You guys say that the power supply wont be powerful enough...If I get it..will the PSU like overheat and fry? What will happen to it is what im wondering?
Maby i'll go with an 8600 or 8700 or maby just a 7000 series card...dont know =\
I dont care if its an 8800 series one considering I dont have vista and I dont plan on having it so I wont need the DX10...And yes my PC WILL handle 2gig ram.
I know what you guys are saying but atm all i want is a new card and ram...I get about $700-$800 from my parents taxes and I want to spend as less than i can but I want good stuff, so thats why I stuck with the 200-$300 range. And I want a 7000 series or an 8800 series and RAM..
damn, I didnt want to build a new PC..I just want to upgrade..
I think my power supply is atleast 350 watt maby 400 I didnt look close the other night when I had the case open..But I don't care if the card is getting held back, I just need a new card because the onboard card i have now is starting to get lines in games where I can see where they pieced the game together on the tracks or maps.
Sad to say...Same Im to young to have to worry about cleaning...I out stuff where I know where its at..then my mom cleans and moves it 2 inches and I have no clue to where its at...