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S2 licensed
This may sound like a stupid question but, I have no experience with PHP and I would love to be able to place ramps inside one another to create some layouts. Question therefore being, how do you do this and what program is required to make it work?
S2 licensed
Congrats to this weeks winners!

shacky - 1st Place

MFTD1-Mat‘rb - 2nd Place

Worx® Far X - 3rd Place
S2 licensed
Tonights Mini-Comp layout is on the server, come and have a play!!
Full Retard Mini(Drift)-Comps
S2 licensed
Hi All. we run weekly Mini-Comp's on the our server Full Retard Drift Club. details below;

Sign on and Qualifying starts at 19:00 GMT

We will qualify 24 cars only. Sign on is on a 'first come first served' basis,
so get on the server early to practice and secure your place
When we are ready to begin, we will ask everyone to spectate and then start calling you 1 by 1 to perform your qualifying runs

Out of the 24 people that qualify, the top 16 will progress to the Twin Battles


As before, the judging is not biased in any way. We don't care who wins, from whichever team. We give up our Friday night to encourage good drifting and sportsmanship and credit is given where its due. I for one LOVE to see the underdogs suprise the well known crowd Mini-Comps are a great way for people to show their full potential with a guaranteed audience

You are judged on the following for Qualifying:

Points out of 100 are distributed between clipping points, speed, angle, consistency and not straightening. You get 2 runs. The score from your best run is the one we use.

Clipping point Rules:

Front clips are not to be hit. Rear clips can be clipped. Not smashed through with half your car through them. The rear of your car gracefully clips them. Most of our rear clips are marked by a blue chequered area for which you have to plant the arse of your car in.

If you smash a front clip, spin, straighten etc - you get a Big Fat Zero. (But that doesn't necessarily mean you are out of the comp! Don't rage quit!)

We then give you all 10 minutes free practice before the Twin Battles begin, so we have time to sort out who qualified and calculate the twin battle pairings.

You are judged on the Twin Battles thus:

Each run has 10 points available between the two cars. If both cars run the same - they each get 5 points for the run.

If one car spins, crashes, straightens, causes unavoidable contact - the fail car gets Big Fat Zero. The non-fail car gets 10 points.

There is then a sliding scale between the two. If one car does slightly better (ie: closer to clips, more consistent angle, speed etc) then the better car gets 6, 7, 8 or 9 points (depending on how much better they do), whilst the lesser car gets 4, 3, 2 or 1 points (again, dependent on how much worse they do).

If we simply can't decide, or both people make large mistakes on each run - the we have to go 'One More Time' which basically means the battle has to start again. But you are NOT to reset your cars/tyres. Smokey smokey slippy slidey.

We keep spreadsheets throughout the Competition so that all details and runs are recorded for scoring purposes. These twin battles determine the top 3 shoot-out at the end.

There are always a minimum of 2 judges viewing from multiple angles.

Please note; If you wish to take part, please make sure you are available to compete for at least 1 - 1.5 hours. There is nothing more annoying than setting everything up then somebody drops out and ruins the Twin Battle calculations.

We don't mind spectators, the server has plenty of slots - but there is no messing around. You will get kicked (or worse) if you disrupt the Competition by un-pitting, or talking through the runs distracting the competitors.

And as I'm not doubt sure Cross will tell you through the comp - No Talking During Runs.
Hope thats covered everything, if you have any questions please post up or PM me on here.

Hope to see you Friday nights!


Extra server is up:

Full Retard Drift Club 2

Will sometimes be private for Team events/Competitions - but one or the other will ALWAYS be public
S2 licensed
After a break from LFS I came back had a go in the V7 didn't like it and re-re-tuned it, I personally think it's better again, thoughts and opinions welcome.
S2 licensed
Looks good, i'll say more once i've tested it out.


After testing, well construsted layout, the first corner to follow through section is the problem as the corners are too tight, I know this is due to the size constraints of AU1, other than that nice job mate. :-)
Last edited by Phsx2, .
S2 licensed
Got bored did a re-tune, i like it, what do you guys think?
S2 licensed
Also, there are loads of good XRT Driftworks 2010 skins around.
S2 licensed
Try the driftworks website.
S2 licensed
Not bad for a first attempt, just wondering as to why you're doing the 07 paint?
S2 licensed
Quote from BADLVBOY :I really dont know, you could ask some of your mates to join you. And YES, its cool to battle / twin on it!
Usually we're (on NSys minicomps) not using one layout twice.

Thanks a lot!
Your first post on lfs forum, gratz and welcome in lfs S2 world!

I think I may come and join you on that server
S2 licensed
Hmm turns out that the two sets i posted are both good at different things, V5 is better on tracks, but V6 tends to be better for Autocross.
S2 licensed
Does anyone know if Pretzel is being used anywhere? Looks like it could be interesting with more than one car on track.
S2 licensed
Right so how many people have various Logitech wheels and most that have had problems tend to go to logitech who are usually good about replacing broken parts/giving you new replacements free.

Obviously your expierence will have made you biased toward other manufacturers, but seriously how much are you willing to spend on a wheel for a game, Logitech make great 'lower' end wheels that do their job fine.

If you want to go and spend £500+ go for it but for most, that's simply too much for a game, so thanks for the rant but no i'm quite happy with my G25 had it a year, ragged the hell out of it with LFS, RBR, Rfactor and Iracing, it hasn't broken and I doubt it will for another few years. I will say this, what isn't made of plastic now, it's cheap to produce, if moulded correctly is more than strong enough for many applications and this is obviously one.

Also I somehow doubt the engineers at logitech used plastic without stress testing it.
S2 licensed
Quote from GAVD999 :put them in LFS\Data\Pic

S2 licensed
And now to make myself look a fool, where do i place suit/glove skins?
S2 licensed
Pretzel looks fun, nice layouts
S2 licensed
Just re-tuned the car, little quicker now.
S2 licensed
Here's my current personal tune.
S2 licensed
This looks rather similar to the * Drift Battle * layout
S2 licensed
O great another demo user who has hacked the game.
S2 licensed
Damn didn't spot that, too busy taking picture's
S2 licensed
Quote from james_bskt :@Phsx2, none taken.

No offence but, did you go to wembley?

Yeah i was there both this year and 2009
S2 licensed
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :I agree with this after further testing, but the fact it is a brill attempt is the good part

(specially after considering i made mine through a video and never actually even went to Wembley?)

I agree with you that it's a good attempt, i'd say scale it up by about x2 and you'd be around the right scale
S2 licensed
Quote from james_bskt :would love for someone to host it :$

Please don't take offence from this, I think crabs version has a better scale, yours is a little too small.