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S3 licensed
wow thats scary

maybe its time for servers to need 3rd party, community based, anti-cheat protection running. a bit like CSHP for unreal tournament, or TOST for tac-ops.
S3 licensed
yup, but lfs is primarily an online game

LFS wouldn't be the first to release single player demo as well as an online demo.

S3 licensed
actually thinking about it, i wouldn't be against seeing the LX4 in a single player demo (with netcode removed), on a different track.

(along with the RB4 (4WD), the UF1 (FWD) & the FOX (SS) )

i would have said the MRT but we don't want to scare them away, lmao.

i'd think it would definately improve some of the skills of new peeps coming through from demo to licenced racing.


(thought to self -- i think too much...)
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
lol, no worries, i have been wheening myself off them slowly and i haven't touched a single AI since i found lapper, and i'm doing really well

S3 licensed
i would vote to leave the lx4 where it is.

let us licence holders race on demo servers (S1 cars, with skins lol) and let the demo users drool instead (they can spectate us and pretend there driving it :razz

or the other way let demo spectate S1 servers with a quirky "kick to make room for licenced player" message :Kick_Can_

or both

its a bit like being copper on ctra, i can drive the XFG, but not the XRG, even though were in the same race. look how popular ctrax is lol.

and as hardly anyone actually hosts S1 servers these days i would think it would be quite easy for the guys to weed out any crackers or whatever.

/ducks from dev's
S3 licensed
i did add this in the forced cockpit spinoff thread, but flaming had already ensued so i don't think many people got to read it lol

that'll teach me for not creating a new thread

+1 (for extra buttons/views)
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
i think you may have mis-understood me, i do not want stats for the AI (macfox may tho, i dunno). i would much prefer that lapper ignores the AI completely, because at the moment, if you add AI to the server, lapper goes crazy, like macfox said above
S3 licensed
thanks for quick reply Gwendoline, i thought as much.

but will they be supported in future versions?, i'm just thinking of the future updates the AI are supposed to be getting

... obviously i wouldn't want the AI on the scoreboards though, beating the humans is hard enough as it is

S3 licensed
i'm glad u mentioned the AI macfox, i was starting to think it was just me... lol

S3 licensed
no worries, let us know how u get on. hopefully post some pic's when ur finished

good luck with second controller there, fingers crossed


(i would kill for a gate like yours... lol)
S3 licensed
in fact i'm going to go out on a limb here and compare ffb shifters with ffb steering wheels, once you've used a ffb wheel there is no going back, non-ffb wheels are just pants...

its the same with the shifter, i couldn't go back now to a non-ffb shifter, it would be just too sloppy, un-natural, pants ...

i strongly recommend that you beg, borrow, steal an ffb stick and load up ff-shifter to see what its like....

.... i'll give you half an hour before the screwdrivers come out LMFAO
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
wow, nice work mike

i had exactly the same problem with electrics when i was attempting to build a mame arcade machine, it seemed that even when i extended the buttons with even shorter wires from a standard controller all hell would break loose, sometimes it would work, but only for a few munites then the controller would disconnect itself, other times it would not detect at all. i tried 3 controllers and finally gave up (posibly a resistance thing?, i dunno). other peeps where using a proper control card built for the job but i didn't want to mail order one of these from the states without really knowing what i was doing lol, so the project was left abandoned

looking at your pics i was wondering tho, how will you similate "the feel" of it clicking in & out of gears? i only ask this as FFshifter does this for you "out-of-the-box" with the force feedback really well. (actually so well when i drive my real car, i find i'm wishing it felt like my shfter, hahaha)

have a look at this, this fellow has made his shifter OUT OF WOOD!!!! lmao. i'm only pointing to this picture because it has the side off showing the innards, main point being he has gone one stage further and removed the casing for the base as well as the handle. the wiring is left pretty much untouched. ... 2828794&postcount=677

you know what i'm going to say don't you, lol - don't waste your money on another gamepad, spend a little more on a ffb j/stick and put its innards into what you have built already, you won't be sorry


ps. it sounds like the next version of FFshifter will have optional clutch support, meaning if you change gear without clutch the stick will fight you untill you clutch-in. i can't wait, someting definately to look forward too
S3 licensed
i agree with mr rogers 100%. i'll attach a pic of my FF shifter, it took me 10 mins to remove the handle and put in its place the pacman arcade knob. as for the costs, i had the bits already the jostick was condemed nearly 2 years ago cos the twist pot wouldn't calibrate (dont need twist for this ) and the pacman knob i got from a local arcade machine recycling company for £2 !!!!

it may not look much, but i love it to bits, and i will prolly build a gate for it one day but it isn't really needed.

a freind of mine has the act labs shifter, but he still prefers mine as he says "it just feels more realistic" lol

--EDIT-- ... =2541549&postcount=97
check out this link, it was the video of ff-shifter in operation (at the end) that finally gave me my inspiration (oh, and the fact that he was using the same model joystick that i had )
Last edited by quackdougal, . Reason : inspiration link
S3 licensed
Quote from vane :try putting a colon in instead of |

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts:/rcm_all

thanks Vane, but unfortunately this does not work here, shame, it was this one i wanted to rcm the most, lmao

could it be a limitation of lapper?, cos i can seem to rcm other stuff fine (DriftPBAction, DriftLapAction etc.)

Quack!! (QD)
S3 licensed
if you can lay your hands on an old force feedback joystick, then this FF-Shifter proggy may be of intrest...

absolutley blew me away, works so well, even without a gate though i do definately recommend changing the handle for a gearnob

its worth checking the link to see the pic's of what other peeps have done with there sticks, some nice stuff !!

Quack!! (QD)


actually, after reading yor post properly (and looking at the pictures lol) i'd say DEFINATELY check that link, just mount the evo gearnob straight to the shaft of a ffb joystick (the ffb holds it in gear). you'll be suprised how well it works without a gate, if you like how it works, then build a gate around it sometime (i didn't cos i like the way FFShifter works, and i can still use it as a joystick for other stuff- someday )
i'm using the same wheel lol, love it to bits
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
wow this looks amazing, but what would be the minimum spec's for the laptop?

reason being i have an old IBM 380D thinkpad in mint condition here gathering dust, it has windows 98, pentium MMX (speed unknown but i think its about 200mhz) & 80mb of ram. would this be enough to produce basic output, ie. fuel, tyres and race positions?

i know your all laughing your heads off, but if peeps are doing this with pda's and psp's....

i just had to ask, lol

Quack!! (QD)
S3 licensed
hi there, i finally had a go at installing lapper and it is working great!!!!

there was a few things that i wanted to find out though, as i wanted to create a config for the laptop when i play this on the lan at work with my boss, when there is only 2 of us playing i wanted to try and make lapper more "in yer face", i was trying to change some of the drift score options from apearing in the top left corner and have them show across the screen instead, but i cant seem to get it to work this is what i got...

GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

i changed it to this but it will not work...

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts|/rcm_all

i did the same with DriftPBAction & DriftLapAction and they work fine, but obviously only at the finish line, i wanted GoodDriftAction because this should happen anywhere on the track (whenever someone does an "Exellent" drift), i have tried it in all sorts of combinations of |,/,: even joining the msg and rcm with pipe-tab but i must be missing something lol, if someone can tell me where i'm going wrong that would be fantastic

also, a final question, is there any preconfigured (demo) speed-drift server configs floating around because i did read (by Gwendoline iirc) a few pages into this thread that there were 5 cfg's to be released but i cant find them anywhere. from what i can tell, this lapper looks very powerfull and i would love to see what could really be done with it.

thanks again for a class program, so glad i took the plunge and installed it
Quack!! (QD)

i forgot to ask, is AI not supported yet? (not that it matters) because if i add AI to the server, lapper goes crazy, lol
Last edited by quackdougal, . Reason : added Q about AI :-)
S3 licensed
Quote from creativesurgeon :Pictures! :spin:

dam, i knew someone would ask that, i had to tidy up first

there u go, the saitek up on the desk also turns my head left/right. unfortunately, the logitech is only good for the brake and its buttons, as the steering and throttle axis will not calibrate at all, it does make a wicked armrest though, lmao

don't laugh too hard, some of us have to make the best of what we got
Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
up until recently i had 3 wheels plugged in here, an old ms sidewinder non-ffb wheel (no pedals) for steering, a saitek r220 for the down hanging pedals (clutch and brake) and a logitech formula gp (non-ffb) for the brake pedal which i used as the accelorator. (its amazing what you can pick up at bootsales, lmao)

i can honestly say with all three plugged in it made no difference to the FPS at all, however, if FPS drops of 10-15% are a problem to you, i'd consider upgading graphics/system cos as time goes on i should think graphically at least, LFS demands are just going to get heavier, lol

S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Just bought the Formula EX, but im having problems with the pedals, as it seems they are attatched to the same axis, rather than separate ones (what i would prefer).

If i press both pedals at the same time, they cancel each other out, if i am still holding a little throttle, the brake axis will be reduced with a gap as equal as the ammount thottle i am using.

Art (art555) if you could get back to me on this, to see if you have/had the same problem, or if you did and had to stick with it, as there was no possible solution?

iirc you need to go to the wingman profiler settings and under global device settings untick report combined pedals, its there somewhere, might have to search a bit for it

(i hope this is right as i no longer use logitech devices as this pc here will not calibrate them properly so i'm now using an old non-ff sidewinder wheel + a cheep saitek r220 for the pedals, lol)

More Views in Cockpit View
S3 licensed
Quote from quackdougal :i have always been a CV driver in the driving games that i play, but with LFS, mirrors seem to be a crucial part of gameplay. on my 19" 4/3 monitor, if i set the FOV to include the mirrors, then (most cars at least) feel like i'm driving a dragster. I tend to drive with settings more closer to what MagicFr states above but with just enough to see clocks & gear indicator, because for me at least, seems far more realistic than the high FOV dragster view.

the problem i have with that though is to view my mirrors i have to turn my head a full 90deg to even view the mirror next to me. this is totally unrealistic, after even just a few turns i get totally disoriented and repeated use just plainly makes me feel sick (and not want to race no more).

what i'd like to see is two more options (buttons) for view to mirrors. this should turn/move your head only just enough to bring the mirror into the edge of the screen. that way (with the nearest mirror at least) you can still see the apex and view your mirror at the same time by just moving your eyeballs as both will sill be on the screen, all-be-it different positions. obviously, when bringing in the furthest mirror to the edge of view there will be even less of the apex on view, i dunno about you guys, but in r/l i tend to move my head more central to the car (when at speed) and as far back as possible to give the best view possible of furthest mirror and apex simultainiusly, by moving my eyeballs only.

i think what im trying to say is in mirror view, the mirror and apex (which should never be lost!!) should be at either end of the screen at the same time, instead of just the left/right 90deg snap that we have atm.

i am not suggesting that we replace the left/right view as it is really good, what i'm suggesting is extra mirror views buttons that is not so violent and won't make me as sick feeling, and allow those others like me with piss-ant tiny monitors (never thought of my 19" as small before LFS lol) a realistic FOV without the trade off for bringing mirrors into view.

i hope this makes sense lmao

no comments??

thank god i didn't go into my thoughts on another two buttons for nearest threat left/right (a.k.a something similar to padlock view in flight sim games).
lets face it there are times when you want to look generally out of the window and the left right 90deg views are fine for this, but imo, when at speed, you already know what you want to look at, in real life something passes you a speed your head will naturally track it. if neck and neck in turn one, you want to turn your head just enough to bring the wing of the nearest car to the edge of your view at the press of a button so you wont loose your orientation as you do with the 90deg snap left/right views. similarly, there are times when you want to eyeball the driver next to you, even if its just to see if he's looking at you!! lol

i wont write a page on how i think this could be implemented this time unless people are actually interested (ok, i did, see edit below), but suffice to say i think that by adding these (to coin a favourate term in this thread, optional) buttons Scawen could kill two birds with one stone.

along with the obvious help it would give us human racers, there's the question on the "new & improved" upcomming AI. i.e when the AI for instance has recieved there updates, will they still drive with there heads in the forward position?, because i for one would like to see them glance at there mirrors ocassionally, or even eyeball a driver thats really close. granted it whould be probably be artificialy scripted at random but it would add to the feel of realism with the ai, considering how long we have to run them to train them (i for one am really looking forward to training the ai when updated )


for anyone thinking "too many views.." i would say you could never have enough views....
for anyone thinking "too many buttons.." truth is, we've never got enough buttons anyway
......failing that, ITS AN OPTION !!! lmao

ok, this is what i was thinking..

click (hold) right nearest threat turns head only enough to bring the nearest car (on right) front wing to the edge of view.
whilst holding down right nearest threat, hold down left threat will give you eyeball-2-eyeball view of car driver on right.
again, whilst holding down right nearest threat, double click and hold left threat to turn head even further to view other threats from behind/right rear quarter.
and vice-versa

(similar to when you press and hold left view, then press right you dont turn right, you turn 180deg in the left direction)
again, hope this makes sense lol
Last edited by quackdougal, . Reason : added thoughts on implementation
S3 licensed
Quote from qoncept :What about asking people whether they'd like to upload their setup whenever they break a laptime record, and send it to people when they request one?

+1, i hate begging/scrounging
S3 licensed
lol, i only was commenting on the problems i have with a realistic FOV with LFS in cockpit view. just with the headaches (after 5-10mins!!) i get with the disorientation from 90deg snap left/right just to view mirrors, lets just say i wont be winning no races soon

i am a cockpit view player, allways have been, allways will be

Last edited by quackdougal, .
S3 licensed
i have always been a CV driver in the driving games that i play, but with LFS, mirrors seem to be a crucial part of gameplay. on my 19" 4/3 monitor, if i set the FOV to include the mirrors, then (most cars at least) feel like i'm driving a dragster. I tend to drive with settings more closer to what MagicFr states above but with just enough to see clocks & gear indicator, because for me at least, seems far more realistic than the high FOV dragster view.

the problem i have with that though is to view my mirrors i have to turn my head a full 90deg to even view the mirror next to me. this is totally unrealistic, after even just a few turns i get totally disoriented and repeated use just plainly makes me feel sick (and not want to race no more).

what i'd like to see is two more options (buttons) for view to mirrors. this should turn/move your head only just enough to bring the mirror into the edge of the screen. that way (with the nearest mirror at least) you can still see the apex and view your mirror at the same time by just moving your eyeballs as both will sill be on the screen, all-be-it different positions. obviously, when bringing in the furthest mirror to the edge of view there will be even less of the apex on view, i dunno about you guys, but in r/l i tend to move my head more central to the car (when at speed) and as far back as possible to give the best view possible of furthest mirror and apex simultainiusly, by moving my eyeballs only.

i think what im trying to say is in mirror view, the mirror and apex (which should never be lost!!) should be at either end of the screen at the same time, instead of just the left/right 90deg snap that we have atm.

i am not suggesting that we replace the left/right view as it is really good, what i'm suggesting is extra mirror views buttons that is not so violent and won't make me as sick feeling, and allow those others like me with piss-ant tiny monitors (never thought of my 19" as small before LFS lol) a realistic FOV without the trade off for bringing mirrors into view.

i hope this makes sense lmao
Last edited by quackdougal, . Reason : typo
S3 licensed
I appologise MrRogers if you think i offended you, that was never the intent though i do commend your honesty to vote as such. I would never question your integrity but even you must have seen in your years here that the current system as is, is open to abuse. i won't pretend to know the people that you listed, but one name did stand out, that was th84 - i remember him asking me if i wanted a set and he even took time out to spectate me and give me pointers where i was going wrong, was a good night. top geezer . if all the others you mention are of the same calibre then i'm surely missing out on some good quality racing.

i personally avoid clan servers like the plague tho because of past experiences with voting (how the hell is some noob with s2 for 2 days expected to know that RR server was for pro's only, LOL) so i tend to join private servers with just a few peeps on them, or god forbid, drift servers (i can't drift either lol). But even here i see the voting problems, probably moreso, what with voting frenzys, wrong person being kicked, etc. its getting to a point where "he who votes first, wins"

Turning off voting on server is a work around i guess,as is avoiding non-adminned servers, but its not a solution to the vote system in s2 final.

i was thinking of something like this....
give all s1 - s2 licence holders lets say +10 votepoints, when a person is kicked/banned from a server, the replay & reason (+list of voters) is saved locally and on host. if the person challenges the ban & wins then all voters lose 5 votepoints. if you reach minus-number votepoints then you cannot vote untill you get back to positive no's. increment votepoints by one per day (maximum of 10). info could be sent to lfs automatically when admin clicks un-ban. obviously this wouldn't work on a demo server, but hey - more reason to buy a licence

i shouldn't think this would be a problem for all you guys with good integrity, i would expect you guys to have 10 votepoints at all times, i'm thinking more of the little servers where admins are not available and all the anon (clanless/teamless) drivers are voting willy nilly for the hell of it because they can, lol

dont flame me, its just a suggestion
Last edited by quackdougal, .