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S3 licensed
"lol" is one i always get. Another is "are you admin? if you are sry, if ur not f**k u"
S3 licensed
maybe the track has an erection? [Now to be serious] Maybe its an object on layout or something, I know the stick thing that measures distance is like that, but TBH, I really dunno what to tell you.
S3 licensed
I had the same problem and talked to my friend zipppy and yea, it was sampling rate. my songs sounded like alvin and the chip munks 0_o
S3 licensed
Not really, never heard of it, I don't even use ffb on my momo, I like to turn the wheel faster
S3 licensed
tiger direct, it once hit 170 USD but i believe that was without the warrenty etc. Plus I went to the warehouse thats an hour out of my city, but i wasn't willing to spend 170, so I bought my MOMO for 70 :P
S3 licensed
There are some places on some tracks where you can't alter the layout causing a JOOS error. Around the hairpin at aston for instance, you can't add any objects or something there or else there will be an error online, but offline there is no problem.
Last edited by NoYPiDRiFTER, .
S3 licensed
That was weird. I also thought the crashed UF1, not the one driving away, weird, thought it was at a distance.
S3 licensed
LOL, I go to mather high school :P u stupid mather ****er :P
S3 licensed
Sure lineR32 but it would be better for sure it will slide :P neway its not drifting its ass dragging.
S3 licensed
I had that problem for some reason, tried to type in my modem's IP and it worked
S3 licensed
He prolly want S1G for the LX8 if he can unlock to use it, I believe it was in that version... But this is going the wrong way, flaming every demo user but the demo user should not have called the s2 user a noob....?
S3 licensed
Quote from Laari :Hi,

If this post is in wrong place, delete it, or move it in a correct place...

For a start, some time ago, i was a FILTHY cracker, but I bought the licence, because it just was kind of STUPID to play this awesome game and not be paying for it.

And the main reason for this post....
I think that the basic sounds of the cars are quite "lame"... They just don´t give that "racing" feeling....
So, I just wanted to share my "tweaks" and presets, (thought they are for the old version V, remember, I was a bad boy cracker)

So here is the thing; i have tweaked setups and made some presets which i like, and I thought that some one might be interested about them.

here are the links:

XR GT TURBO, (tweaked audi-s1 - 2700cc turbo inline-5)

XR GT TURBO (tweaked dodge charger - 8650cc dodge charger V8)

BMW SAUBER F1.06 (tweaked sounds only)

Sounds are "tweaked" with in the game control panel, i don´t know what it´s called ( know )

I can post the presets here, if some one wants, just ask...
ps. Sorry for my bad? english

ps. ps. Please, make a similar tweaker for the new version Z

Dodge Charger HEMI Stock has 5700cc I dunno where you get a 8.7 cuz a charger don't sound that loud....? Because my mommy has a durango with the same engine. [Most dodges sound the same] The sound of Charger would be similar to a Ford Crown VIC
S3 licensed
Quote from GlobB3n :Hope u take a look at see what kinda of a problem this is.....

Skin Stealers and fake tag users are :


These are Now Wanted banned or Remove from all Known WWD Servers.

To see the proper WWD crew go to our WEBSITE in a few days website is under update.....

That explains it. I know those guys, there total arses, and they do steal stuff. I used to code an insim for them for cruise, and he expected so much. Wanted everything like this one server. I decided not to make it.
S3 licensed
Quote from speedemon57 :Sorry didn't see your post. And I don't want S1G because of being able to drive the XRT (I would have got S2X instead, since the FBM came in S2Y).

Read... it helps xDD
S3 licensed
When you flip the car, you prolly could spin the tires, but the speed should be at 0 when its not touching the ground....
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :ohh not again please...

If you dont wanna read, then when there is 720 in the name dont go to it.... but its unnecessary to do that. Just dont talk if you dont wanna read it. then DONT READ IT
S3 licensed
oh... Ill make myself better pics for more of my favorite skins... and post them later
S3 licensed
Quote from ___ :I dont want to take up much room but heres my favorite skin.
I have a favorite FZ50 skin that iv seen but i dont know if i can post a picture of it.

lol no username.... how is that
S3 licensed
Quote from slugz :I've driven a go cart :P

if you're saying stick with NFS, NFS is effortless handling comapred to grid or LFS.

I haven't tried online yet, I heard you people can apply rules, like no bumping? that's worth a try.

So 540 degrees is what you recommend?

And i'm 24.

There's a new NFS coming out anyways, but LFS was free. what degrees do you recommend for steering? in grid, most say keep it around 200.

I laughed when I saw you are a demo racer that hasn't even played online. You are very funny.
S3 licensed
search button ftw, ther is alrdy 213893749832472398473289 threads about this
S3 licensed
-1 i expected the wrong idea when i saw the title, i thought a guy at the enter handing out lollipops
S3 licensed
Quote from RacerAsh3 :To be hounest people, theres nothing which can be done now. Saying "Devs sort this out now" isnt going to get anywhere. I know for a fact the devs are working on this problem, and they are putting alot of bloody good effort into getting these people.

For the mean time, just sit tight

EDIT: @ Noypoi, the situation last year had nothing to do with any hackers. It was just general hardware failure.

My name is spelled wrong, I am sure you know I'm kenny, By how many times you had to type my name for admins reasons, and Scawen I believe is taking care of it, hes asked for a mpr, and pipa handed him one, hes checking for packets.
S3 licensed
I think racers are happy our cruise servers are going down, I think 720 is putting servers down for precautionary reasons, But They hit TC, when its Savy and Nipper at TC, they don't ban people etc, there nice to us, gave me 1000000 euros. Only precautionary thing to do is to take off insim atleast, so if servers have a hardware failure due to hacking, insim will be there. These guys attacked TC exactly this month last year. Servers were dead for a week due to hardware failure, possibly caused by hacking.
S3 licensed
I don't know what the devs can do about this, but TC is their next target, they are banning peoples, but TC is trying to get them to play by the rules and all that, they gave me 1,000,000 insim pounds lol. I haven't seen any bans, I see there nice people, but have no lifes, and bothering TC, but TC is getting them to be nice... LC was prolly being arses about the hackers and hackers were prolly like, ok your dead, CYA! I think it was the same time last year that TC went down for hardware failure, and I think there to blame, they attack at one time every year.
Last edited by NoYPiDRiFTER, .
S3 licensed
It is, if you look at blackwood, there are buildings in the distant, just that its confusing here because he apparently has no DDS folder, that happened to me when I was a demo guy too.