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S2 licensed
Ok got some screenies, and the host file which shows no name, the screenies show him in a plum coloured car everybody else has bames but him and the race position and connection list show him with no name.

Host file:

conn=^7[^4T^7B^1F^7] EESA
conn=^3masa_mäsa ^7S^4V^1K^3
conn=^1Ivek ^7CRO
conn=^4FBUT ^1D^7emo^1n
conn= <-----this is him

These are the screenies i managed to get.

S2 licensed
Ok I'll give that a go, also noticed the host file shows all who are playing with their name, like this: conn=Punchy, conn=racername and so on in real time.
S2 licensed
Thanks for that Tweak, no screeny but will get one, as for logs I'll go look and see if anything is there. We really don't want this in S2 do we.


timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
load bans
load font
create english file
kb : Latin 1
init controllers
default light map
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
Last edited by Punchy, .
No Name
S2 licensed
We run a Demo as well as S2, we have an idiot who manages to join our demo server with no name at all, thus making it impossible to kick or ban him/her, I didn't know that you could play without a name, before anyone says stick to S2, we use this demo to try and attract people to S2.
S2 licensed
Would this be the same tinvek from AA, if so hello m8, you do know AA have both a demo and full server running.
S2 licensed
Answered my own question, tried it and it auto kicks fine for swear words used in the server with the message "Autokicked for bad language".
S2 licensed
Would this work in the AutoAction

badwordhere|/kick {0} and if it does could i seperate more words with : or would I have to use a new line for each bad word.
S2 licensed
It's ok now, don't know why it just is.
S2 licensed
Upgraded to 2.4 but now have a problem that the commands no longer work, pb's are being updated to the database but, !stats, !top XFG no longer work, messages work ok welcome works fine.
S2 licensed
If you mean an alarm/beep from the case speaker, it could be an overheating problem, you cpu is working hard. Your PC specs would help anyone giving help to you.
S2 licensed
Can you have more than one word in the bad language or do you have to have seperate lines for each word, if you can have more than one how do you space the words.

AutoMsgPrivate = ****|^3No Bad Language or You'll Be Kicked {0}!|!help|!top [table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:!stats [playername pattern]:!ver:!help
S2 licensed
I have been using this for a few days now on our demo server running BL2R, the first thing I noticed it did not create a PB.txt for the database, so I made a folder called database and created a file called PB.txt which I put into the database folder folder, I then edited the LFSLapper.cfg to point at the PB.txt, "Database = LFSLapper\database\PB.txt" then copied the cfg and placed that in the bin folder.

The commands to get your stats and top places or any other command only work if you are on the track or in the pits, they won't work from spectate, well not for me anyway.

A copy of my cfg

# This is sample script for LFSLapper

# Lines beginning with '#' are commentaries and are ignored by program.

# Host IP.
# Leave as it is.
Host =

# Insim UDP port.
# Before starting LFSLapper you must configure LFS server
# to use this port for InSim. You can do that in command line when starting LFS
# or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).
Port = 29999

#Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = ******

# This is filepath of file containing personal best laps.
# Will be created if it doesnt exist yet. <---THIS DID NOT HAPPEN
Database = LFSLapper\database\PB.txt

# Enable if you want to show control of players when leaving the garage.
ShowPlayerControl = true

# Disable if you do not want action on split times.
ShowSplitWarnings = true

# Define max time of split to trigger action.
Split1 = 0.29.00
Split2 = 1.00.00
Split3 = 1.30.00

# Actions to do on splits
# Possible variables to use:
# {0} - Split time
# {1} - Nickname of driver
Split1Action = /msg Great 1st split ({0}) by {1}^8 !
Split2Action = /msg Great 2nd split ({0}) by {1}^8 !
Split3Action = /msg Great 3rd split ({0}) by {1}^8 !

# Message that is shown to players when they connect to server. Use '|' for new line.
ConnectMsg = ^7Welcome to ^1LFSLapper ^7powered server !|Type !help after leaving garage to see commands.

# Action to do on new personal best lap.
# Possible variables to use:
# {0} - Nickname of driver
# {1} - Lap time achieved
# {2} - Car used
PBAction = /msg New PB by {0}^8 ({2}): {1}

# Actions that are performed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# Possible variables to use:
# {0} - Nickname of driver
AutoAction = hello|/msg ^3Howdy , {0}!|hehe|/msg ^3:-)|no name no game|/kick unnamed

# Private multiline messages to send to player. Use '|' for next pattern/message pair and to separate pattern from message. Use ':' for new line.
# Possible variables to use:
# {0} - Nickname of driver that sent message
AutoMsgPrivate = ****|^3No Bad Language or You'll Be Kicked {0}!|!help|!top [table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:!stats [playername pattern]:!ver:!help
S2 licensed
Quote from Simon Savage :I had the same problem on a demo server last night i was on an airattack rallycross server and two guys waited in turn one blocking the track and wrecking the feild and they did it again and again!

Now its all well and good saying play on S2 servers but none of them normally do BLrallycross reverse and i cant host.
Further more i went to join a rallycross leuge and they said they were full.

So really these people need to be found out and made known to all the hosts so they can be banned!

That's our server, we keep the Demo up 24/7 to promote the game and our S2 is similar named.
Getting back to the [iDi] prats, they were in our server again tonight 30/11/05 but i was actually in the dedicated server sorting out our CoDUO out when i noticed these toerags banning everybody I tried to ban them through the dos window but it wouldn't let me. Our demo server seems to be quite popular, full most nights and about 5 or 6 regulars who use it, the problem as i see it if those who use the demo servers think this kind of thing is happening in the S2 they wil never buy a license. What I've done is, two of the regulars have now been given the admin pass to try and ban them as they come into the server. I did have voting off but was constantly being asked to turn it on so prats like these could be kicked/banned by the racers who play fair, but if they get in on mass like tonight it's the decent players who get banned by these tossers. I have now cleared the ban file for those who were banned by this lot.

Gaz aka Punchy