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S2 licensed
I don't know what frustrates me more, the fact that the UK has somehow skipped a season, or the fact that I am now more aware that the sun is more than just a mythical object in some countries..
S2 licensed
''Eddie found Bernie Ecclestone far more attractive after that crate of Stella''

''And its Eddie Jordan making a pass on the inside..!''

''Jordan are pleased after adding more front end to their latest model''

''When the model was told she was working with Jordan, this wasn't what she had in mind...''
Last edited by Origamiboy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'd go for "none" too. Intel are the chips to have at the moment, and I wouldn't want Vista.

Good point that I overlooked. I still have my PC set up as a dual boot, gaming on XP and dvd's/browsing etc in Vista. I think I'll need to wait at least until Vista SP 1 before I can get rid of XP completely.
S2 licensed
Personally, if I had a budget that large I would be looking at a Core 2 Duo processor rather than an AMD. They are around the same price, offer better performance and are easily overclockable.

So I suppose my answer would have to be 'none of the above'.
Wish that things were like they used to be (chocolate wise..)?
S2 licensed
Well, it seems like your prayers have been answered. After high public demand, the long awaited and anticipated return of the Wispa bar is upon us!,,30100-1280368,00.html

After having things his own way for years, it seems Mr Aero is now quaking in his boots...
S2 licensed
Quote from [106]dan :so what would be a good graphics card to replace it with?

As has been said, the x1950pro is a good choice, and it isn't all that power hungry either. Heres an example:- ... duct.php?prodid=GX-063-OK

I have one and it does all I expect of it games wise, and should continue to do so until directx 10 becomes commonplace.
S2 licensed
*phone rings*


''Nothing, having a Bud, driving the.. OH CRAP!''
S2 licensed
Seems a nice spec, plenty of ram and a solid CPU, but the x1300 is another underpowered card. I assume that this is another pre-built base unit? In my experience base units always seem to skimp on the graphics card, unless you go for one of the really high end ones like an alienware etc.
If you go for a base unit rather than building from scratch, allow for a graphics upgrade in your budget. Also, check that the wattage of the supplied PSU can handle said card or else replacing that will add to the cost.
S2 licensed
Sounds like someones been looking at an Acer T180 base unit then?
If so, the onboard graphics are useless and the PSU is underpowered. To get good performance you would need to replace the PSU and add a decent graphics card. The Radeon x1950pro cards seem to offer the best 'bang for buck' at the moment.

Hope this helps.
S2 licensed
Audi RS4?
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :It could be either of these:-

  • You go into the corner with too much speed
    Brake earlier. It's often misleading if you watch other racers online and try to replicate their braking points. Due to the lag they seem to brake a good 10-50m later than they actually do, so don't let yourself be fooled by that.

I wasn't aware of that, and have got into trouble trying to emulate peoples braking points at times. Good advice, cheers.
S2 licensed
Quote from ans7812 :all i want to see is a nice big block V8. Like a 427 ac cobra.

+1. That would be a real handful, but really satisfying when (if in my case) you get it right.

Failing that, I'd like to see an accurate reproduction of my 1.4 Corsa, complete with a track layout that imitates my trip to the shops. Wouldn't need to leave the house then..
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :

It was in jest.... Really, it was...

S2 licensed
Wow. Just read through this thread and found the debate fascinating, and all your points have been presented excellently with little to no flaming!

My stance on the issue is somewhere approaching that of Ball Bearing Turbo. Having said that, I'm not entirely comfortable with it due the ethical ramifications which have been discussed at length here, whilst I am also not happy with the other side of the coin. So called 'rehabilitation'.

Perhaps there should be a half way house between prison and capitol punishment.. Maiming perhaps..?!

Anyway, kudos to you all on an amazing thread.
Speed in LFS vs speed in RL..
S2 licensed
I was driving around Kyoto GP in the F08 today where there is a right hander that you need to take almost flat out at 240kph. In the game tackling the corner seemed terrifying, which got me thinking, 'would I have the balls to go anything like that fast in real life?'

As far as I see it, having the skill to drive fast can be demonstrated in the sim, but the courage to do so can't.

How fast do you think you go in LFS compared to if you were driving the combo in real life? Also, to any real life racers on the forum, is your driving style significantly different in real life compared to the relative safety of the sim?
Last edited by Origamiboy, .
S2 licensed
Using a HP W19 with no problems whatsoever. Then again most modern TFT monitors don't suffer refresh problems like they did when they were first available.
S2 licensed
I agree with the above comments. I'm by no means very fast, but all of my pb's have come when I wasn't really thinking about driving, just 'reacting', thats the only way I know how to describe it.
S2 licensed
Top 5.

1. LFS. Not played long but has the best 'feel' of any sim i've played.
2. GT Legends:- Great cars, and some good downloadable tracks for hotlapping. Not played it online yet.
3. Richard Burns Rally:- Incredibly difficult but really rewarding. Really gives a 'seat of your pants' driving feel.
4. Grand Prix Series (Microprose) - Played this religiously through the entire series. GP4 still holds up well today.
5. GTR2 - Good racer, just not as subtle as LFS or GTL IMHO.

Shamefully I have not tried GPL or rFactor yet. Should have GPL soon, but may leave rFactor due to the comments about it on this forum..
S2 licensed
I think it will be a bit uncomfortable during the transition from S2 to S3. Many people who play LFS with older rigs will want to be able to play at a decnt lick, but those with better pc's will want to see more eye candy.
Is it possible for Scawen and co to please both camps?
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :Ok, here is the replay of me whooping him, letting him pass, then just get a bit serious on the last corner lol...made a good time...1:08:8-9
not bad for like...a first try on that combo!

Not entirely sure what you have proven there.. Someone who joined LFS in 2004, on their choice of track and circuit can beat someone playing less than a month, in a car and track they've never tried, with a default set? NEVER! Say it isn't so!!
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Yes grudge matches are funny

Post a replay.

back to topic, best.mod.ever.

Well, it, er....didn't happen.

The other racers on the server took offense to harjuns language towards me in the chat box and banned him.

EDIT:- We were initially to race on the Alias Server, which he was banned from. It then moved to Nettika 3.
Last edited by Origamiboy, .
S2 licensed
Yikes! Recieved by PM:-

''Who do you think you are huh?...all these stupid remarks here and there being thrown at me?, and i know you think its funny...your a little noob to all this LFS....i've been playing since 2004....and i tought myself...i didn't get tought by some other guy, and im still twice as good. So no more Mr. Nice Guy for you anymore...thats it, if you wanted to race me now, you would have, fairly and squarly, so im saying, bring it, show me what you got, noob

So an other stupid remark from you, and i'll be reporting it to the moderators, as abuse...and as for DieKolkRabe, he is my he can say what he wants to me, better fix your act up...origaymeboy


Now, Harjun, seriously. None of this is a personal attack on you, its all a bit of jest, the same as has been posted by several members of the forum.
Now, I understand why you have singled me out instead of the many others. I mean, why have an argument with one of the veteran posters around here when you can have a go at the resident noobie?
I don't imagine you are sending angry PM's to the likes of Jakg or Tristan, are you?
Also, I don't know what being shown round AS Cadet by Franke has to do with anything.

I'm not here to start a vendetta, I'm here to learn how to race, so lets stop any feud right now before it gets out of hand, ok?
For what is worth, I apologise.

PS:- Of COURSE I want to race you! LFS is a racing sim, right?
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :shutup ok? no one appreciates your stupid comments....if you wanna insult me...this is NOT the go learn for some more people if you can't learn from yourself


Oh, the irony is delicious...

''This is NOT the place'' - where do you usually go?

You do realise that DIekolkRabe was taking the mickey out of you, don't you? Of course you do.

As for that last sentence, I've got the boffins working on it 24/7, but still no understanding. I'll keep you posted.
S2 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :I am agree.

This generation of mid-range video cards sucks, 2600XT, 8600GT and 8600GTS are very poor imo. GeForce 8 are cards for playing D9 games. Oh yes, they support D10, but only for marketing purposes. In about 3 months we will see nVidia 9 series

+1. I have a x1950pro and it does the job fine for me. It runs most games I have at max settings and should handle the newer stuff at medium settings without too much bother. (without the fancy DX10 bits, mind).

Unless you are building a very fast rig, you may find with one of the uber fast cards that your CPU etc becomes a bottleneck, and thus you won't see what the card is capable of.