The beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I get critisism on my skins all the time and i appreciate it. If i thought all my skins were perfect then i wouldn't try harder the next time!!! Its not about who makes the best skins, if it was everyone would be hating teaz-R because fact is he is the best, but no we don't all hate him do we.
Then that's all that matters!!
I can't hear any screaming, i dont see any discrimination going on and wtf has this got to do with demo?!?! Nobody's discriminating against paint but if people ask for c&c then people reply with c&c.
Then next time you get someone to do a skinpack for you ask them not to post them in the forums!
For those who didn't watch it, don't flame me. seriously this is well worth a watch.
The general jist is that the fat ginger guy has an ear peice in and mat lucas is telling him what to do and say! just give this a watch.
damn thats steep, thats so steep its almost vertical! I wouldn't take money from people for skins, i skin because i enjoy it... its a hobby to me not a job! But on the other hand, asking for a whole skin pack for a team is also a very steep request and a lot of man hours would be needed, so i can sort of understand!
i thought your post count was dropping, wasn't sure if it was you or a mod! No ones asking you to delete all your posts..... just think about it before you post the one word replys, try and be constructive or something....
IMO the best way of learning how to skin is to start by making a couple of replicas. this way no imagination is needed but your still learning how to use your tools/programs!!
Take my DTM skins for example, sooo easy but look great (imo)!
Do yourself a favour, when people post a skin, don't just put
"good" or "nice" or "" or "i don't like it", its really annoying, everytime i look in the finished skins thread you've posted (what we are calling spam) over and over again in every thread.
anywho enough of that.
i don't like them. If that's your taste then fair enough but i think i speak for 99.9% of the community when i say "WTF?".
IMO you've just done these skins to up your post count!
How about team spam! at least that would be mildly amusing!
Like Bean0 said its lot of time for something your not envolved with! TBH it just looks like decals CF and noise, have a go at a few cars yourself and if your struggling post what you've got and i'm sure someone will be willing to help on the odd car or 2.... but all of them.
TBH i'm surprised that no body in your team wants to do it, in the last team i was in there were about 4 of us throwing different designs around.
I used to have a 50cc Yamaha Aerox 2000 V plate. i dont have pictures . stacked it once, cobblestone roundabout on a bus route on a wet day! Loads of fun, de-restricted, 45mph top end wind behind you and all that.
Never rely on delivery times, i've given up trying to be in when they deliver something, i just get the "sorry we missed you" card and go pick it up from the depot myself! saves all the hassle.
I'm expecting my washing machine tomorrow between 10:00 and 14:00, i'm not going to be in i've got work! but i'll pick it up at my convenience instead of theirs!
pmsl, so you don't even know the guy!!! thats brilliant.
I hope one day that a complete stranger will take a picture of me off the internet and use it to make skins for cars/helmets!! We could make this guy semi famous, just keep using his picture and make his face famous! i might rob it for my avatar!