Well, yeah thats what i ment. They could only play if that server had an S1 track up and had S1 cars up.
But as i read on that link that J@tko posted they said what would happen if they changed the track to an S2 track and they were in that server..Maby they could have them disconnect and a window pop up telling them it was an S2 track.
I was just looking around ingame at the S1 servers and there was only 2 there..
So, for the S2 servers that has the S1 cars avaliable, could S1 players be able to drive the S1 cars in S2 servers and only be limited by the S1 cars thats avaliable?
Mines scoobyrbac, I used to like scoobydoo so thats where the Scooby part came from and I used to play an FPS game about 10 years ago and I was in a clan called Red & Black Attack Clan and for some dumb reason I registered here with scoobyrbac...And im still wondering why I did that..I was probably dumb back then and I was still demo racing....
There's your problm, I have the same exact card but its the 200 Series in my PC now and its onboard and I only get about 15 FPS max and all my grafix's settings are set as low as they can get. Anything with the name ATi is a crash waiting to happen....
But, around the 22nd or the 26th is when i will get the money, so i will let you guys know what im buying. And i'll ask my unlce about the PSU deal and see if i could get another one.