Today I have made Audi A4 Redbull DTM skin for FXR. It's not based on a special car ,I watched diffrent photos. I couldn't find any photos of the rear so it's inspierd by the old A4 DTM 2004( same sponsors) It's public so you can use it and put your own numbers on it but don't change it.
Here is what happend to me on a stuntserver today
I Know that the movie is a litle speeded but i have problems with my codec and virutaldub. I dont know if the host is good or not, i didn't searh so much for a host just took the first best.
I wonder if it's posible to get the skin that comes with LFS in Hi-Res, because on the images at they are hi-res. I never use them but it would be nice to have when other use them.
Here is my first try of the BF1 .Personal skin so put in skins_x
I think it's hard to skin the formula cars, they don't have so much space to put things on