Why cant one of those pictures be morphed in PS to resemble that? There is a 3d sphere option to transform images - used it a long time ago - very similar.
I already changed them from the originals and didn't say anything to spot the person like you. The person who follows others to fit in.
... or you just insist on being an donkeys rear about it.
Looks about right to me..
Now, of course this isnt for all tones of black people (the same for white), but for the most part I believe its correct.
I remember having that problem when I played LFS once on a PC with Integrated Intel Graphics. I eventually came to the conclusion thats just how it is after trying to change everything.
In a GTI for example, rev it up and then go into first, that real slight SSSHHHH sound... what file is that in the sound folder?? I want to replace it with a real tire chirp sound which I have but I can figure out which file it is...
Or at the least, I'd like to give it the same sound as when you rev it and hit REVERSE. Its a completely different sound, which I personally would like it to do when spinning while going forward.
Not perfect, but gives it the older beta LFS (anyone else hunt it down and play it?? LFS has come a long way!) feel with hands instead of gloves. Put this in your LFS > Data > DDS folder. This replaced the blue gloves, but I assume you can replace the grey ones by replacing B with A in the filename.
I like it better, but to each his own!
(The file that says REMOVE is the dark skin version..REMOVE2 "tan" version.. remove those parts if you want to use it (right click > rename once downloaded)