I just figured out that clutch in LFS works pretty strange, I think.
In options, if I calibrate my clutch it works perfectly fine. If I push my clutch all-way down, calibrate-bar shows zero. OK, then I'll slowly release my clutch and bar increases perfectly. Really smooth and accurate movement.
So, calibration works 100% fine.
Well, in game, I've activated acc/brake/clutch bars, located to bottom-right of my screen.
I'm sitting in my car, change gear to first, and start to release my clutch. At the same time, I'm looking at the clutch-bar, it grows up and nothing happens, until ~80-90% of movement, clutch releases extremely fast and my car stalls.
So, clutch works yes, I can drive it. But it doesn't work smoothly. Atleast on normal cars, XRG,XFG,XRT,FXO etc, I think there should be normal smooth clutch to play with?
I couldn't find anything from options related to this, am I missing something or is this just how clutch works in LFS?
I'm using Logitech G27 and newest version of LFS.