The online racing simulator
terrible blackwoodtextures. lol.
Yep, I know :P
Quote from Mr. Bulletproof :i got banned for posting pictures with mods in them.

gets lifted on the 2nd of august.

cant wait LOL!

Right on my birthday haha
First skin!
Ok! So I've just made my first skin!

It's a real simple one that I put some decals on

I used an INCREDIBLE template made by Fredrik Sørlie - creds to him for the template which is a whole lot more work than what I've put in the skin myself.

Except from that i found some random decal templates free to use and had some fun ^^

Tell me what you think!

ATM it's a private skin, but if you want it send me a pm, if I get enough requests I'll give it to the public ^^

EDIT: Just finished my SECOND skin today, so might aswell post it here, I'm still open for critique. I used the same template as before, just changed the grille, lights, all done with the template-pack made by Fredrik Sørlie.

Using MS Paint for something else than PixelArt should be prohibited but nice work tho
XRT S13 Advan
fic. #7 Monster Energy.

Logos: MasGrafx
Numbers: MasGrafx
Template: Falcon140
Base: WS.C • Smoke (Me)

This thought I take my NASCAR 09 League car and add it to LFS.

Skin has been uploaded to LFS World.
Attached images
Nice skin Raito
Nice one 2 ghost
I did a FZR version , but urs is better
Based on Mad Mike's Team NFS Metal Mulisha drift machine. Due to there already being a few really good skins of this car made I decided to mix it up a bit, using the black/white solid body colours but not as they are on the real car + some added/repositioned decals.
[right click -> save image to LFS/data/skins]
(tfk) DELETED by tfk
here´s one of my newest skins, pls dont edit anything on it but feel free to use
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Quote from gnagarn :here´s one of my newest skins, pls dont edit anything on it but feel free to use

Imho it's not worth of editing... just few pics of faces + some text, I'm not impressed
Quote from Raito :Imho it's not worth of editing... just few pics of faces + some text, I'm not impressed

well, everybodys taste is different, and mine is a more realistic paintjob rather then alot of logos from different companys
but here´s another skin, and yes im no prof skinner just a beginner but feel free to comment
Attached images
Quote from gnagarn :well, everybodys taste is different, and mine is a more realistic paintjob rather then alot of logos from different companys
but here´s another skin, and yes im no prof skinner just a beginner but feel free to comment

This looks way much better For better result try next time point the sun light to the angle of your actual POV
I don't get why people can't rotate the bloody light source, it pisses me off, what's point of showing a side of the car that's in the shade.
(-beelzebub) DELETED by -beelzebub
Quote from -beelzebub :[attach]107653[/attach]

good start, just upgrade your graphic app. (free: Gimp, paid: PhotoShop) and also post previews on car please
[XRT] RB_scheM
BMW E30 M3 DTM for XRG for request.

Attached images
Nice one man.
Although I dont like the shape of the XRG much, the skin does make the car come alive.
A clean nice replica skin which looks great.
Nice skin goes in the folder

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )