Team name: Master Soccer car
Team logo: YES
Team will submit custom liveries: YES
Team Home Colours: R
Team Away Colours: M
Team Captain LFS Username: PedroXDBR
Team Captain Nickname: [MRc] PedroBR
Player 2 LFS Username: michal 1279
Player 2 Nickname: [MRc] Michal
Player 3 LFS Username: rafaelgames
Player 3 Nickname: [MRc] TheFox
Player 4 LFS Username: kurkku87
Player 4 Nickname: kurkku87
OK! I'll work on it. I try to make the skin elements as close and scaled as possible, not to worry about stretchings and lines that goes over 2 or more elements needing adjustments on positions (at least not much), so its easier to skin. Thx for the feedback
Oh yep, im aware of that. I still had no time to re-template it, since i changed its body shapes. Im planning on doing so this following week.
Thx for remembering anyways
Oh, yeah! Indeed, you are the current WR holder. And it was a very smooth and clean flight.
Did you used any different setup for it? I'd add it to the main mod setup if so.