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S3 licensed
Quote from jpitz31 :Hello all, just signed up. From San Diego, CA. Preparing for this years...

Hello Joe, I'm glad you're having fun with LFS. Just wanted to say there is more custom community layouts with autocross themes you might wanna check out.

lot's of fun stuff, some difficult, some just plain goofy Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from SMG5 RO :Schwitz it has been a while man,did u got that job?

nice job reviving an almost 9 year old thread Face -> palm
Seperate throttle and brake button control rates
S3 licensed
Currently, the button control rate for mouse users is for throttle and brake combined. This makes it difficult to fine tune it to a setting where we can have good throttle input and smooth braking. I find it hard to drive as fast as wheel users with a combined button control rate, and having it seperated would help equal the playing field a bit. What I mean by this is to have 2 seperate settings, one BCR for the throttle and one BCR for the brakes. Another suggestion is to increase the limit from 2.00-10.00 to 0.00-10.00, since 2.00 still is a bit too fast for some mod vehicles
S3 licensed
Of course Adam, I'm not advocating for a highway/traffic mode in LFS or anything of the likes, I'm very against it actually. Matrix didn't ask anything, he merely mentioned that Assetto Corsa has a "traffic" mod
S3 licensed
Quote from TheMatrix27 :AC is also a racing simulator and it as a mode for this

That was custom made and implemented by the AC community, it is not officially supported/developed. I don't see your point? AC, as intended by Kunos Simulazioni is a track racing simulator, not a highway speeding simulator
S3 licensed
there is not a mode for singleplayer traffic, you can sort of emulate this on TC on S3 mode. It's a racing simulator, not cruising simulator.
S3 licensed
Quote from johneysvk :that's exactly what's gonna happen...

Yes indeed
S3 licensed
It has been said many times, status updates take time to create, it would derail the actual development of the game. Just let them do their thing Tongue
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :The quote feature has been updated so when you quote a long post, the quote text...

Still, it's an interesting idea to "ping" people in posts, so that they know they've been mentioned and can respond faster.

Cue the: "@Scawen PLS UPDATE"/"@Scawen when update" etc. messages Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Message to Skinzinho / SKC / Negan...

Damn, how long has this been going on for? Perhaps getting in touch with authorities could be a viable solution, not that you've probably thought of that already. What Skinzinho is doing is really sh**ty
S3 licensed
Or on BL2R
S3 licensed
Quote from JayDeM :yes driving the same tracks for 10+ years is acceptable.

F1 drivers drive the same/similar tracks for upwards of 30 years, I don't see the problem. I see people with 500,000+ kilometers driven on blackwood alone. But you're looking at it very narrow-mindedly. For me personally LFS was never really about racing/cruising etc. I found the participation in this small, but very dedicated community be quite lots of fun. Before LFS I hadn't ever met so many interesting and different people confined to the same place online.

LFS opened my perspective about the internet, the forum-times, which as a 2007 child I very much missed, LFS is one of the best places where people of any age can relate and interact with each other, which I think is very beautiful. I see 30-40 year olds driving on the same server as 10-15 year old kids and all are having fun in a positive and non-predatory manner, which is not the case for the majority of other communites.

LFS bonds people, LFS is not just about racing, it's about bettering yourself, meeting other people, pushing each other to be the best version of themselves.
S3 licensed
Quote from JayDeM :once again, I find my self struggling to have reasons to play liveforspeed...

Play more Live for Speed, buy a new Live for Speed Blanket, lie in bed covering myself with said blanket. Take a Live For Speed pencil, and sketch stuff on my Live for Speed notebook. Then, I get up, drink a liter of coffee, and hotlap BL2 FBM until I fall asleep
S3 licensed
Quote from turbofan :i dont use discord, and wont ever

No one is asking you to

Quote : - this thread should not be there, there is always a user to scream after being banned, most times because he believes JaR is a business, or that he paid for it when buying LFS, or that admin are paid by Scawen or state sponsorised, anyway he believe he is owed something... and that is a schizophrenic trait : those people live in a weird, fantasmagoric world

Then hereby I request it to be closed.

I agree there are people like what you've described, perhaps there should be a statement in the ToS that states something like: "Purchasing an license only authorises the content provided by the developer and public mods implemented into the game. Regardless of your account status, you may be kicked/banned by multiplayer server moderation, as multiplayer play is not linked to the developers in any way or form except the use of the game software which enables multiplayer to exist. These kicks/bans cannot be protestable unless the server owner/moderation team says so"

That's about it, maybe someone can "legalise" this text a bit more, and maybe make it be more clear, just a random thing I just thought about.

Another thing that could be done is to improve the LFS Manual, or maybe sticky a thread on the forum here. To make it clear what LFS "error messages" mean. I've had many, many people ask me what does JOOS, OOS, Host Refused Connection etc. mean. A thread that has these definitions would be rather helpful.

As for your server specifically, perhaps you could use InSim or something of the likes to inform the people about how long their bans will last/if they're permament, and also why they're banned. I see many people asking "How long am I banned for", "Why am I banned" etc. A simple message that says "You're banned for x days for y reason" shouldn't be that hard to program, no?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bruhmomento :The only way you can get unbanned is from here. Thats why, the discord server's...

That's a bit dumb imo. This forum should, as the name says, be used for general LFS discussion, not to beg for an unban on some server. Why not just have a dedicated part of a discord server to be used for unbans, like other servers do? LCS, TC and many others have their unban sections on their discord servers.

Making a discord account is free and takes like 5 minutes, not to mention 99% of people already most probably have it.
S3 licensed
JAR has a discord server, why are people still bumping and talking in this forum? just go on their discord and talk with the moderation team directly
S3 licensed
Quote from micromental :Is there a free version of this floating about? iv just spent all my money...

SimHub, works awesome
S3 licensed
Quote from paket42x :E-cars suckOmg omg omg

Real car people like all self-propelled 4-wheel passanger vehicles Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from versiu :-racing game...

Exactly my point, Live for Speed has potential to evolve, to become something different. LFS is made as a racing simulator, but at one point, it might transcend into an absolute driving simulator, where all things vehicle related could be possible. All that is in a distant future, one has to dream..
S3 licensed
I'm surprised to see that people here don't even know the definition of the word racecar Face -> palm
pretty surprising to see in a forum for a racing game.

A racecar is "A vehicle which is used competitively in wheel-to-wheel racing events."

S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I'd like to see the stats that bring you to this assertion! Uhmm

Give us 8 gears so we can recreate modern F1 Smile
S3 licensed
Bicycles have up to 27
S3 licensed
Quote from cuni :Here, a bit more fuel for the fire...

S2 to S3 gap was 10 years, so, by my immense brainpower and calculations, I predict S4(with new graphic and physics) comes in 2025, 10 years after S3. Big Brein Did I Say That?
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I'm trying to get the patch completed. I had hope the weekend before last, then...

Thank you for taking quick action, the LCS players are plenty grateful!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Where can you see that? If I search for you with "Find user online" I don't see...

I was in game chatting with another person, lost connection to host now, server owner is restarting the servers, here's a screenshot