Little guide that might cure it, don't select the Nvidia chipset option if you have a nvidia chipset.
#Uninstall the current drivers you have, then reboot
#Use this program to clean all the past drivers you have used
#Select ATI/Nvidia/Nvidia chipset/physX then press clean, then reboot
#Select the 9.10 driver for your system either 32/64bit which ever you run
#Install, reboot when the option pops up for you.
The reason i told you to use 9.10 instead of 9.11 is i have been hearing nothing but problems with the 9.11 driver for the 5*** series since it got released.
Only because the car was already there for them, only 2 things he did was buy out honda's F1 department (even honda out them out with money problems) and change the team's name.