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S2 licensed
South City is the closest you'll get due to the fact that track is a road race circuit, go on any of the cruise servers on south city if you like the layout press shift + U then click save layout (bottom left of the screen, if it isn't there press space).

You can then load that layout offline.
S2 licensed
Right I've used Crab's layout as a base, it's as near as I can get with the size restrictions on AU1. if anyone spots anything obviously wrong please inform me
S2 licensed
Crab thats last years JDM layout if you watch the vids you'll see that they've added another corner in this year
S2 licensed
Quote from CrAbStEr DrIfTeR :Theres normally one of us always on [EDC]DriftComps 2# :P Probably more so lately cause my work has died down and ive had more free time!

I know, i was drifting with you and charlie last night mate.
S2 licensed
It was slightly different this year, as after the 90* right hander they've now carried it on to effectively come back on itself. here's a few links to youtube vids, give you an idea of the layout. ... mp;feature=watch_response

hope this helps
S2 licensed
I forgot to mention that I was after the 2010 wembley layout, fail on my part.
S2 licensed
Yeah it's a drift layout, thanks
JDM Allstars 2010 layout request.
S2 licensed
Yeah hey me again, if anyone could make the 2010 layout that'd be fantastic, thanks for looking whether or not you feel you can help

S2 licensed
probably, can't remember off hand
S2 licensed
not bad for a first attemp, try making a layout on AU1 autocross, it gives you a bit more space to work with.
S2 licensed
O hello there spitsy, btw how come you've not got an S2 licence?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bu11et :Come drift with [DW] sometime :-)

More than happy for you to tag along n some twinnin

Mate I would but whenever i'm on LFS you aren't
S2 licensed
Looks great thanks
S2 licensed
I was having a lot of fun drifting it last night, unfortuanatly I don't really know anyone on LFS as i'm from forza, so I don't think i'm gunna be able to bring it to public servers
S2 licensed
Thanks mate, looks perfect i'll go and have some fun on that now
EDC Cadwell layout request
S2 licensed
Title says it all really, is anyone up for making the EDC Cadwell layout?
Which is effectively Hall Bends And the final 90* right hander.
Thanks for looking whether or not you feel you can help

S2 licensed
I reckognise the layout.........

I know I got it from a pack but i can't for the life in me remember where.
S2 licensed
Quote from Stingray1700 :You can drift with AWD cars. Think of a HPI remote controlled drift car. They are DRIFT cars not powerslide cars.

No they're not. the rules apply to any form of car/vehicle that has wheels, drift cars HAVE to be powered solely by their rear wheels.
S2 licensed
Quote from mobiholik :this my friend is not drifting ... its power sliding :smash::rally_dri

Thank you someone for seeing sense
S2 licensed
Quote from Kaxuxo_Jr :wtf are the Subaru's STi Doing (of Team Orange and Subaru is AWD if u dont know....) AROUND THERE???

Powerslide or drift?? i think it's Drift, because u said the rear Angle shouldn't be at the same angle as the front angle, but with more angle of the front ... :doh:


They are stock but, team orange RWD converts their cars as AWD is banned from drifting comps.

Also the bit in bold is an idiotic statement, as i said the front wheels match the driving line of the road. Which has NOTHING to do with angle, if you've ever watched/been to a drifting event you would know that when they enter a turn, the front wheels are always matched to the normal driving line of the road/track.
Last edited by Phsx2, .
S2 licensed
Quote from scipy :How about you stop being such an elitist **** (<- it spells c-u-n-t). By your own wrong definition, if "drifting" is when the rear slip angles are larger than fronts - then any vehicle with 2 axles can drift.

Don't even try to come back to powersliding, since anyone can make the rear tires go into a larger slip without even touching the throttle pedal.

Wow you call me elitist and then proceed to attack me, way to take the moral high ground. There's a reason AWD has been banned from all drifting comps, and is refered to as powersliding.

O and to finish the explaination:

Drifting refers to a driving technique and to a motorsport where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels through turns, while maintaining vehicle control and a high exit speed. A car is said to be drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle prior to the corner apex, and the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right going along the usual driving line of the road or vice versa), and the driver is controlling these factors.
Last edited by Phsx2, .
S2 licensed
Quote from SeriousLover :


You seem not to be able to grasp a simple concept, AWD isn't drifting.
I've already explained why, so i'm not gonna bother explaining again.

And all of those rally cars 'drifting' weren't drifting they were powersliding, note the wheels on the cars don't match the driving line on the road.
S2 licensed
definition of drifting.

Drifting is where the rear slip angle passes the front slip angle.

this cannot happen a AWD because the the front and rear slip angles stay the same.

therefore you can't DRIFT AWD only powerslide.
S2 licensed
I forget where i picked this sound up from, anyway i did a 5 second edit in game and i'm pleased with the result. The result being a half decent rotary sound.