LFS Manager is a small utility to manage servers, favourites, friends, ... even more in next versions.
Main features :
- Servers browser
- Favourites servers manager
- Friends manager
- Full support of current LFS S2 protocol
- Full coloring of servers names and nicknames, exactly as LFS
- Dynamic advanced filtering
- AutoRejoin Technology : when a server is full, you will automatically rejoin it when someone leave !
- PasswordReminder Technology : every passwords is crypted and memorized for each server, no need to remind them !
- PasswordChecker Technology : before launching LFS, LFS Manager will automatically check if the password is wrong ! [S2 LICENSE REQUIRED]
- 100% compatible with Browse for Speed XML favourites and friends
- And more...
Live for Speed Manager : Small, Fast, Reliable and User friendly !
Please post any feedbacks (bugs, wanted features, comments, ...) on this software.
Also if you want to translate this software in your language, PM me.
NB : I would like to thank all alpha-testers that helped me to dev this software.
If you join a server through the "/join=" argument, sometimes the FFB of the wheel doesn't work...
After some investigation it is due to server name argument with color (^1 etc...) or not
If you use colored name of the server, the FFB will not work...and if you use it without color, it will perfectly works illepall
Really strange bug, I don't see how colored name can change FFB activation...
And what I answer to those people ? Nothing or I told them to go away.
Why I don't delete/ban them ? Because anyone can say anything if it's not a personal offense against someone else (or useless posts, like flood). Yes my forum is not censured, I hate censure.
I'm sorry but i don't pirate softwares Becky Rose
Believe me or not, but I bought most softwares/games I use, around 90%. illepall
And that's really big percentage : most young people (like me) buy only 20% of softwares in France...even 0% for some of them...
Maybe you have even more pirated softwares than me !
So please don't lie about me I hate that, you don't know me.
NB : If you thought I pirate softwares because, for example, I released a NOCD on my website, you are totally wrong. I use NOCD to prevent using original CD/DVD in my drive (too bad to insert all CD/DVD when you play a game !), nothing more (and many people do that)
[Sorry for being "off topic", but I hate people lying about me ]
In computer security sending this hotlap is called "proof of concept" or "exploit" : it is a common term to refer to a piece of software that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability.
Why hackers made most exploit publicly available (like this hotlap) ? illepall
The main reason is to speed up the release of a software patch ! If you don't do that, this will take a lot of time because for software compagny it's always better to release new softwares (they win $$$) than fixing old ones (they lost $$$)
So if you want to ban him, you are just stupid : it was only a "proof of concept". If he was using this to be first in all hotlaps, yes it was just a cheat and not a "PoC", and you should ban him forever. But this is not the case !
And how is it loaded in GFX memory ? illepall
Well anyway it's not a big deal. As some people already said, Scawen should make a tiny file format (jpgx) that encrypts skins files. When a user download them via LFSWorld, he downloads the encrypted jpg file (jpgx) that will be store in skin_x directory.
So the game load it, decrypt it in memory and show it on car, simple as that
Why are you talking about extracting decrypted skin from memory ? illepall
99.9% of thoses skins stealer are just kids that stole skins from skin_x directory, they are not able at all to extract skins from memory, it's a hard task.
They will probably don't even know that the skins are decrypted in memory or even encrypted on hard disk ("how shit i cannot open them with Photoshop, i'm wondering why ").