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S2 licensed
I've played guitar for 35+ years. Along the way, picked up bass, banjo, mandolin, and I annoy my dogs with the fiddle from time to time.

I've done solo gigs, acoustic duets and trios, all the way up to hard/progressive rock original-only bands...had a great time mostly, but never got that "break" that one needs to soar. A lot of bands ended up busting up because of ego issues, or substance abuse (which I don't tolerate)

Met some cool peeps in all those years, including Pat Travers (he had a small studio next to a place I worked at a few years ago; used to hang out back with him and smoke cigarettes and bs about music, girls, cars, etc.), Steve Miller (worked with his cousin in Dallas), as well as some folks who are still trying to break in to the main stream, but were amazing musicians.

I still have it in the back of my mind that I'll get another shot one day. I still write music, and play every day. I don't play covers too much anymore, other than learning the odd eclectic piece here and there.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Your posts were completely out of line and now you're pulling the martyr cape on because you got your ass handed back to you...

Bans are good.

So is a little bleach for the gene pool.

Quote from Bontemps :nice post. Your mum must be proud.

I rest my case.
S2 licensed
No ♪♪♫♪ for NQ, tyvm
S2 licensed
George's thread title is certainly more descriptive...

If he had searched thread titles for something related, why would he think that "Aye up" would be about the same story?
Brad Delp - June 12, 1951 to March 9, 2007
S2 licensed

What a sad day. Brad's voice was as integral a part of Boston's sound as Scholz's and Goudreau's guitar work.

Rest in Peace, Brad
S2 licensed
Quote from Breizh :A little bird told me we're finally getting bikes...

*NoQuarter snickers*
S2 licensed
Very cool vid, Highsider9.
S2 licensed
Erik Mongraine

Just bought his album Fate this afternoon. Great stuff.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I think it's because most LFS drivers are a bunch of big girls blouses and simply cant handle a real man's car.

S2 licensed
It (first post) has been edited...disegard previous mssg.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mauni :Teams-section is more exciting than The Bold and Beautiful :munching_

Indeed...Drama Queens and Posers.

Pass the popcorn, please :ernaehrun
S2 licensed
...and humble
S2 licensed
Yeah, Bob, there is, for both LOTF and [gtx]. Marsh is aware of the problem, but can only enter me on LOTF, which he already has. As I wrote earlier, I do show up on the Team listing for LOTF and [gtx]. The problem is, my personal profile only shows me as being on [gtx]. I'd go ahead and request a drop from [gtx], as they don't really race in any leagues as a team, just Sunday get togethers on a private server. The Team Admin is ca6, who is from Sweden, and it's hit or miss to when he is online to check PMs or emails.

I guess I mistitled the thread...should have been "LFSW Profile Team Listing issue"

'Tis not that big a deal. I can wait until ca6 shows up and request he remove me from [gtx]. Wont effect my ability to race with my old mates...

LFSW Profile Team listing issue [multiple team membership issue]
S2 licensed
Not sure where to put this, so if it's in the wrong forum, please move to correct location.

I'm a member of two teams, LOTF and [gtx]. I do all my public racing as a LOTF driver, but I get together fro some private hosted races with my mates at Team [gtx]...

In the Team Listings, I'm shown on both teams, but in my personal Driver's Profile, it only shows [gtx] as my team.

Is there a workaround for this, other than to be dropped by [gtx]? I want my Driver's Profile to indicate that I am primarily a driver for LOTF.

S2 licensed
The hottest, the baddest ever and ever to be...

This thread can now be closed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Hehe, haven't seen that in a while

I suppose this pic belongs in here as well ...

Oh jeeze...Thanks Bean0. I now have coffee all over my keyboard :uglyhamme
S2 licensed
Hehe...looking for a way to avoid the carnage form this last weekend, eh Breizh? :icon23:
S2 licensed
Land of the Free is a racing team, and part of the League of the Americas, along with CHOPS Racing Canada and CoRe Racing. There are a couple of other affiliate teams, but they seem to be inactive.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Yeah, we should all add Jakq to our ignore lists.

Psst...Tachy Goes To Coventry
S2 licensed
The BF1 is not for everyone, just as Formula 1 is not for every driver. As the supposed pinnacle of motorsports technology, F1 cars are tricky to drive. I am of the opinion that most of the F1 drivers today (please note I did say most) are among some of the finest drivers in the world, and for good reason.

I tried earlier today to look for a quote I heard a while back...I think it was Jeff Gordan's crew chief to Jeff Gordan when he had a test drive in an F1 car some time ago. I have to paraphrase (if you know who did say this, and the exact quote, please let us know):

A drive in the worst Formula 1 car is better than a drive in any other race car.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :As an Industrial Designer in training; I deal with form and function on a constant basis. Personally, I like it when the function is so exact that it determines much of the form. It makes designing the form to be aesthetically pleasing a much more difficult conquest; often with much more interesting results that something done the other way around. I think that is the major problem in the auto industry these days; everyone seems to design the bodywork and then try to fit everything inside it. Engineering should be done at the same time as the design work; it should all work together, not appose one another.

As a technician who has been involved in prototype engineering over many years (albeit, not in the auto industry) I personally find function determining form to be aesthetically pleasing. This is just my taste though, and I have no consideration for marketing appeal or the taste of those outside of engineering or industrial design.

This being said, I personally find the DP1 to be a beautiful car.

OT Sidenote: MAGGOT, what specific field of ID are you in?
S2 licensed
Glad the driver is ok...scary looking.

On a lighter note: That'll buff right out.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :End of rice discussion

Lima Oscar Lima That's hilarious :thumb3d: (Gotta love Urban Dictionary)

It gets tiresome to read all the acrimony between drifters, racers, tuners, Licenced, Demos, et al.

This sub-forum is a Suggestion forum, where ideas/requests can be presented by the members, discussed, and considered by the Devs (or not). Why some of these threads turn into panty twist, sandy kitty flame-wars says a lot about some people...