After a longer gap than usual there are a few things to report.
Soon after the last report, after fixing a few things that were sitting on lists, I added a new type of object that can be used in the track editor to connect up other objects more easily. Instead of the usual cross-sections connected by segments (with curves) this new system allows the simple addition of triangles. As if in the modeller, but between different cross-sections. It's hard to explain but it does simplify tasks by making it a lot easier to fill odd-shaped holes!
After my day of fixes on Fern Bay, Eric decided to have a quick go at it, really just fixes for the new lighting system. There were still some holes to fill, which are important for shadows, and he wanted to add some shine (specular effect) to the roads. He updated a few textures here and there in addition to the road surfaces but did the bare minimum of modelling. As stated before, there isn't time to bring Fern Bay up to the modern standard before the coming release, but it was certainly worth a few days tidying up.
After Eric sent me the update, I noticed a few remaining issues that I could improve with the use of new editor functions that I quickly coded. It is useful for me to spend a little time in the track editor because I often think of a few new functions or improvements to do.
Trying to get things finished can be a lengthy process! After the Fern Bay update we ended up taking on an extra task, almost by mistake. Eric wanted to update some of the layout objects which looked quite tired and old. His plan was just a few days brushing up a few objects. Quickly the task expanded and we started to make use of the new mapping configuration and monochrome colours system, that help maintain variety in the track editor, now extended to the layout objects. With a single object selected there can be several variations on the texture cutouts that are displayed. There was community involvement and we took on some of the ideas. There are definite benefits, so it was worth a week on the job. Even if that week turned out to be two weeks! We're near the end of layout updates for now!
Public thread about layout objects:
Eric and I have discussed the need to try to get to the release and only do what is necessary from now on. We want to do a lot of things but they can be done after the release.
On my side I have another day or two on layout functions, and there are some editor features to look at that could help Eric complete South City. Sometimes when buildings follow the edges of existing roads they can end up quite complex and bring up issues that can be made easier by certain new editor functions. I enjoy doing editor functions but of course, I am trying to get off graphics to finish the tyre physics and get to that public beta as quickly as possible.
Log of updates:
Layout marshals also needed to pick up lighting from lightmap (objects already do)
- marshals are done a different way and do a single lightmap reading when first drawn
Improved track editor function for setting height of multiple points
- also generally updated initialisation of text entry to the new style in a few places
Added a new type of surface that can be added in the track editor
- an extension of "section end triangles" but now can connect to other cross-sections
- as arbitrary triangles between track objects they can make it easier to fill holes
- turned out this is was a bit more work than expected in the track editor
- when objects can refer to others a lot of care must be taken with delete functions
Fix: track editor bug - surface properties were not updated correctly when changed
Fix: a physics surface debug display was not using the thread-safe copy of wheels
Fix: suspension diagram was also not yet updated to use thread-safe variables
Fix: time could move on up to 30 sec in track editor then car would catch up on exit
Eric sent a minor update of Fern Bay with specular lighting added to road textures
- other small updates as well including filling all the holes as seen from above
- although it's not a full update these are important fixes for the shadow system
- also improved a few textures around that needed brightening up in addition to shine
- the general effect is improved as you can see in the attached screenshots
I spotted a few remaining Fern Bay issues and went into the track editor to fix them
- changed/added editor functions that helped with searching/updating multiple objects
- a benefit of me spending time in editor is I sometimes come up with useful functions
Eric started to do a quick update on the layout objects that would take a few days
- it is not really the highest priority but seemed like a quick improvement at first
- job got a little bigger as we added support for selectable "mapping configurations"
- these, along with a colour selector, allow more variety without more object slots
- so we can have e.g. more signs or cone colours using the new improved objects
Discussion with Eric about the new world triangles hole filling system
- it can help fill holes in South City, either large holes out of town or small holes
- Eric showed me some of the challenging things at South City to finish in a good way
- looking at the real situations that come up, we thought of some helpful improvements
Worked on the updated (and new) layout objects
- asked community members if they had suggestions for a few useful objects
- some useful things came from that thread:
- using the new mapping configurations and monochrome colours, more variety is possible
- with a single object selected, multiple configurations can be chosen (e.g. letters)
- in the screenshot you can see most of the new objects but not showing all variations