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S3 licensed
Simply amazing


S3 licensed
Brilliant. Eric Bailey should be proud to see how good your work is.

Can't wait to get this.
S3 licensed
First time I played LFS way back in 2003 when we had to win like 500 points to unlock the XRT on demo. Good memories.

I stopped playing this (don't really know why to be honest) for 3 or 4 years.

Made this account in 2008, played demo from time to time until I bought the S2 license last year. Never stopped since then
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Senna did nothing wrong there. He was totally in control and made the apex. Vettel just had no idea he was there.

This. Vettel should expect someone coming on the apex. 100% his fault imo.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I am sorry, but your posts are too long. Each time I actually try to sit down and read them I fall off at the start due to the massive lenght.

And while speaking about analious or what they are called - I understand that they want to prove a point, but leaking sensitive personal information or taking down sites which benefits the avarage Joe is not good work.

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Last edited by OTone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrex1020 :Well he said in 1st post?
Servername: -TRR- Events
Serverpass will be send via PM prior to the event

When I said "when" I meant what hour. My bad.
S3 licensed
When you send the server name/password to join the event server?
S3 licensed
Those gear change sound effects sounds a lot like the Simbin GTR series.
S3 licensed
First and Last name: Ricardo Costa
LFSW username: OTone
Team name:
Team tag: CG™»
Team nationality: Holland
Desired carnumber: 03
Driver nationality: Portugal
S3 licensed
Tiago já sabes que sempre que poder estou cá
S3 licensed
Quote from RicardoB :Eu penso que se devia apostar num fun race "a sério" com 1 combo e 2 corridas mais ou menos longas e depois temos varias variantes:

Qualificação de 15/20 minutos
Corrida 1 e 2 com equivalente a 50kms
Na corrida 2 possibilidade de grelha invertida para ajudar um pouco a malta com menos ritmo

Possibilidade de paragem obrigatória só para animar mais a coisa
Possibilidade de 2 pilotos por carro (adorava isto!)

Com a quantidade de jogadores que tivemos no sábado, não era de todo uma má ideia ... e no geral é assim que as fun races são feitas

Alguns queixaram-se que varios combos não dava para treinar, outros não gostaram de alguns combos ... assim e com a abertura da secção "Sim Racing Portugal" aqui no LFS Fórum podia-se a cada semana votar um combo ... era muito mas muito melhor na minha opinião!

Fica a deixa


Subscrevo. Acho que o facto de obrigar o pessoal a fazer uma paragem nas boxes ajuda os mais rookies a ambientarem-se a este tipo de coisas.
Quanto à grelha invertida; Exatamente o mesmo, 100% de acordo.

Quote from RicardoB :A grelha invertida a unica maneira de fazer é quando acaba a corrida 1 terminas a corrida e escreves num papel os resultados da corrida 1 ... e depois invertes os nomes no papel e vais chamando 1 a 1 para se porem na lista do jogo ... é relativamente rápido de se fazer!

É uma ideia. Mais fácil deve ser impossível. E como somos todos portugueses ainda mais fácil será.
S3 licensed
The video of the accident itself resulting in the tragic death of Luis Carreira at Macau: ... or.aspx?content_id=789450

S3 licensed
Best of luck
S3 licensed
No doubt one of the best works in LFS. We all appreciate your effort.

Thank you thank you thank you. Obrigado

Can't wait to get this
S3 licensed
Tiago muito bom

Obrigado pelo esforço.

Próximo sábado aqui estarei!

Quote from Ze Ferreira :

Carro- scirocco

Pistas- Rockginham

S3 licensed
Quote from RicardoB :Proxima semana acho que se devia combinar uma hora e decidir um combo e as voltas ... uma fun race com a malta toda e longa ... ja somos 17 se forem todos ja da para uma boa corrida

Totalmente de acordo!

Basicamente fazer como o Torsdagsrace e escolher uma pista e um carro aleatoriamente para cada semana.

Fazendo assim corridas só com Portugueses e com pessoas de outros países de língua portuguesa como o Brasil seria fantástico.

Estarei cá batido!
S3 licensed
Nome: R.Costa
Carro: TBO, STD e Single Seater. Não posso com NGT e com GT. No entanto terei todo o gosto em participar numa corrida de UFB.
Pistas: Qualquer uma.

Muito bom Tiago.

Conta comigo para participar.
Last edited by OTone, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Yeah, having more apps and being supposedly more stable (lol) is totally a good reason why an iPad is the best tablet.


Quote from E.Reiljans :More stable? Nope. Much more stable? No ****ing way.
Infinite apps - LOL NO.
Also, lol @ losing warranty when you jailbreak a iPad. Almost all Android tablets can be rooted without losing warranty.

:doh: :doh:

This is just unreal. :nol2:

Wasted enough time here already.
Last edited by OTone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Zay :Hey guys,
My family and I are looking into tablets, and when somebody in the house wants advice on technology, they always turn to me because I am the geekiest person in the house

So, I'd like some advice for a tablet to buy. Price isn't really an issue. I have never been a fan of apple or any of their products, but after doing some research, it looks as though the iPad 3 could actually be the best tablet out there right now? I really don't like iOS at all either, and I find android much, much better in terms of OS. But since it's going to be a family tablet I'm not going to want to jailbreak it either, just because my mom and dad really aren't tech savvy, and they'd end up messing something up. However, OS isnt as big a deal as speed, RAM, screen, etc. We also need the tablet in the next couple weeks, so we can't wait until the next best thing comes out either. It must also have a speedy data connection. What about the blackberry playbook? Nexus 7?

Thanks guys,


iOS is much better than Android overall. Much more stable, infinite more apps.
The only con is that you have to pay a lot to have an ipad.
That's why I only use android.

If you have the money, don't think twice, go get an ipad. If you are in a low budget, go get the Google Nexus 7 (mostly made by asus AFAIK).

Quote from Bose321 :How about a Microsoft Surface when it's out?

iPad 3 best tablet? lol'd

Tell me what is the best tablet then. You don't know what you talking about do you?
Apple has much more applications than android. The O.S. is much more stable. That's not even comparable.
The only 2 obvious cons I see are the price and not allowing you to personalize that much. Android in that field wins of course.
Last edited by OTone, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :A friend found this on Reddit... It's from my uni.

S3 licensed