Well ... at first a thank you to the nice comments
Well Mazz... I'm also not good at skinning and alwas trying to get clear lines and nothing difficult, because it will look terrible

Everyone has to start with something, doesn't matter how it looks, it's about to learn it... after some tests you see in what you are good and in what not - and then you start to do skins with the things you are good in, and one new difficult thing, to get that damn thing right

Oh... I hope that's true ... just don't stop trying, your skin isn't that bad

I bet everyone started with skins like ours are... they might look simple but it took time to make them and it is YOUR work

Well, what I'm talking about oO ... just wanted to say you shouldn't give up so fast, you got some details in your skin i wanted to get in mine but I failed - so in a special way you had more talnt by placing the real design on a BF1

Ok so far... uhm... yeah PSP7 is a really good prog but i'm not good in using tools like these... my skinning looks more like placing Pixel per Pixel per Pexiel.. and so on... not in any way professional. Maybe I should spend some time in tutorials but... oh we all need more time, right? ^^
I also love the Design of old F1 cars, they are simple but in my opinion they are more beautiful than the acutal ones with all those sponsors *ugh*
Wow, way too long posting for a few words 'bout nothing, or not?