First and Last name: Ricardo Costa
LFSW username: OTone
Team name:
Team tag: CG™»
Team nationality: Holland
Desired carnumber: 03
Driver nationality: Portugal
Subscrevo. Acho que o facto de obrigar o pessoal a fazer uma paragem nas boxes ajuda os mais rookies a ambientarem-se a este tipo de coisas.
Quanto à grelha invertida; Exatamente o mesmo, 100% de acordo.
É uma ideia. Mais fácil deve ser impossível. E como somos todos portugueses ainda mais fácil será.
Nome: R.Costa
Carro: TBO, STD e Single Seater. Não posso com NGT e com GT. No entanto terei todo o gosto em participar numa corrida de UFB.
Pistas: Qualquer uma.
iOS is much better than Android overall. Much more stable, infinite more apps.
The only con is that you have to pay a lot to have an ipad.
That's why I only use android.
If you have the money, don't think twice, go get an ipad. If you are in a low budget, go get the Google Nexus 7 (mostly made by asus AFAIK).
Tell me what is the best tablet then. You don't know what you talking about do you?
Apple has much more applications than android. The O.S. is much more stable. That's not even comparable.
The only 2 obvious cons I see are the price and not allowing you to personalize that much. Android in that field wins of course.