Yikes! Recieved by PM:-
''Who do you think you are huh?...all these stupid remarks here and there being thrown at me?, and i know you think its funny...your a little noob to all this LFS....i've been playing since 2004....and i tought myself...i didn't get tought by some other guy, and im still twice as good. So no more Mr. Nice Guy for you anymore...thats it, if you wanted to race me now, you would have, fairly and squarly, so im saying, bring it, show me what you got, noob
So an other stupid remark from you, and i'll be reporting it to the moderators, as abuse...and as for DieKolkRabe, he is my friend...so he can say what he wants to me, so....you better fix your act up...origaymeboy
Now, Harjun, seriously. None of this is a personal attack on you, its all a bit of jest, the same as has been posted by several members of the forum.
Now, I understand why you have singled me out instead of the many others. I mean, why have an argument with one of the veteran posters around here when you can have a go at the resident noobie?
I don't imagine you are sending angry PM's to the likes of Jakg or Tristan, are you?
Also, I don't know what being shown round AS Cadet by Franke has to do with anything.
I'm not here to start a vendetta, I'm here to learn how to race, so lets stop any feud right now before it gets out of hand, ok?
For what is worth, I apologise.
PS:- Of COURSE I want to race you! LFS is a racing sim, right?