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Selling G27, NIB sealed $290
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Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm selling my G27 that was delivered today, was going to use the pedals but I decided to splurge on the clubsports.

So G27 up for grabs sealed in box:
For Sale: WINTEC AMPX 4GB 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 PC2 6400
Demo licensed
Quote from mr_x :Can I have the half hour of my life back I just wasted reading all this?


and at least I went and did the research to make sure what I was saying was right and corrected myself if I was incorrect.
Demo licensed
Quote from Krayy :What I feel sorry for is the demo driftorz that won't have the chance to drift in the LX-6. Now THAT will make a man out of ya and eat the XRT for breakfast, lunch and Thanksgiving

and Christmas

and hey at least I got all the 24 demoers that are on the forum to vote
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Quote from XCNuse :That first video I just watched it, it looks.. screen shot wise it looks fantastic, but graphical interface it looks not so good, they didn't know what to do with his hands like Ricky Bobby I suppose, he's way to smooth on the steering wheel, if I saw someone's hands glide over a wheel like that I'd freak out because it looks so fake.
For example, when he runs off the road it's like he isn't even festered by it.. he just keeps his smooth hands on that wheel and hardly turns yet the car makes a tight turn, and keeps going.

3d artists did some excellent work, it's just once again, Polyphony's programmers let down the entire game.
Arists .. I support those guys 100% they do an excellent job, the coders.. I'm curious if they even give a damn about the game.

Coders only care about 0's and 1's didnt u know?
Demo licensed
Quote from DeKo :I have done, and they are still lo-res. Also, the first video is clearly not in game, for a start he is steering right and turning left. It is clearly never in game footage.

The beginning of the first video is actual game renderings, meaning its not pre rendered, it's real time rendering using the GT5 engine. Though not playable, it is still real-time

And that's the only thing I wish they did add, skid marks. I don't know why they didn't add them but I know it's not because ps3 couldnt handle them.

More real time renderings: (right click save as) ... 71219_gt5p_pv/gt5p_pv.wmv
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from DeKo :Watch that video again. Now, take off your PS3/GT5 fanboy glasses and watch the video once more. Look at how uninspiring and frankly shit looking everything but the cars are, the track textures are horribly lo-res and their is very little scenery. Also, look at how, i dunno how to describe it, uncomfortable the cars look, they just look very strange and not real, not a very good advert for either physics or graphics.

This is prologue not the finished product yet.

The track textures are not lo-res go look at the first video...

Cars look pretty real to me..

I'm watching some forza 2 vids and that looks pretty damn cool too
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :So that screenshot is EVEN LESS of a representation then... Which is the point.

Well that is a screen shot of actual gameplay.

You can change the resolution of the still photos in the game that you take but they output to a jpg i think.
Demo licensed
Quote from deggis :Altough that screenshot seems to have more shining than the other ones.

Yeah, in photo mode I believe you can output to a higher resolution, as well as change the focus, gama, shutter speed etc...

But its only still photos
Demo licensed
Quote from DeKo :the PS3 does not output 3840x2160 in real time. The maximum it can output is i 1080i, so 1900x1080, and thus it is clearly not.

Where do you see that resolution?

Those videos are 720p

Here's another real time render footage.. ... 5-Prologue---HD-Trailer-2
Demo licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Over saturated, over bloomed, funny vehicle proportions (except the Ferrari 308 thingy), rubbish tarmac, and a HUGE image (which is way way higher than HD or even most PC resolutions), so obviously not 'in game' as such.

Thats in game real time renderings
Demo licensed
Quote from Trogdor :You just proved its over blurred

Thats just a focus depth effect.

When you are playing it doesnt look like that ... ue---E3-2007---HD-Trailer

I fall i love with this game again every time i see it
Demo licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Modeling looks okay.. can't say i've ever seen such a horribly overexposed background though!

It's so bad they've reduced photography to even show chromatic aberrations.. that is horrible.
They not only try to make something good, they make it worse by trying to make it look like it was taken by a bad photographer that can't read a light meter.

A photographer would (should) take shame to a picture like that.

lol hahahahahah
Demo licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :

I like pretty too, but only when it's pretty. GT isn't, it's just blurred. ... 20070711_225639_1_big.jpg
just a link will do - Nuse

looks pretty to me
Last edited by XCNuse, . Reason : removed img tag
Demo licensed
Quote from Jakg :Oh come on.

1000 FSB is impossible - a top-of-the line DFi with a CPU with a VERY low multiplier will top out at about 400 FSB, reaching up to about 350 FSB stably......and? I had a 3.07 GHz AMD Athlon, and this 2.13 GHz Core 2 kicks it ass.

An 8800GTS is PHYSICALLY different to a GTX, and there is NO way you can overclock a GTS to either become or beat an 8800 Ultra...

Do you post this much drivel for fun or what?

First of all, my bad i meant bus speed my fsb is 250
wow i'm on a roll today..

and my 8800gts is clocked past the core and memory speed of an 8800gtx ultra. You can do that.
8800gtx ultra: core clock of 612 MHz, a shader clock of 1500 MHz and a memory clock of 1080 MHz
Mine: Core 620 Mem 2000

Here's my validation:

People are so damn hostile in this thread
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Jakg : I LOL at the fact that the guy who can't spend £12 to get his precious XRT back can buy a PS3 though.

I will be buying a license first before ps3, I'm talking like a year or two down the road when prices are nice.

Quote from Jakg :From the fact that you base your entire argument on the number of cores, and that as 7 > 4 that a PS3 must therefore beat any PC's Quad Core I can deduce you are a complete fool.

If you want one of those cell processors in your pc today, they are around $7k yes... $7k
These are simular to the ps3 processor, now if these can take your computer passed the More than 180 GFLOPS mark then imagine what the PS3 is capable of.
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from XCNuse :By the way, if any of the Gran Turismo games are meant to be simulators, and all pro drivers out there used it.. there would be some crappy drivers out there.

I've got a link for you; watch Jeremy try to use GT4 as a simulator.

I've seen that Top Gear episode before and to be fair a sim can only be so real.

I bought ps2 for GT3... I will be buying ps3 for GT5 as well
Still waiting for the prices to come down.

However, I might make a last minute decision and go for a 360 with foreza2

I admit, tough decision.. I'll wait until GT5 comes out to see for myself

and yeah the ps3 sales are down, sony is hurting. Better for us though... prices will go down more

As for LFS, I love it. I think its the best sim out for the pc. It's been keeping me from missing GT4.

I dont know I guess I love the pretty graphics, real tracks, real cars and the tuning options of GT, thats really what gets me.
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Please name one element of the physics there's any suggestion that GT5 will do better than LFS?

I'm sorry but I can't believe that you can't comprehend that GT and LFS are completely different products designed to appeal to completely different user groups.

Type PS3 vs. 360 into google and have a read. I've taken the liberty of doing it for you.

I can comprehend that, but they are both sims. Period

Secondly, you can't compare the PS3 and 360 benchmarks yet until someone comes out with a Benchmark with the code for cell processors.

Here's a link for you. ... n-3-performance-may-2007/
Demo licensed
Quote from DeKo :Nope, iirc you can get 2 quad core xeons in the 1 mobo.

Who gives a flying **** whether the PS3 has more power than the average computer, anyway? Just because it is capable of more advanced physics calculations doesnt mean konami has a clue on how to actually do it. Was playing prologue today, it is just GT4 looking, admittedly, very pretty.

I like pretty.

And by the way I saw the making of gt4 they actually took out the cars in japan for track days to get the real feel of the cars as well as numerous calculations using the real cars, They do their research and well. Not just some coders guessing on some numbers...
So I could only imagine what they did for GT5

And thats probably why Logitech made a wheel specifically for GT4 right?

You can thank GT4 for the first 900 degree wheel in the first place

Here's a video
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It is? Then why can I go to Apples website and get a Dual Quadcore (8 cores) Machine?

Good point. Sorry I wasn't thinking clearly. But I was thinking along the lines of In one single unit. Not a bunch of cpu's side by side like intels quad core, really glued together dual core

AMD's phenom is a true quad core processor.

And I was wrong, the Cell isnt 8 cores it's only single core with 7 spe's

I want one of these... ... oductdetails.aspx?id=2590
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from ajp71 :The graphics processor in the 360 is actually superior to the PS3 anyway so until the game developers start using the Cell to do graphics the 360 will still produce better graphics.

Both processors are clocked at 3.2 GHz.

The similarities of the two processors ends there. The xenos processor has 3 identical PPE cores where as the cell processor has only 1 PPE core and 7 SPE cores.

Cell Processor
  • One general purpose PPE core that is used for the OS and the game application.
  • 512 MB total memory on 2 buses which can be accesed directly only by the PPE core. 256 MB of processor main memory and 256 MB of memory used by GPU.
  • 512 KB L2 cache for the PPE.
  • 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data cache for the PPE.
  • 7 specialized SPE cores. One is used for the OS leaving 6 for the game application.
  • 256KB SRAM per SPE. No common memory between SPEs and SPE cannot access the PPEs main memory directly but the PPE can access the SPEs memory directly.
  • Communications between SPE memory or to the PPE memory is performed via the Element Interconnect Bus (EIB) by either accessing ports or via DMA.
  • SPEs do not have branch prediction capability.
Xenos Processor
  • 3 General purpose PPE cores that are used for the OS and game application.
  • 512 MB main memory that is shared by all three cores and GPU.
  • 1 MB of L2 cache that is shared by the 3 cores (333 KB per core average).
  • 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB data cache for each core.
  • 2 Hardware threads per core.
And I love Gran Turismo mainly for the fact that you can actually tune the cars. Having all the actual car models and performance parts are probably the main reasons I love the GT series.

The physics will be better than LFS in GT5 besides. Hard to comprehend but it will.

For the record:
My system specs are
AMD Athlon 64 4600+ x2 939 @ 3.0ghz
Evga 8800gts clocked past 8800gtx ultra specs.
Asus A8N32sli Deluxe
4gb A-Data DDR400 2.5-3-3-6
Xfi Xtreme Gamer Pro
OCZ GameXtreme 700w
XP 64 Pro
Last edited by porschedrifter, .
Demo licensed
Quote from squidhead :You can always imagine you can't afford a XRT ...

I do with the xrg... i drive it and go pshhhhht

I copied my lfs folder so I have x10 installed as well as patch y

I still have the xrt
Demo licensed
And for the record what's wrong with drifting?

It take skill just as gripping...

and where's the harm if you drift on drift servers anyway?
Demo licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :S1 has the FZ50, which is basically a 996 GT3 Porsche. So you should really enjoy having it judging by your name.

Merry Christmas

I do want to drive that car it looks sick..

Merry Christmas to you too!
Demo licensed
but they dont... quad core is the best u can get.