Come on Rony, don't let it ruin your fun. I enjoyed the combo and tried my best to stay within the tracklimits. But a rb4 on hot tyres will always be tricky to hold between the lines. Only with a good race set it is ok to do so. But not many people have time to invest hours into making a set nowadays. I used a race set from another event and tried it for 4 laps before the race.
I only wanted to say, let's focus on the fun parts and keep it rolling
Please stop with giving advice to people you don't know the backgroud of @scawen. We're here to enjoy a game which we like to play. We can have our opinions and if they are different from yours it's not because we are staying 24/7 inside of our houses. So don't make a fool of yourself and keep it on topic. And yh I know you changed a lot for the community and you're salty because not all people didn't test the test patch. But at the end of the day we players are your customers, so talk with a bit more respect against them.
From the example it says my axis speed is 450 while tj has 200 and paulo 320. I have no idea how to change this settings and what is better. Is 450 the standard??
Competition level is high, yes. But you can learn massively from faster drivers. Join a league server early and ask for some tips and setup, this will get some seconds off your time