It isn't always walter his fault.
I know, there were more leagues running at that date and it was sad there were much drivers that can't make it at sometimes but we have also made our plans and can't switch them always.
So next time better and I hope more drivers can race it.
.... I am banned by some voting.... I was just racing and at the start they were pushing in my back, I drive there the event and now is my quest, can you guys unban me for tonight?
First and Lastname: Rik kardol
LFSW Username: Rik97
Teamname: TeamRockRacing
Team Tag: TRR
Desired-Carnumber: 06
Date-of-Birth: 07-02-1997
Nationality: the Netherlands
Age:15 Country:the Netherlands Preferred Car/Track:All combo's Average Laptime on Car/Track: +0,4, +1, +2, If I spend time on it, I am just improving. How Active Are You? Daily Time Zone: +1 GMT What Kind of Control do you use? : Mouse if I am on laptop, G25 wheel if I am on normal pc.
First and Lastname: Rik kardol
LFSW Username: Rik97
Teamname: Team Rock Racing
Team Tag: -TRR-
Desired-Carnumber: 06!
Date-of-Birth: eeeh lol..., 07-02-1997
Nationality: the Netherlands