's a chance for the LFS population to grow and expand and all in all, it's a chance for an individual to gain not just racing skill but personality skills.
S2 licensed
I'll help if the pay is good.

But seriously, I'm not in a team but I'll help it if you need me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mykl :Something I noticed last night on the STCC server I was playing on... if you want to clear it out, load a rallycross map. Everybody leaves.

Come on, last night was a blast man
S2 licensed
Socks and SHORTS, I've played with jeans on and my jeans aren't floods and the interfere with the whole foot to pedal contact and I've learned stick to shorts and socks, FTW.
S2 licensed
Don't piss people

The main idea here is not letting them get into your heads, I've been a FPS gamer before I came about LFS and honestly, if they see it doesn't bother you, it will stop. I'm sure the people who know you will be able to pick out the impersonators and ban them or what-not, just don't let it get to you, as hard as that is, stick it out and let the public know what's going on. (Warn on your site what's going on), I'm sure if someone has a problem with your attitude they will go to your site and tell you how they feel, then you explain.
S2 licensed
I like the idea, different kind of racing, and I like XCNuse's idea with a skinpack, let me know when this is going down!
S2 licensed
I was just lookin' for it, couldn't find it though, I'll keep trying
S2 licensed
I think it's about time to get back on track with the topic at hand...
S2 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :That's a pretty shitty, ignorant statement to make. If you care more about the Americans from V.T. than you do for the Iraqis, because you feel a closer connection, that's one thing. But to say that someone will never amount to anything because of where they were born...

It sounds to me like you need to walk a mile in their shoes.

Maybe I wasn't specific enough but yeah, their is a clear connection between I and the students at VT but maybe be reasoning with the Iraq civilians wasn't explained enough. Yeah, I wish this war never happened, of course, I don't think anyone wishes death upon another individual for no reason, but when you compare the civilians in Iraq to the students in VT, that's crossing the line. Yeah, both are innocent, and yet, there is a WAR in Iraq, regardless if the government plotted 9/11, which isn't a surprise that that was brought up, anyways, I, as a United States citizen can't change how the government is ran, and you guys seem to put down all Americans for what Bush has done, and how he has responded, and it's unfair. Understandably so, I understand your opinions towards my comments, and maybe I didn't explain myself clear enough but sometimes you have to look past the government aspect of things.

I may have came off wrong but my intentions were to emphasize that although there IS a war going on in Iraq, the issue at hand is the VT situation, and I don't feel it's wrong to say I symphathize more for the VT students than the Iraqi civilians, and I appreciate Cue Balls statement about feeling a closer connection, of course I do, I'm also a college student and the thought goes through my head now everyday I walk into school, what I meant by the amounting to nothing deal was the fact that these kids really did have something going for them and it's sad to see them lose their lives over this. But when it comes down to it, Iraq has a bunch of fools with bombs strapped to themselves detonating every direction possible, so is it fair to stereo-type the country of Iraq and say there ALL suicide bombers out to kill whatever is in there path?

As for Hankstar, I appreciate the history you provided, I truly do, and I can understand where your coming from, but you must realize I came off on here wrong, and I'm sorry...

As for March Here, by saying "How do you know that the next nobel prize winner-to-be wasn't among the dead in Iraq. That would be much more probable than him/her being among the lot in Virginia.

I can't really feel sorry for the americans killed in either Iraq or Viirginia. But I am saddened by the deaths of the civilians in Iraq and possible exchange students in Virginia. That is the way I feel and if it offends you Americans then (maybe you should look in the mirror and wonder why) you can just sod off." is just sick, we have troops out there risking their lives, and in Virginia, by you saying you don't feel sorry is disgusting...
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Love the way people read posts, my question was this -

Why is it fine to murder non american citizens but really bad to murder americans ?

And my point is this -

Surely all human life is sacred and must be valued equally.

Where is the compassion in this statement for the 100,000 thousand Iraqis who have been killed since the US invaded.

"look at it this way, no one likes it and there's nothing we can do now, so now, we fight the war and get done with it,"

Guess they can't be US citizens or someone would care...........

Definition of murder = The crime of homicide committed either intentionally or with wicked disregard for the consequences.

And the start to a flame war...

Honestly, look at it this way, what citizens had a higher chance of revolutionizing the world? The students who were going to a university, one of which, who was a black man, who had a triple major, or the Iraqi civilians? I'm not saying it's okay for the troops to be blasting off innocent citizens in Iraq but obviously they have posed a threat towards the forces, which may be 9/11, which may be something that us, as citizens, are unable to know, whatever, my main point here is the fact that yes, I care more about American citizens than I do of those in Iraq, you won't be seeing people from Iraq becoming something in 20 years...

As for the killer, yeah, he was a little out there, he had received therapy or what not but you must realize this kid is in college, yeah, his room mates made attempts to get him checked out, but college is a chance for kids to become independent, to make friends, remain steadily academic, it's the transformation from a teenager to an adult, so can you blame anyone for not putting forth more effort in saving this kid before he made the mistake he did? No, and what shocked me but really moved me was as I was watching CNN late last night, a victim who had been shot was interviewed and he said he forgave him, he had forgiven him for what he had done because he must have had some pretty bad things going on in his life to cause him to do such a thing, and that really hit me hard.
S2 licensed
Love how everything turns into "Well you shouldn't be in Iraq", look at it this way, no one likes it and there's nothing we can do now, so now, we fight the war and get done with it, an issue like this doesn't reflect on the events of 9/11 and the war in Iraq...
S2 licensed
It's the fact that he risked his life to allow his students to escape, which in my mind is the act of a hero.
S2 licensed
With 400 bucks, I can easily talk to a class mate in college and have a gun within a week, or less, it's not hard to obtain an illegal gun...

In my opinion, the intial attack towards the two individuals can not be controlled by the U.S. government, it's an ongoing problem, mix rage and weapons and it spells disaster, but the extra 30 or whatever number of individuals who lost their lives the two hours AFTER the intial shooting should have been stopped by the university, whether it is an email, horn that blows throughout the campus, or even an announcement made on speakers that are spread among the campus, whatever it takes for students to get word of such an event and then having the ability to go into lockdown to prevent any other deaths should have been taken. And it's sad to say, but universities and schools across the country and world should take this as a wake up call that such preparations must be made in case an event like this is to occur.
S2 licensed
leaving a 3 man team to make a 2 man team lol im sorry, just seems humorous, good luck and hope everything works out!
S2 licensed
Thanks a lot man, I actually skimmed through that page too lol, this is what happens when you don't sleep enough, thanks again!
Class of cars?
S2 licensed
Quick question, moved into S2 recently, thinking about making divisions for the team regarding what class of vehicles you prefer to drive, but I'm not sure on the technical terms, I know the touring cars and what-not but can anyone give me the specific terms of all the cars for S2, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys