Host, port, size, position, metric/imperial, and decimal places are all adjustable from the config file.
It's GPS-style, meaning it tracks distance moved rather than wheel rotation.
It will keep track while you pit, spec, restart and change cars or servers.
Click it to reset.
Edit: Version 1.1: now uses z coordinates; fixed bug that would sometimes track another player whilst spectating; added console echo of distance on lap and reset.
WARNING I've recently found that this exe is a resource-hog. It's an issue with the way the compiler works and not something I can fix until I can afford a paid-for compiler
EDIT 2 - Version 2.0: no changes to functionality, but now built using a much better compiler - this has solved the ridiculous resource usage issue, the program now uses the minuscule amount of resources you'd expect from something so simple
I mean inside the jpg - there's different ways to record the colour information. The most common problem is RGB mode versus CMYK mode. For the internet you need RGB mode, and other modes will just display a broken image link. For commercial printing the colour mode must be CMYK, and others come out with screwy colours, and usually almost black (if you ever saw a magazine advert that's just a black square, now you know what they did wrong ).
In Photoshop you can tell from the Image > Mode menu. Dunno about other programs, but it should be there somewhere. If it's not RGB, change to that, save and try again.
When you install LFS it's installed as demo licence level. You then use your account details to unlock it so that the installation is linked to your account and licence level (S2 in your case). You can then start that installation as many times as you like, and join as many servers as you like - no limits.
You should only need to unlock it again if you re-install it or want to change users, not every time you use it. You get 3 unlocks initially, plus you get one more each Friday if you have less than 3 left. You can also email the devs to get the count reset if you explain your situation.
Are you running it in some kind of sandbox/emulator? If so I can't help with setting that up, but somebody else might be able to if you list the software you use.
Or maybe you're swapping back and forth between two accounts? If so, install two copies and unlock each one to a different user, then run the installation for the user you want each time.
Very nice for working out your ideal camber/pressure for a particular corner - you can see exactly when you have dialled in nice, even load across the whole tyre.
I had no idea gaming chair companies hadn't worked this out yet *rolls eyes*. I had a wheeled office type chair back when I moused LFS, but yeah, I had to swap for a dining room chair once I got pedals. A nicely cushioned chair, mind
Renaming works if you don't need level ground, but the new car park has a slope that can ruin concrete. I can move them somewhere else if you do need the ground to be level, with a couple of caveats.
Says resident contrarian number 3. Not from his original account, mind, because that was banned. In the interest of future kettle-pot relations I shall feign forgetfulness as to the reason, fail to notice the image you choose to represent you, and forget entirely his character, and the character he's based on.
Simon: The noise will always enjoy and encourage the lowering of signal strength, usually under the guise of the exact opposite. You're an asset to LFS
I drive a car with foggy windows on cold mornings, in the dark at night, etc., and it feels no less real for lack of visual details. I appreciate that your view is the majority view, but high graphics are an aid to immersion, IMHO: they are not the only factor, or even the most important factor.
I am more excited about blingy LFS graphics removing this "but it has old graphics" attitude and hopefully starting a new growth in people who put graphics first, than I am for my own enjoyment of them. They look stunning, but the immersion I get from LFS with the graphics we have is already stunning - I am there, I am the car.
Yes, you are absolutely correct: Scawen has spent the last 10 years doing nothing but playing with grass colour. It's a good thing you're here to help, but are you sure that the world of research can spare your insight? Shouldn't you be using your genius to cure cancer or fuse atoms or something?
I've raced MRTs there before... can't remember the details, but definitely MRT on that particular bit of dirt with a fair few other people. 3 gears too high was the trick, IIRC - poor man's TC
I had a similar experience. I'm not a chef myself, but I've tried hanging around the kitchen shouting random chefing advice to the chef through the back door. It's been completely ineffective, so obviously I have no option but to keeping making the advice louder and more random.
Feedback on the subject welcomed (from anyone). Currently you score a point for getting the enemy flag back to your base and nothing for anything else.
I thought it might be worth making that a big score of say 10 points, and then giving a smaller scores, say a single point, for picking up the flag, capturing it back from an enemy car, returning it to the base etc.
I'm also running a small, plain, unobstucted rectangular pitch with a base at each end. Do people want to play on a plain pitch, or should there be some obstacles to shuffle things up a bit? Anyone got an urge to build a CTF pitch?