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S2 licensed
You misunderstand me or I didn't explain to well, every thing is turned on in the setup.dat file but when it's started as a second instance it turns everything OFF even though it's still turned on in the setup.dat file.
S2 licensed
Dunno what -p switch is lol, i thought that was what you said to use, I'll try it on our third server and try the -f setupname thing as well.


Spoke to soon, although the second instance had connect to our second server nothing was working, looked in the console and everything was OFF, just where would I put this m8 "vcom -f setupname" sorry if I'm being thick here.

VCom v.0.472 - Jul 1, 2007 - by: Paavo Ahola

setup.dat: Line 103: Unknown label - autohi/delay
setup.dat: Line 118: Unknown section name - alarm

LFS port (insim): 29997
VCom IP:
VCom port (insim): 29996
Output directory: out
[LFS data]
Version........: 0.5X4
Product........: S2
InSim version..: 4
Sockets: client=116, server=136, radio_out=0, radio_in=0

Lap time logging........ OFF
Split time logging...... OFF
Top speed logging....... OFF
Trip meter.............. OFF
Automated hi............ OFF
Lap time estimation..... OFF
Radio................... OFF
Stage rally............. OFF
Good times notes........ OFF
Best times saved log.... OFF
Message board........... OFF
Auto save race results.. OFF
Track rotator........... OFF
Kick idlers............. OFF
Pit stop timer.......... OFF
Flood filter............ OFF
Silent mode............. OFF

VCom running in SERVER mode

Start the main loop...
Last edited by Punchy, .
S2 licensed
Managed to get two instances running using -p like you said, will that work for our third server?
S2 licensed
Just had a look on the server and found vcom was unresponsive, it was still showing console window but was just sat there doing nothing, had to restart it, the only error in the console window was "cannot find anyone with id" just the two of those errors. other than that it woking fine
S2 licensed
Finally got those errors for you m8.

ERROR: PLL - cannot find anyone with id 18
ERROR: PLL - cannot find anyone with id 40
ERROR: PLL - cannot find anyone with id 44
ERROR: PLP - cannot find anyone with id 22
Log backed up
Log saved
ERROR: PLL - cannot find anyone with id 22
ERROR: PLL - cannot find anyone with id 3

And these are the ports and Ip im using to try and start two instances.

Demo server;

S2 server;

they will run on their own but not togther, when i start the second one it starts then connects then closes, I then get this in LFS console, insim - UDP : no slots available
Last edited by Punchy, .
S2 licensed
Aquilifer, Silver77 is testing this pre release on airattack demo server as it gets a lot of racers in most of the day so it's getting a good run, if you want to jump on and speak to either [AA]Boost, [AA]Silver77 or [AA]Punchy I'm sure you'll get plenty of feedback m8, it gets a lot of regulars on there so shouldn't be a problem getting feedback.

One thing I can't work out is how do admins clear the message board, I see the AdminClear=1 but how do you actually clear it, with what command?
S2 licensed
Easy for you maybe and for people who not what they are doing with HTML, I have no idea.

FBUT BMW M5 kindly did the code for me which gives me another drop down list for each server, many thanks for that m8.

This is what he did for me, all i had to do was have the pb.txt files output with a different name.

<select name="pbfile">
<option value="pb.txt" >Demo Server</option>
<option value="pb1.txt" >S2 RallyX</option>
<option value="pb2.txt" >S2 AA Racing</option>

S2 licensed
Solved, easy really:dunce:
Webstats for LFSLapper
S2 licensed
Is it possible to run three servers into webstats, we have two S2 servers and one demo, I would like to have it display the pb's from all three servers if thats possible, I did point all three pb's into the cg-bin folder but the out put was blank sometimes then sometimes it would display some pb's then go back to blank again, the headers were always displayed though, or is there some other way of doing it.
Last edited by Punchy, .
S2 licensed
Bans should only be instigated and carried out by admins of that server and not anyone who feels like it.
S2 licensed
This is one reason we don't have Kick/ban enabled in any of our racing servers, including our demo server, we have quite a few different games running on our servers and not one have it enabled because, it always gets abused by someone, having said that we have a good group of admins chosen from racers who are cool, calm and reasoned when it comes to kicking people, hot heads and people who fly off the handle at the slightest bump or knock are not considered, accidents happen and people really need to get used to that.

This is a list of our excellent admins who give their time to look after our servers.

Trix Wiv Stix
Me of course

There's a couple more if I've missed you sorry.

Also if S2 is, as is claimed so much better than demo is there a need for kick/ban by anyone but admins. Just a thought
S2 licensed
Quote from gwendoline :New lapper version (X patch compatible) on tests actualy at "FRH PLFS test lapper" host...wait a bit...release soon

That's fantastic news
S2 licensed
Check the insim ports match on both .cfg's.
S2 licensed
Go to this link, choose your router look for Live For Speed server click it and it will give you a step by step guide.
S2 licensed
This error seems to point to .NET, either not installed or damaged.

This is the solution that I could find for you.

To remedy this error, reinstall the .NET Framework by opening the Control Panel (via the Start menu) and clicking Add Or Remove Programs. In the dialog box, peruse the list of programs for an entry that refers to Microsoft's .NET Framework. If you find such an entry, click the corresponding Remove button. This clears the way for a clean installation of the .NET Framework.

You have two options for installing the software. The first option is to install the .NET Framework from the WinXP installation disc. Insert the disc and, when the Welcome To Microsoft Windows XP screen appears, select Perform Additional Tasks. Then select the Install .NET Framework option and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. (NOTE: The process may vary slightly if you use a proprietary setup CD that came with your PC instead of a WinXP installation disc.)

Alternatively, you can install the .NET Framework by downloading it from the Internet. To do so access the .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package page ( and clicking the corresponding Download button. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish (weighing in at nearly 24MB, it could take awhile) and then install the .NET Framework.
S2 licensed
Thats strange birder we don't have (TAB) and ours works just fine.
S2 licensed
You do know you've pasted your cfg in your post twice and in one it says, UseUsernameForAuthentication = true and lower down it says UseUsernameForAuthentication = false, if this is your actual server cfg then no wonder it's not working properly.
S2 licensed
Things to double check,

does you sinsim ports match on LFS cfg and Lapper cfg, same for server passwords.

Is your Lapper cfg in the bin folder.

I also made a shortcut to the LFSLapper.exe and put this in the target field.

C:\LFSLapper3.8\LFSLapper\bin\LFSLapper.exe LFSLapper.cfg

it does pretty much same thing as batch file
S2 licensed
Ok try this in your cfg file, it's basic at the moment but you can add to it as you want but try it in it's basic form for now, you can leave the words swear for testing purposes then replace them with swear words later. When you've loaded it go into your server and type swear it should kick you, not sure if it works in spectate so join race. You also have got a double space after = in your cfg.

AutoAction = swear:swear:swear:swear:swear:swear|/kick {Username}|no name no game|/kick unnamed|!admin:!adi@^7Mon^4k^1ster,Mo
S2 licensed
You have missed a | after |/rcm {Nickname} is testing...:/rcm_ply {Nickname) and you have a ) instead of } at the end of Nickname.
S2 licensed
This is the part that should work.

UseUsernameForAuthentication = true

AutoAction = swear:swear:swear:swear:swear|/kick {Username}|no name no game|/kick unnamed|!admin:!adi@^0Nip,^4Punchy|/rcm {Username} is authenticated user!:/rcm_all

Just spotted a : before |/kick {Username} in your config.

you have swear:|/kick Username| maybe it's the : after last swear.

edited my original post to show it correctly, I put a : in the post
S2 licensed
This works well for me:

UseUsernameForAuthentication = true

AutoAction = swear:swear:swear:swear:swear:swear|/kick {Username}|next action here
Last edited by Punchy, .
Master server
S2 licensed

Is there a problem with the master server, we are getting "could not resolve address of master server" on both of our dedi servers in the console window, have been running for over twelve months with no problems.


Problems seems to have gone, seems to have corrected itself strange indeed.
Last edited by Punchy, .
S2 licensed
Thanks guys for the info.
S2 licensed

I'm having a problem unbanning someone who was banned a long time ago with "/ban name 999", I've tried the command "/unban name" also tried ban editor all to no avail, it's on our Demo server btw, any help would be appreciated.