There's only one problem. Your 2 cars should be about as slow as the xrg.
Racing on public streets? That doesn't make you a good driver or very smart. Also, having 7 tickets certainly doesn't show how you could possibly be a good driver....
Quite simply, a production car is a car that was available for people to buy. I'd bet that not even one 100mpg Mini was sold off the showroom floor. There's a rather large difference between being based-on a production car and actually being a production car.
I think everyone knows what a mini is. Seeing as you mentioned production cars, what production mini achieved 100mpg? I bet you won't find any no matter how hard you look.
Condition: Unwanted gift. Minimally used, reboxed and stored. I'm always a bit weary of sellers with differing item descriptions. Other than that, the wheel looks nice.
With all the information you keep spewing out, why be so afraid to pick up a wrench? It's not that hard to pull a head....
Seeing as you're getting a bolt-on kit that doesn't have any internal work yet needs a head spacer, please explain the following. How can changing a head gasket not involve any internal engine work if the gasket is inside the engine? illepall
Wreckers have been known to do it for the attention, which is exaclty what you're giving them by posting here. Perhaps banning them and asking the server host to extend the ban would be a better way to go.
These forums went online on, ermmm, I think it was August 10th 2005. The join date is the date of the 'license name' being taken on the main site. Sooooo, that'd be 112 days now which means Tristan has posted over 13 posts per day on average. :spam:
Absolutely brilliant. :rolleyes: I don't find it odd that vents are missing because they aren't really needed with a properly functioning cooling system.
Price gouging is bad, but I don't see this to be price gouging. It's not like this is a store in a hurricane stricken area that's jacking up the prices of building materials, it's just another e-bay auction where the market demand determines the final selling price, not the seller. :rolleyes:
Unzip the attached file into your replay folder then simply drag a replay file onto it to get a tab file. Unfortunately, you'll only be able to figure out the aids after the event's over.