ummm where LFS stands in comparison, here are some of my thoughts
LFS doesn't even come close, papy are still the only developer that have got the 'feel' of a simulation right (compared to others that is), the atmosphere and how it feels in general to play is much better than any other, but thats not to say the physics or the rest of it are the best.
art work, models, track design, visuals, sound, all walk over LFS, the sound been the biggest difference, at high speed GTR feels fine to drive too (don't all sims
), but completely blows at low speed, oh and it doesn't work online, well it does, but it shortens your life.
same as GTR, but I think the feel of the game has taken a back step, in terms of simulation, it feels more fake and plastic, than GTR.
no idea, we'll find out soon.
iRacing, what ever they do, will probally lead the next generation of racing sims, but we'll find out more when they release it, when ever that date is.
LFS does some things very well, online code, the physics that have been done, are good, but they are not complete which makes some of the aspects of the sim pretty bad, ie driving any RWD car. What LFs really suffers from though imo, is a complete lack of 'racing' feel, it feels souless, like its just been programmed full of numbers, without any life inserted into it, this comes down to several aspects, visuals, sound, and feel, how the physics/motion what ever you want to call it, are transfered to the player through certain feelings you can generate, this is something papy have done the best, imo, and has not been matched.
Sim racing is sim racing, and therefore you have to fake certain aspects of the sim, to generate the realism, sounds odd, but thats how atleast I feel it has to be done.
There is more detail of course I could go into, but I won't bore you yet