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S3 licensed
My bad our ppl didnt attend. I got into hospital on Friday and got out on Sunday, been sleeping a lot since then. You are racing every other tuesday until when? I got to adjust our mrt cup times so that the races will be always on the days when you are not having a race Smile
S3 licensed
Our 2nd team, #26 StFin's driver White fell today at work and hurt his hand (is now at hospital). The 2nd driver Jesse will not make it to the race start but he is willing to start the race from the pits and drive alone today for the team.
S3 licensed
TehoGp #27 and StFin #26 skins.
S3 licensed
Team: TehoGp Team
Class: GT2
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :I do not know if it will work:
In the tracks.xml file I added this part for the Westhill configs:

<Track ShortName="WE" Name="Westhill">
<Config Km="4.40" Miles="2.73" Num="1">National</Config>
<Config Km="5.75" Miles="3.57" Num="2">International</Config>
<Config Km="0.0" Miles="0.0" Num="3">Car Park</Config>
<Config Km="0.48" Miles="0.30" Num="4">Karting</Config>
<Config Km="1.31" Miles="0.82" Num="5">Karting International</Config>

Replace LFSPoints\Data\tracks.xml with the attached version from zip.

ok, I tried loading a WE2R replay from cityliga.
Normal LFSpoints: crashed
LFSpoint with new tracks.xml: worked
No further testing because I am not familiar with tool anyway, and please note that it is unofficial.

Could someone make this for Rockingham too, please? Smile
S3 licensed
Round 3 - 75 laps at SO1

Yes, next race takes place in SO1 !! Smile
S3 licensed
Probably for the first time, but until Nov 14-15 almost all my weekends are taken due to work or holiday trips.

I wish you all the best with your new job Deko!
S3 licensed
Yay, gratz FM and gratz Fox Friday!
S3 licensed
Tomorrow we start 21:00 and you get bonus points from finished races, don't miss the beginning!
S3 licensed
Race 19/2015 today at Kyoto Ring Oval (KY1). Welcome everyone!

21:00 CEST Practise race 20 laps, no TS needed.
21:20 CEST Practise race 20 laps, no TS needed.
21:45 CEST Qualify - one hotlap, TS needed or kick.
22:10 CEST 5 min warm-up, TS needed.
22:15 CEST Race 75 laps, TS needed.
S3 licensed
Yes, you don't have to qualy. Then you just start from the back. It takes at least 30 mins to get everyone on ts and start the qualy, so you might even make it! Smile
S3 licensed
Yes. You are right. I should fix there that it is 21:00 CET/CEST. Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from BorislavB :what will have next update some new cars or S3 :P ?

I wish that all the new content comes to S3 directly to get it ready as soon as possible. Smile
S3 licensed
We race on updated (FM) EVENTS ! server!

Winner can pick whichever Westhill track (s)he likes!
S3 licensed
Well, I have to say that this community has never been so enthusiastic in my time in LFS.

I would conclude the following when thinking about lfs development: don't care about the new physics and cars so much. People desire new content. Release 2 new environments and 2 cars as S3 content and add more on both when you finish the additional environments. No matter if they are not perfect, they still are better than the old tracks. You can make them perfect later. And when people have gotten bored with the new content, release the tyre physics and everything is upside down - new challenge for everyone.
S3 licensed
I love the outer track with loooooong straights. Smile
S3 licensed
Hey guys, please all remember the Fox Friday on 3rd of April. The winner will choose Westhill for next week, i suppose Big grin
S3 licensed
Very good job. Splendid. I love to drive the access roads so much, that they could be listed as WE3/4/5 etc and be real tracks as well imo. Smile
S3 licensed
Wow! Seems like we can race new Westhill very soon on Fox Friday! Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from jjones :Activity on this forum is dropping, today 7 members and 58 quests, the lowest ive ever seen it, come on Devs get these updates sorted!!

They will. They will.

What Gutholz said about finding events and races, that should be easier. What comes to my usage of LFS, I am currently running one league, (FM) Fox Friday, with Fragmaster team. Many people can find it, but it is still hidden in the forum section. In addition to that, I sometimes join weekly races like Rony's tuesday race or Torsdagsrace.

My deep wish is that LFS webpage would let people find easily all running leagues and instructions how to join them. The active ones should be highlighted. I know that Flame has made a Google Calendar out of LFS events. Thanks for that. But it is still hidden in the forum section. In my opinion, all properly organiced events should be promoted somehow.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Let's all vote for WE1 because... reasons Big grin

I agree with master Flame Big grin
S3 licensed
Oh, nice to see you having the 100th race milestone. Smile Shame that I haven't had the time to join lately, I need to get some time to join you guys. We had Fox Friday 250th last friday and it was awesome. 5-yr anniversary coming in June. That will be big one.

Let's keep up the good work! I appreciate you doing this! Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from rockclan :If anyone wants a standard LFS server with FOX, without airio and just simple user can select track stuff, I could easily host that.

(FM) FoX JuNkieS :P

Yep, (FM) FoX JuNkieS offered a lot of fun a while ago. Why not now as well? We even have weekly event with FOX on (FM) Events!
S3 licensed
Ye. It was down for a while. Should be back on soon if not already. IF it is down on friday, we will use a back-up server by SAVAGE SimSports, without ts.
S3 licensed
Well, one thing to attract Demo drivers to buy additional content could be that LFS should be open for everyone once a year in some particular days i.e. from 28.12.-30.12. That way people could test additional content and see the servers full of people. Here many pay-tv channels are open for everyone one weekend in a year (super bowl/christmas/other weekend). Boosts sales.