The online racing simulator
Quote from sinbad :No one says you should pay for the demo. If you don't think S2 is worth the price, then don't buy it, but don't expect to be given it for nothing.

You do realise that if everything in LFS was free, it probably wouldn't even exist?

Answer me This

I should Pay the school or pay for 1 lic s2?

with 24 euros y pay 4 Months of school
#77 - Jakg
School Obviosly - LFS is a luxury, School isn't.

Hey, i can't afford a Ferrari - Can you give me a Ferrari because i've wanted it for so long? What do you think i'm gonna do, buy food or a Ferrari?
Quote from Jakg :School Obviosly - LFS is a luxury, School isn't.

Hey, i can't afford a Ferrari - Can you give me a Ferrari because i've wanted it for so long? What do you think i'm gonna do, buy food or a Ferrari?

You forgot the "[/sarkasm]


You think what r you saying?

I dont the same thing the ferrari that a school =S

I wanna s2 but if i dont pay the school y loose the chance to get a job in the future

Come to live a argentina if you dont have title fron school or university you dont get a job

I dont know how is in your country but in argentina is a bullshit everyrhing

Every mounth all the price of all thing like food , trasnport public , the service for the house , the rent and thing like that go up and every time if more dificult to live in argentina

I a shame you think in that form
An American Revolution
#79 - axus
Quote from Inouva :I dont the same thing the ferrari that a school =S

He's saying
school = food and
LFS = Ferrari
in his world. He can't afford a Ferrari if he gets food, just like you can't afford LFS if you pay for school. People always WANT something more and no-one's going to give it to them just because they want it - they have to earn it. Now do something to earn it - get a job, or do something for the community. Either that, or shut up. You aren't getting S2 for free.
Quote from Inouva :You forgot the "[/sarkasm]

No one is forgetting sarcasm tags in this thread. They are making a point of which you don't seem to understand. LFS is a luxury. It is a business, not our's, but the developer's business. LFS is not a life necessity for us, but as a business and an income, it is to the developers. Thus, you do not NEED LFS to live. If you want LFS S2, then you pay for it. If you can't afford it, then you don't get it, just like Jakg would want a Ferrari, but can't afford it. So, he doesn't get the Ferrari, just like you don't get LFS.

Quote :Every mounth all the price of all thing like food , trasnport public , the service for the house , the rent and thing like that go up and every time if more dificult to live in argentina

That is called inflation. It isn't bound to Argentina. It is all over the world. We aren't paying the same as time goes on. Prices and cost goes up everywhere.
That may be Mike, but in Argentina, the inflation seems to be waaaaay more than everywhere else, It's absurd how they even live there.
#82 - CSU1
I'm getting lost here. Does anyone think this would make the class more popular?

Ok it's obvious that LFS is the dev's lifeline for income...but in the future we will se more cars. My point is sometimes you have to give a little to get a little. Giving free content once every eighteen months or so is'nt going to break the bank!

Let's leave the obvious fact that you just don't get things in life for free, and indeed if you want S2 save and buy. Imo this suggestion would both help the popularity of the class and send a wave of news through the demo world....cookies bring the lil' monsters a' flocking

...give a little, get a little
Quote from CSU1 :I'm getting lost here. Does anyone think this would make the class more popular?

In the demo, obviously. But not in S2.

If I drive one car for several weeks in the demo and then get the full game I certainly wouldnt go on driving this car but try all the other, new ones.

For example: You almost never see crowded servers running XFG+XRG (except CTRA of course) and these are demo cars. By your logic, the cars should be much more popular because basically everybody started with them in the demo.
#84 - CSU1
Quote from zeugnimod :In the demo, obviously. But not in S2.
By your logic, the cars should be much more popular because basically everybody started with them in the demo.

not really, the fact that noone drives the car is reason to get them lil buggers in it early(demo) because I honestly beleive that the reason this car is so unpopular is because it's so hard to drive(thats just my opinion looking at new drivers trying to drive the LX).

Being fluent in LX would be the new S2 owners, and they would'nt think twice about jumping in. I dunno, I just think would help the overall popularity of the car....meh
That's the most stupid suggestion... so if you have a Electronic device factory, and wanna make your expensive superb surround sound system more popular, you would give away some of these model so people could learn how to use it but still won't buy one ?
Quote from Inouva :You forgot the "[/sarkasm]


You think what r you saying?

I dont the same thing the ferrari that a school =S

I wanna s2 but if i dont pay the school y loose the chance to get a job in the future

Come to live a argentina if you dont have title fron school or university you dont get a job

I dont know how is in your country but in argentina is a bullshit everyrhing

Every mounth all the price of all thing like food , trasnport public , the service for the house , the rent and thing like that go up and every time if more dificult to live in argentina

I a shame you think in that form

You know, when I was younger and just starting out in life, I barely had the $$$ for anything besides the basic necessities. you know what? I didn't waste time in cyber cafes playing video games. I was always doing some sort of work to get ahead. Besides if your as poor as what you claim to be, then you should know that something handed to you is nowhere near as valuable to you as something you had to earn. I'm not a "rich kid". In fact I'm pretty far from it. But I get by. I do whatever it takes to get what I want and need (within reason) But like I said, when I'm having a hard time getting bills paid or making ends meet, the LAST thing I'd do is sit around in a cyber cafe. When I first got my very first computer (an acer pentium 75),
it cost me $1800.00 U.S.. Now, even adjusting for inflation of Argentina, probably horrible customs taxes on importing comps and whatever, that's still waaay more than what YOU can get a computer for in downtown Buenos Aires right now. So don't go there with me about how "hard" it is. I'm from the school of hard knocks. I know better.

You know I get so damn tired of hearing people that are broke like me whining about how bad we've got it and how "they" ought to give us this or that..... First off, just who is "they" and just what did WE do for them to deserve them giving us crap? Most of the people that have that mentality really don't deserve the crap they already have IMO. Most of those people are still in the same place they were 15 years ago.... waiting for that big handout I guess.
No dude, if somebody really wants more content of LFS than what already comes in the demo, then they should be willing to go the extra mile to buy the damn game instead of sitting around doing nothing but whining for more free crap.
i would vote to leave the lx4 where it is.

let us licence holders race on demo servers (S1 cars, with skins lol) and let the demo users drool instead (they can spectate us and pretend there driving it :razz

or the other way let demo spectate S1 servers with a quirky "kick to make room for licenced player" message :Kick_Can_

or both

its a bit like being copper on ctra, i can drive the XFG, but not the XRG, even though were in the same race. look how popular ctrax is lol.

and as hardly anyone actually hosts S1 servers these days i would think it would be quite easy for the guys to weed out any crackers or whatever.

/ducks from dev's
Or see the replys fron s2 in demo
No2 Vaporizer
actually thinking about it, i wouldn't be against seeing the LX4 in a single player demo (with netcode removed), on a different track.

(along with the RB4 (4WD), the UF1 (FWD) & the FOX (SS) )

i would have said the MRT but we don't want to scare them away, lmao.

i'd think it would definately improve some of the skills of new peeps coming through from demo to licenced racing.


(thought to self -- i think too much...)
Quote from quackdougal :actually thinking about it, i wouldn't be against seeing the LX4 in a single player demo (with netcode removed), on a different track.

(along with the RB4 (4WD), and the UF1 (FWD) & the FOX (SS) )

Yes, lets add the FZR, BF1, FO8 and all Aston configurations, too.

You know the purpose of a demo, dont you?
yup, but lfs is primarily an online game

LFS wouldn't be the first to release single player demo as well as an online demo.

Although it is easy for a lot of us here to say that demo should be shorter, please keep in mind that I was on demo for over a year myself, before even considering getting s2. And a large number of my friends on Live For Speed did the same/similarly.

Also, it somewhat teaches you to be a better racer, because imagine if all those 'noobs' that you complain about being on demo suddenly came on s2? Even then, the community will be decimated if this change was made.

And personally I play demo quite a bit as well XD. (Keyboard does not allow for much besides fairly minor competitive drifting in the XRT :P.