I've played guitar for 35+ years. Along the way, picked up bass, banjo, mandolin, and I annoy my dogs with the fiddle from time to time.
I've done solo gigs, acoustic duets and trios, all the way up to hard/progressive rock original-only bands...had a great time mostly, but never got that "break" that one needs to soar. A lot of bands ended up busting up because of ego issues, or substance abuse (which I don't tolerate)
Met some cool peeps in all those years, including Pat Travers (he had a small studio next to a place I worked at a few years ago; used to hang out back with him and smoke cigarettes and bs about music, girls, cars, etc.), Steve Miller (worked with his cousin in Dallas), as well as some folks who are still trying to break in to the main stream, but were amazing musicians.
I still have it in the back of my mind that I'll get another shot one day. I still write music, and play every day. I don't play covers too much anymore, other than learning the odd eclectic piece here and there.