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S3 licensed
Today we will start as early as we can after 21:00 CET. So be early today and remember to join Teamspeak instantly!
S3 licensed
Remember 30 laps at KY3r today! :P

@ (FM) Events!
S3 licensed
Damn, I forgot this and stayed at work too late... Frown

Btw, RG^ is 4th in Fox Friday 2015 championship and winter cup points, 1 pt away from 3rd Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from E A Presley :
Quote from pantiainen :You can ask questions and discuss about Fox Friday here.

Hi. maby im iterested too. But problem is that i can join fm serves(almost 2 years gone off((

There is this problem with Finnish IP-addresses. PM me your IP-address and the server owner will make you a tunnel there and then you can join. While waiting, try different connection, for instance join with 3G or 4G which has different IP. That solves the problem before getting this IP tunnel.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jimzi :tnx for the fast answer Smile and how much laps?

We always race so that the race lasts approximately 1h 15min or a bit more and uses more than 100 % fuel. We have raced here 50 laps before so I can say that it is 50 also today.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jimzi :when will the server be on?

The server is on all the time.

(FM) Events! <-- Join from here! Smile
S3 licensed
We are trying. We are really trying Big grin

If everyone is in Ts in time, it would be much easier! Big grin

I'll promise I'll do my best with your request.

(Remember to join this Friday at WE1. And do it 21:00 cet with your Ts on.)
S3 licensed
You can ask questions and discuss about Fox Friday here.
S3 licensed
Grande Finale of 2014 is here!

[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 ends in Kyoto National (KY2) Friday 26th of December. Championship includes race every Friday through year 2014. The winner of the race chooses the track for Race 1/2015!

We will have something new coming - stay tuned for more!
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Aston National (AS3) Friday 19th of December.

Remember to join! You can practise the whole week on (FM) Events!
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Fern Bay Black (FE4) Friday 12th of December.

Today we will start a little bit later, the Q takes place after 22:15 CET and the race begins straight after Al Payson joins us. The actual delay to the race will be a bit less than an hour.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Fern Bay Black (FE4) Friday 12th of December.
S3 licensed
Remember Fox Friday today with KY2r! Starts in 20:00 UTC. 21:00 CET.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Kyoto National Reversed (KY2r) Friday 5th of December.

Your host will be me! So remember to join TS at first when you join to make my life easier!
Last edited by pantiainen, .
S3 licensed
Al Payson knows how to flip well!

Shame we cannot hear him swearing...
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Fern Bay Gold (FE3) Friday 28th of November.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Aston Cadet (AS1) Friday 21st of November.
S3 licensed
It would be nice if different type of events would be on different colours? Would help me to choose between "just join", "endurance" and "league" races etc.
S3 licensed
Remember to join the race in (FM) Events!

Session start: 21:00 CET 20:00 GMT/UTC.
Qually starts: ~21:45 CET 20:45 GMT/UTC.
Race starts: After Qualification.

Remember to join!
Last edited by pantiainen, .
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Blackwood (Open Layout) (B11) Friday 14th of November.

And the Championship title has been confirmed! Congrats [SR] S.Litmanen!
Last edited by pantiainen, .
S3 licensed
Awesome pics! Good work, keep it up! But yeah, I want to have new tracks as many and as soon as possible. Nice to see progress happening. New Westhill looks magnificient!
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Fern Bay Green (FE2) Friday 24th of October.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Aston Cadet reversed (AS1r) Friday 17th of October.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Fern Bay Black (FE4) Friday 10th of October.
S3 licensed
[FM] Fragmaster Fox Friday championship 2014 continues in Blackwood International Reversed (BL1r) Friday 3rd of October.