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S2 licensed
Edited my own in PS to clear up some of the rough edges.. I'm quite happy

As for the wheels, I would agree about all of the cars except for the LX's. The wheels suit it

Edit : Tristan if you're so bored go on MSN, I need to borrow your brain for a few minutes
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
I'm actually trying to fix the fade now, I believe it's something to do with using Shellac

Edit to post above : :ices_rofl

Edit 2 : Ok it's getting there, may improve on it later but for now I'm happy
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Looks like it could have been avoided, but if anyone else did this no one would care.

All I know is as an F1 fan I'd much rather see him up there battling with Alonso than being docked 10 places and seeing Alonso run away with it
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Nice skin mazz

Here's my first, but I tend to work for hours on it and edit with updates throughout the night, so keep an eye open for a better one soon

Edit : OK a couple hours later here's my final one for the night, I'm quite happy with it
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Can download it here (I think, never had any experience with Linux but in Google I trust )

As for LFS?
S2 licensed
Try posting your skin in this thread -

No doubt somebody will render it for you
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :serious favours

S2 licensed
I've been trying to make the switch to vRay from Brazil..

So, here's 2 days work

The skin is quite low res so I'll try and get hold of a higher res version sometime soon...

Also not happy with the wheels, they just don't look good with any material on them. I need new ones

Edit : Little update, removed the HDRI. I find it looks better

Edit 2 : And another with different lighting - Will give blood for wheel models

Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
The difference between LFS and real racing is the difference in skill levels throughout the field. So if you're heading down to T1 and someone, who perhaps isn't sure on braking points, slams on their brakes half a mile too early, then it's hard to avoid them if everyone's close. But there are also alot of people who think they're God, brake too late and consquently take some people out.

My technique for T1 is to stay near the inside and just hope no one turns into the side of my car. Works quite often and usually I gain a decent handful of positions from the people that go the long way round
S2 licensed
Good to hear things are re-kicking off in vMax.

Keep up the good work
S2 licensed
Yup corrupt for me too
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :As promised following the sucessful trial run of my high quality textures for Fern Bay I have now finished off high quality tarmac and kerbing textures for all of the tracks.

Some users who previously experienced colour banding on the track surface as they drove have reported that it is now reduced or gone completely.

These are some screenshots of Fern Bay with the new textures:
(1280x1024, 16x Anisotropic Filtering, 8xS Anti-Aliasing, All display options maxxed, jpg format, 99% quality.)

I've tested a lot of tracks but not all so please let me know if you spot any ommissions or errors in the patch, but so far i'm not aware of any.

The download is over 41mb in size.
Copy all files into your LFS\data\dds directory.

This will increase your base texture RAM usage from 24mb to around 40mb and on 64mb or less graphics cards may impair framerates, for most users though - those with 64mb/128mb or more of graphics RAM this patch will improve the appearance of the game without impairing performance at all.

You may wish to backup the dds directory first, especially if you have a 64mb card because I am not sure if such cards are sufficient to run the patch on all tracks.

The original Fern Bay texture thread is located here:

Appreciate the work, they look great

Downloading now.
S2 licensed
My Sennheiser R120's just arrived (Had to go wireless due to a slight 'wire chewing' habit :shy

Oh my. They sound epic.

Slight bit of static noise if no sound is playing, but other than that. Wow. :hyper:
S2 licensed
Quote from mike20002 :Here is my new scene for BF1...


Very, very nice.


I love those tyres
S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Leisterer :@ Ryanry64

can you make me a Render, as you Bean0 made.

FZR Skin

MfG Michi Thx

S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Would appreciate a render of this. Many thanks in advance

Just done this one, another slightly different one will be done in 15 minutes.

Was playing with radiosity on the first one

Ok 2nd one's done, no radiosity in hurr
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DGCNYO :I think this skin is XFG skin not XFR,but i am thank you very much^^~.

Sorry I'm a complete idiot. I'll do one for the right car now

Here tis'
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Changed a few things, may swap the background for something higher res to try and eliminate that problem Vain. I kinda forced it to 1440 pixels wide ... ge=screen4editcopy6io.jpg

Still unsure about that brake glow..
S2 licensed
Pretty simple really, but.. I'm happy with it.

Wheels could probably use some blur though
S2 licensed
Quote from DGCNYO : ... tid=9535&d=1147162597
who can render my XFG skin~thank you

Did this one, but not too happy with it. Will make a better one soon

Edit : Ok done a better one, although I kinda..chopped the back off.

I'll do yet another soon

Edit2: Added super shiny HDRI version, if you're into that sort of thing..
Last edited by Ryanry64, .
S2 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :
Transparency antialiasing - ON and set to supersample.

Just as a note, this setting rapes FPS near trees...

Great for screenshots though
S2 licensed
You're making me appear like an evil heartless fiend here.

S2 licensed
I would never do such a thing to poor innocent boxer.

Team Syncro Racing - Race Night
S2 licensed
Team Syncro Racing - Race Night

With the return of [tsr.] we will be hosting a 'Race Night' this week!

When? Thursday May 11th at 6pm BST (UK time)
Where? The Team Syncro Racing server, with the password 'revs'

The server will be kept locked to avoid too much trouble. We will be running numerous track/car combo's over 10-20 laps, with a mandatory pitstop.

We hope to attract only the cleanest of drivers and if the evening is a success we may have similar events in the future.

Hope to see some familiar faces on the server and I hope there will be many clean and fast races for everyone to enjoy.

S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :That's the price of using someone elses work on your frontpage

Well yea, but let's try and keep these thread clean. Will talk about it when you go on MSN later