Results added in OP.
Rule .doc in OP updated. Added: "Mid-season joiners will have to race their first race with the average Air Intake Restriction of the racer field, regardless of the car chosen."
Good thing you asked.
No,of course it´s not ok. The best and fastest demo racer should get the S2 lift and will be invited for the event, but not his S2 brother.
Right now TDRT admins are working on the overall points standings, checking for the correct air intake restrictions of all racers, a single movie of the best race seen this evening and finally we as well have to have a look at possible penalties to some racers due to rules breaches and "different driving"..
Round 1 was ok, I think.
Round 2 will become even better, I´m sure about.
It still will be possible to sign up for this league - with an average Air Intake Restriction of the last race tonight.
[url="http"]More to come[/url]....
Applause to the few Spanish, Spanish-German guys in this thread. At least they show some guts posting their point of view on this matter.
I think there are some unwritten rules in LFS and I´m in no doubt that NOT using a macro has become one of them already.
Show me a thread where sb. asked pre-race if it would be ok to use the macro-clutch please..
I strongly believe it would be a very good idea to inform them about this thread because it´s absolutely bad for the hole Spanish LFS community (which these racers should care about [?]) but especially for these couple of Spanish racers, using the macro clutch. See the posts where these few macro-racers already have become blacklisted and this "trend" might continue, I´m sure about.
And if, like you state, these superb drivers that can beat WR's without using the script, you might wanna encourage them to do so and this way they should feel even more satisfaction beating a WR or winning races.
But me as well hopes for a auto-clutch fix asap to get over with this matter.
PS.:Good job, Glenn. Was interesting reading all the way through this thread and one can see you put a lot of efford in your testing.
Hi Ben,
good question. This is the actual points table of the ongoing GameStarLeague which I have taken over ( The Points Table, not his League )
Anyways, I´m going to ask GSL Admin Mika Radmer about it. For our City League it´s changed now (and final).
Some rules & info updates (see as well the updated rules & info .doc in OP):
Added: LX6,FZ50 and RAC drivers receive a +500 points bonus before the league start. However, as car changes are allowed from race to race, this bonus will be erased again when a driver chooses an UFR/XFR for a single race or more.
Reason: We´d like to see more LX6´s,RAC´s or FZ50´s on the city tracks. But it looks like most of the joined and accepted racers are going to choose an XFR or UFR. Second: The LRF´s won´t have much of a chance to get on the podium the first couple of races, therefore as well this +500 points bonus.
Added highlighted:
4.5 Chosen vehicle for the season 2008
The participant doesn´t have to use the same vehicle for all the season. It may be changed from race to race during the season. Still, racers will have to continue with their actual air intake restriction.
Changed highlighted:
3.2 Race
For the races, the drivers receive the following placement points:
1. Place = 400
2. Place = 370 3. Place = 340
4. Place = 320
5. Place = 300
6. Place = 290
7. Place = 280
8. Place = 270
9. Place = 260
10. Place = 250
11. Place = 240
12. Place = 230
13. Place = 220
14. Place = 210
15. Place = 200
16. Place = 190
17. Place = 180
18. Place = 170
19. Place = 160
20. Place = 150
21. Place = 140
22. Place = 130
23. Place = 120
24. Place = 110
25. Place = 100
26. Place = 90
27. Place = 80
28. Place = 70
29. Place = 60
30. Place = 50
Working on a complete rule set, which will get published soon. Still 3 weeks to go. But yes, we´ll have 3 diff. overall point standing. The All-Cars, the LRF´s and the FWD GTR´s.