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S2 licensed
his point is...
...use search function.
S2 licensed
lfs isnt that big. U can download everything u need within 10 minutes via Broadband.
S2 licensed
Quote from gwendoline :yes we are bored to see game developpement is stopped...any really new things, small changes since begining...we help (money) devs to improove game developpement and we think they works only for security on game now.

Who is "We" or are you talking about yourself in plural?
Bcos i am not bored. I dont even think about an Update for month cos i am really busy with racing, preparing for leagues, fiddling sets. I wonder if u learned anything from the "Test Patch" Thread.
S2 licensed
@ 2.
I know about the Video showing and explaining a fast lap at BlackWood in the BF1. Very well done with comments. Unfortunatly the downloads seems disabled atm.

edit: found it:
Last edited by SchneeFee, .
S2 licensed
Do you mean the map?
S2 licensed
When Crashing the energy isnt absorbed by the chassis like IRL, and so the crash-energy shoots the cars in the orbit.
S2 licensed
i voted yes, but actually they should continue developing.
S2 licensed
tried twice but didnt work.
S2 licensed
you should let ppl put their site banner on your site, like

edit: i just submitted our Site - but i wasnt asked about the category.
S2 licensed
going your pace, having good fights, finish without crashing. having fun.
S2 licensed
Quote from Yaamboo :That's a champcar track, no?

Don't understand the idea of the right-right-left-left-right combination (turns 5-9 as it will make that portion of the track impossible for overtaking. They should have cut it at the corner before T5, making it "only" a right-left-right.

But South City has the same right/right, left/left combination.
S2 licensed
show him one of my Videos

The first 2 are S2.
S2 licensed
Quote from Highsider9 :
What is the advantage (or disadvantage) of limiting the fps? Currently i have capped them to 100.

Me limits FPS to 30 for grapping via Fraps.
S2 licensed
In Hotlap Mode: 120+ @ 1280 x 1024, 2 x AA and Full Details.
Online with full grid it drops to 30 for a couple of seconds until T1, then usally 80 to 100.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
@gentlefoot: added you to my buddylist to make sure i am not going to race on the same server with you.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueSkunk :if the first goal is to finish the race and the second goal to win it then there won't be so many useless and brainless now-or-never maneuvers and increasingly fair driving which definitely the majority of drivers will enjoy more.

just look at league races. if that works during 1-3 hour races why should it be different during a 5-10 lap race?

i was refering to this post from you.
I cannot agree, bcos: something that works in a 2 hours Race, must not work in a sprint race. Sprintracing is much more aggresive, and thats why it requires sometimes socalled "brainless now or never maneuvers". It depends in the skill of the drivers then if those maneuvers work out well. Unfortunatly most racers are doing such actions above their own skill level which leads to such topics.

(wennst es immer noch nicht verstehst dann liegts wohl an meinem englisch -> PM:tilt
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :What should you do? Try and win the race. Not setting the fastest lap. Pretty pointless setting the fastest lap only to crash - the super quick laptime won't be shown in the results anyway if you do that.

did i say anything about crashing?
@Blueskunk: its a big difference in driving style if it is a 1 - 3 hours race or a sprint race, ofcrouse!!!
Last edited by SchneeFee, .
S2 licensed
its depening on the race situation:

On puplic 5 Laps Sprintraces ofcourse there is a lack of patience when getting stuck behind a backmarker, and this can lead to unexpected passing manouvers at unexpected places.

Doing the same in longdistance races is rather unresponsible.

But naturally i always try to get the fastest lap in a race. I am Racer, what should i do?
S2 licensed
ok, then i missunderstood you.
Although i like the longer period standing on the grid preparing "myself" for the race. Maybe this is senseless on ordinary 5 laps puplic sprintracing, but in league races going over more than just a couple of laps. Maybe we ll get some option for the server admins so anyone can do as he/she likes.
S2 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :

I'm also interesting in joining a league and I will take a look at the Austrian Racing league definitely after I learned the Tracks and made some more practise with those rear-wheel beasts :monkey:

good choice mate.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :this should be moved to improvements suggestions

+1 for the confirmation your racing next race

which... actually that means there would be a longer time to wait until restart; most likely a time limit around 30 seconds to 1 minute until restart

time to Wait on the grid for the green light should depend on how many racers/laps. 1 MInute is definetly too long, but maybe 20 seconds. If no input in this period -> spectate.
Allthough it was imrpved by the last big patch: At a full grid time to green light is now up to 10 seconds. too less imho.
S2 licensed
100% agree.
S2 licensed
I did once a pitstop in Lap 10, and it was the last time since i got that 30 sek. penalty. Its a matter of fact that ppl are doing everything possible to get first over the finish line. I guess this will be fixed in an upcoming patch.