Well it took a few hours of training but I'm really getting good at driving in the fox now. Even those oversteer setups aren't a pain in the ass as they were before. Now my only problem is staying consistend... When I hotlap it's like 3 crap laps and then 1 flying lap 2 seconds faster than the previous ones. Any suggestions on that ?
How about they learn how to overtake ? I've trained AI's for a BLGP 30 lap race with the Fox. For fun I putted the quickest ones at the back of the grid. And they didn't even try to overtake! They only release the throttle a little to get some distance...
Sorry for the late reaction. I've had a go with your setup Gentlefoot and it's just brilliant. it reminds me of a setup I used back in demo in the XRG. It consisted of sliding through the corners and it was really quick.
I've done a few laps just doing what you typed and I just pumped out a 1.09.02 without any problems. I know I can go a wholelot faster with this setup. Gonna have a look at your hotlap now and see where I can win more time
I can get one in holland for 192 euro's but I've bought a DFP 2 months ago... Perhaps I'll get one later or if my DFP suddenly dies(crosses fingers :P)
I would like to apply for ZWR. It seems to be a rather active and friendly community and I would love to become a part of it. I've played LFS for about 3 years now, and I consider myself as a clean racer. In 3 years I've driven about 36.000 miles and done 10.706 laps over a lot of different combo's. Well if you want to know more things just add me to msn : [email protected] (and don't misjudge me cause of the dorifto in my email. I used to do that but not anymore :P)
thanks nathan for the setup. I'll try it out tonight. Also I found out that I only have problems with the oversteer setups. Like I said I prefer neutral setups. When I have the proper setup I can be really quick and often get into great fights. Too bad I don't have those fighs that often. Anyone able to point me out how to create a neutral quick setup btw ? Or a guide whateer ?
I've been racing in the CTRA Singleseater servers and I just can't keep that pesky Fox on the road. everytime i get into a corner it's always a question wether I make it through without spinning or not. Usually I spin when I hit the throttle again. even when I feed it in I spin.I've used the setupfield setups most of the time and it's a pain in the ass driving'em. Now I would like to have some advice on a couple of things : How can I create quick setups for the Fox and how can I actually keep it on the road ? I prefer Neutral setups with a bit of oversteer if that makes any difference
The strange thing is I have no problem keeping things such as the Fo8 on track but the Fox is just one big nightmare.
To be honest I hope they stop messing up F1. It becomes more of a circus act than a race event. I'd rather have the V10's back. No more racing-aids etc. But I guess it's already too late for that...