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S3 licensed
lol ryder, meron ka bang S2?
S3 licensed
Haha nice... RM read this then will ya, get your own facts straight...

Quote :
Mogey, you are getting very, VERY annoying. Being 10 is not a reason for you to act like a brainless skitzophrenic child. Stop making 9418434375765464 threads about Team 720 and stop posting stupid messages just to quote yourself. I'm seriously thinking of having an ignore list right now and you are well on your way to be the first one in it.

OWNED. Read what you write about next time...
S3 licensed
Really guys, If you have nothing better to say, don't say anything. Just dont flame mogey for it. You guys are making pointless spam, and RM, this is a team discussion, not how much you hate someone, if you really want to ignore them THEN DO IT NO ONE IS STOPPING YOU. No need to do some spam. Mean while, We WILL be having a mass recruiting session tomorrow as soon as we can get on. So drop in as long as I or mogey is there. And then possibly you will be recruited, if you don't want to be recruited then don't come.

P.S. I believe 720 has only one thread that has people chatting in it atm. So STOP OVER EXAGERATING!
S3 licensed
i feel a bit rumble when I run over speed bumps but i dont use ffb mostly cuz its hard to setup to my needs.
S3 licensed
Turn AA/AF on and get a better skin, I used to be a cop for NC but I couldnt use my own skins so i scapped it
S3 licensed
I had the same problem, Open your profiler and go to settings for FFB and uncheck "Report Pedals as combined" And That should help. I can post a pic if you like!
Momo problem
S3 licensed
When I use my momo after about 20-30 mins, the wheel ingame starts shaking causing the car to swerve so I hold it offcenter. I wonder if its a driver problem? I didn't update my drivers, I am using the one that came with the box. I have no warrenty either, If i did I would have voided cuz I opened the wheel like 3 times already for shifter problems. But thats not what this thread is about. I need help I think I may need to update some drivers, please tell me whats up with it.
S3 licensed
I smell, crack. I should search lfsw....
S3 licensed
I would want a car of mine [if i had 1] to turn into a lfs simulator thing or cockpit or what ever so i can play lfs in it :P
S3 licensed
I got another one, You know you've played too much LFS when you post on LFS forum every time your Car is messed up.
S3 licensed
You know you've played too much LFS when you call a Demo guy asking for something a cracker when he is just a hobo

[I kno its not funny but im bored]
S3 licensed
Thanks guys, when I get a chance I'll go get 1.
S3 licensed
I have XP Home SP2, with VTP 8.0.1 So I can put more memory on my pc and it will work better? Because I have 1.9 GhZ processor too.

EDIT: I just figured out that The memory is DDR SDRAM PC3200U
Last edited by NoYPiDRiFTER, .
S3 licensed
Ok I got a question for you guys, Can I add more memory to my computer to possibly make it faster? I have a Emachines T3090 that is approximately 5 years old. I am thinking of adding more memory to it is it possible? It has 512 right now. I am thinking of putting atleast 512 or so more. Is that possible or should I stick with 512?

Picture below attached is the system properties
S3 licensed
Try downloading a fresh lfs, But I think it may be, your GFX isn't supported in lfs? If that is possible, or it can be that its just overheating, but if its working on other games and 3d stuff, it can be on the LFS side, so as i said try to get a fresh lfs.
S3 licensed
Quote from lordfat :how to i configure the ingame wheel to turn as my FFEX does, as in both turning at the same angle?

That is impossible, if you don't want confusion, go to options and take out the wheel and driver all together so all you see is the tachometer and speedometer and what ever else. Or, it depends on how much the limit of the "FFEX" wheel can turn...? But other than that, I don't think its possible.
S3 licensed
Mogey, from what the 360 kids told me, 720 was demo before and they imitated 360 until 360 moved to S2. I had to convince them that we restarted and now freebird is flaming me for joining "a noob team"

ill tell u more about it later.
S3 licensed
I keep my lfs on a USB stick/flashdrive. Only thing is, I have to keep low on the skins, skins on my computer in skins_X reached almost 3 gigs already.
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :WTF? Jesus... how is unrealistic to have a digital speedo? I use analog cause it looks cooler, but why would you care if someone uses digital? You can probably install it in your real car for 20 bucks, so wtf?

We have the same thoughts right now. I am thinking about these other childish guys, and I wonder why they care what other people use. I can see if it was crack or something, but some people need help to see speeds especially in pitlane. I think its just most people have no life so they care about other people's.
S3 licensed
thanks for thinking with me pare! :P
S3 licensed
Ok.... Wow! You guys don't appreciate. He took the time to make it and you guys come and flame him for "unrealism" By the way, Sure its a hack but it don't change the performance of the car. Only changes the display of the speed. And, Most new cars [Mostly hondas] have digital Speedometers and some even have digital RPM meters. So before you flame about "unrealism" look at the Honda Civic Si. No one appreciates the time put into to make this program and its a nice program although I won't use it as its a big distraction. I will use it for car testing purposes though. Thats for this program, gru.


EDIT: I would love to see you guys flaming him do better and make a "realistic" program.
S3 licensed
Bose, I know im right! Now, mogey plz tell me what your talking about as you spammed that to me yesterday as well. I can say it again, when you recruited me and rockstar, you gave me leader and rockstar co-leader, and you havent warned me of any change.

Btw, Our servers are down temporarily, we tried to update them with "LFS Test patch Y22" and it failed. We will try to get it back up ASAP And we predict, before the start of next week.
S3 licensed
You told me when i joined im the leader and ur the founder. i might even have that replay.

EDIT: and, it seems 720 has a bad rep for supposedly copying 360 back in demo times, thats y i said we restarted. plus we got new members, new site, forum, and new servers. Isnt that considered restarting...?

EDIT #2: Ur signature is misleading then.
Quote :New site, New stuff, New members, New team
The brand new [720]. Its really all you need.
New and updated site

S3 licensed
Long story, I can't drive out to Frys any more lol. If I could go there or Tiger Direct I would just get a G25 or something. Well, I dunno. I am clueless.