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S3 licensed
Happy new year (in late).

btw, I've collected some stats during the year 2014.
I was bored and I made a little statistics page:

ps. it's NOT a bugfree. But it's pretty fun (and useful?) information.
S3 licensed
I don't know can I still join in this stuff? I didn't do the first race..anyway, I'll still post my mprs, if you want to compare something.

Track: Spiro
Car: LX4
Time: 21:96

Track: Dollar
Car: LX4
Time: 21:94

I'm not gonna drive that UF1-thing, I'm not enough British.
Last edited by pmw, .
S3 licensed
Quote from CarlLefrancois :i remember some discussion a long long time ago that race clutches are like that. basically they are made to grip 100% as fast as possible which makes sense. i guess even on the slow cars in LFS they have been given a race clutch.

your non-race clutch in your car lets you slip it quite a bit so the poor old lady next to you at the green light doesn't think you want to race when you only want to make sure you don't stall

Yeps.. I was thinking something like this.
Ofcourse during racing it's difficult to see how clutch actually works, when you are shifting fast and brutally.

I just started to think this when I last time made a pit stop. After stopping, I tried to accelerate without spinning my tires, so I stalled my car. Really hard to do.. Not important stuff, just curious about the clutch stuff
S3 licensed
So I assume this is a feature, not a bug.
Clutch release
S3 licensed

I just figured out that clutch in LFS works pretty strange, I think.

In options, if I calibrate my clutch it works perfectly fine. If I push my clutch all-way down, calibrate-bar shows zero. OK, then I'll slowly release my clutch and bar increases perfectly. Really smooth and accurate movement.

So, calibration works 100% fine.


Well, in game, I've activated acc/brake/clutch bars, located to bottom-right of my screen.

I'm sitting in my car, change gear to first, and start to release my clutch. At the same time, I'm looking at the clutch-bar, it grows up and nothing happens, until ~80-90% of movement, clutch releases extremely fast and my car stalls.

So, clutch works yes, I can drive it. But it doesn't work smoothly. Atleast on normal cars, XRG,XFG,XRT,FXO etc, I think there should be normal smooth clutch to play with?

I couldn't find anything from options related to this, am I missing something or is this just how clutch works in LFS?

I'm using Logitech G27 and newest version of LFS.
S3 licensed
No it's not anything like that. Atleast on my case. Yeah I don't normally even press it, I jus tried to check my car's pit settings, and I've binded F12 into my steering wheel. But for some reason, I just wanted to press F12 and made a mistake.
S3 licensed
It's probably related to GPU drivers. What card are you using? I have GTX650.

troy has gayforce too. Do you have, Joku?
S3 licensed
It's not about the hard disk, maybe if you are using computer from 90s.

I just tried that AA stuff:

Without AA, nothing happens when I hit print screen. No fps loss _at all_.
In windowed mode with AA, nothing happens, no fps loss at all.

With _any_ AA mode, 2x, 4x, 8x etc in fullscreen, _always_ same pause, 2.5 seconds.
I tried many times, in many different MPRs, always same 2.5 seconds.

For me, it sounds definitely like fullscreen rendering with AA-enabled, something just bugs. It's not about HDD speed or caches, if stuck time is always same.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :single button press is unnoticeable for me, only holding down printscreen makes the game stutter with 15 fps or so. (wood computer)

Did you try to find out if it is LFS or happens in other games too?
For example there is a bug in windows where pressing printscreen can completly freeze the computer:
So does not seem unlikely that there could be similiar bugs where it only freezes for a moment?

It's not related to any bug. I've never had problem like this with any game. It is definitely only in LFS, not in nothing else. So I *assume* there's something wrong in LFS, truly not on my computers.
S3 licensed
All computers I've tested with, are pretty new and (enough) powerful to play LFS nicely, with max antialiasings and 1080p-resolution fps never goes under 100.
It seems that freezing is _not_ related to how *powerful* your computer is. Pretty strange stuff, cause on some computers, it's just seems to drop fps a littlebit, but on other ones, total freeze.

About this race and LFS freezing, I was playing on my main computer, it is Intel i7 960, with 24GB RAM, SSD-disk and Geforce GTX650ti. I'm working with computers so I think I know this is *enough* for game like LFS.

This case sounds more like there is somekind of *bloat* feature behind the print screen or in LFS's rendering options. I don't know, I haven't done any research yet. This is pretty small case, not the world end, I was just curious.
S3 licensed
I know it takes print screen to clipboard, but we are not in 90s, it shouldn't freeze the game. But this is LFS, so I understand it.

I was just thinking if there are some *actual* feature for print screen -button. But thanks for answers.
Why does "print screen" freeze LFS?
S3 licensed
Hey, at first I couldn't find any topic for this.

So, I raced today on event and accidentaly did hit "Print Screen" -button, my screen freezez for ~2-3 seconds and I'm gonna wreck my car.

What did happen? I tested button again and tsadaam, freezes my LFS. Same happens on 5 different computers what I've tested now.

What print screen -button exactly even do? I don't find any new screenshots under shots/ -directory.

Thanks for advice
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Although you were prompted to update, you were not forced, you could still cancel it.

And I think you must have had a test patch installed already, it should not happen with 0.6B version.

The auto-update is there because the old test patches like 0.6B5 are incompatible with the newer ones and are basically obsolete now.

HM ok. I'll check it next time. 3 servers in list doesn't make racers happy.
S3 licensed
I was forced to update LFS to newer version while getting server list. Same happen when I used an old version.
S3 licensed
It's friday evening here, really common time to play onlinegames. Four servers found from the serverlist, total amount of racers: 10.

After this new patch, it seems that game is totally dead. I'm not complaining. Just saying, thanks for (public)racing. This is enough for me, no (big)patches, no racers, no interesting.

Anyway, it was nice to race.

(still trying to play in amateur league once in week.. don't know for how long there are racers)
Last edited by pmw, .
S3 licensed
Seems that blocking cheater is fast as game developement itself. Sad though having kid like this in public servers.
S3 licensed
Quote from CrAZySkyPimp :The alignment between top/sides/front is pretty poor on certain places, you could put some time in to fixing that. Uncle dolan would not approve

Hi, yeah at first pic, there's a bug in aligment, that's right.

But second error isn't really error. Aligment etc is correct, from that angle it just looks strange, thanks anyway!
S3 licensed
I just finished my new skin for FZR.
So, I had to take some "action shots":

What you guys think?
S3 licensed
I feel so sad about LFS. I love LFS, it's easily best car game ever.
But I don't play it much anymore, it's been boring for awhile, mostly because of the fact: "newer version is coming, and it will probably never come".

I'm gonna quit soon too, but still, best car game ever.

ps. I don't blame anyone.
S3 licensed
OK I got my G27 back. Now it's working fine, totally new model. It was just some hardware problem. Next time I'll call Logitech first, thanks for help everyone!
S3 licensed
Keybindings were right in my configs, so it couldn't be that.
I don't want to do anything physical repairs for this wheel, so I sent it back to Logitech.

I'll then post results here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jettascuba :Please go to Options in LFS

Go to Controls, select Shifter under Gear Shift mode

Select Shifter under buttons

Gears must be assigned to buttons as follows

Reverse 14
First 8
Second 9
Third 10
Fourth 11
Fifth 12
Sixth 13
Seventh none

Buttons are arranged as follows on shifter

8 10 12
9 11 13 14

Your buttons and gears are just associated wrongly, nothing wrong with shifter.


To assign First - click on button assignment next to first, on shifter push left completely and up, you will see button 8 is now associated with first gear...

good luck, I had similar trouble...

Hm sounds strange but i'll try that tomorrow. Just strange, cause gears worked _perfectly_ for 5 races, then just Kaboom.

And even in control panel (in windows) when I change gears with H-shifter, it shows wrong gears -- before racing, it did work fine.
S3 licensed

I think I send it back to Logitech. Quality in shifter really sucks..
G27 problem - H-gearbox is messing up with gears
S3 licensed

I just bought brand new G27 and drove 5 races with it. Suddently, I couldn't change to second gear (with H-shifter). I though my logitech profiler is just again messing around with me and tried to reboot it, no help at all.

Now when I try to change gears, half of them work. And gears are TOTALLY wrong. Example when I change to sixth gear, driver tells it's second gear. And 4. gear is 2. gear. First gear doesn't work. Totally messed up.

I tried to reinstall drivers, logitech profiler, changed USB-ports, tried to connect all cables again to G27, nothing works.

Computer is also brand new with huge amount powersupply so it's not due lack of power in USB (hehe). And steeringwheel did work completely perfect in first 5 races.

Anyone else got this same problem? Thanks for advice.
S3 licensed
This is totally offtopic, I just need to say this: I'm not really familiar with this forum, but, I 5lapsadmin made interesting topic, but it seems like other racers are acting like as****.

Really sad to look at this topic. Especially finnish people here.. *shame*

ps. I'm not really good in english, but I'm still able to understand really stupid lines in this topic.