Sounds pretty outplayed, a kid crying about lost 12 lbs or what? If you don't care anymore that is not problem, we also don't care about your complains, not even developers are insterested (and i believe that they're not emo so the will not cry cuz of your leave) if you almost told them that they sucks because you're bored. If you want some realistic driving with evolution, drive a car, buy some laps on track and enjoy...
I use fraps for both, i paid for it because im also an member of team (online TV about games) so we really need it, i have a habit in using fraps so then when i came to game with build-in screenshoot feature i dont use it
Vistaman: i just got my new mouse A4-Tech XL-740K and it's awesome For photoshop work excelent...
but as PHP developer i experienced that the all the power of my rig hunted for all over years is now useless for me, i play only LFS (sometimes RBR, rFactor, etc.) new hardcore games are not for me, all i need is PHP, Apache, MySQL, Notepad++, PhotoShop and these few games on my laptop to keep me happy I spend a lot of money to tune my old PC in years of its fame but now, to years after buy its worth 1/3 of its original price, but still catching on newest games
I dont like that paying strategy, thats awful on iRacing. And "where is the demo?" question is still in the air.... just look at the cars/tracks and i feel a tons of american racing, those Nascar IndyCar series, V8 etc. from the car list only Jetta interested me, other cars looks porly (not graphics but they are exactly that what i wanted to never drive)..... never tried but these things about game made me not interested.
Without any success... all whiners etc. could write completly new LFS with tons of words written about this. Just reorder some characters and compile it, lol.
Btw i would like to see complete stats about words used in this topic... "879846x Scirocco, 798463x S3, 765478x developers..."