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Quote from Psysim :Same as just about everyone else has said, great work.

Do you plan to make any others? I've carefully kept the revolution pack, I think I'll keep this in the same safe place.

yap , blackwood and fernbay are next :]
those are hard ones :[
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Looks good from the screenshots, downloading

If you want, I can give you the sign textures I made some time ago, I will never finish the whole texture pack anyway So if you're interested, just PM me.

Edit: the downolad page is not loading for me for some reason :/

have you tried from a diffrent browser?
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Slow as **** by the looks of this comparison (theoretical) ... hd-7790-vs-radeon-r7-250/

ya that dosent look good for the r7
i'll just buy the first setup
South City OLD 0.2
S3 licensed
South City OLD 0.2

A few more changes have been done to the pit area , shop logos , diry and more...

stuff still to do >>>

faded road markings
dirt on roads

any more suggestions?

some pics Using ENB and some photoshop actions
link to ENB by #Kyotee

Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, .
S3 licensed
found ready made pc , almost the same as the spec above with 8GB ram and 450W and R7 250 boost 1GB for about the same price , how is the r7 compare to 650ti and 7790 ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :650 Ti is pretty much equal to 7790. GTX 660 is about twice as fast.

400W will be enough for that setup even with a more powerful GPU.

ok then 660 it is thx :]
S3 licensed
how about the GTX650 ti ? same price as 7790 , will it last longer?
also the 400W will be inaf ?
pc for sim games
S3 licensed
hello , for a while now iam thinking of buying a new pc and was thinking about this setup >>

Intel I3 4130 3.4Ghz + Zalman Ultra Quiet CNPS80F

Gigabyte GA-H81M-S1

LG / Lite-ON DVD-RW X24

Transcend 4G DDR3 1600Mhz

Seagate 500G Barracuda Sata3 7200RPM

Sapphire 7790 1G GDDR5

Cooler Master CMP-350

Cooler Master 400W PFC + PCI-E 120mm Fan 3XSata

will this be good for sim racing games and other type of sim games and strategy games ?
i have xbox for all the heavy games so i dont have the need for a super gaming pc :]
S3 licensed
fixed it , thanks
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Options->Controls->Axis->Unclock, recalibrate (turning from lock to lock) and lock them again (if you want).

This is the reason of the wheel auto-spinning on boot, but you probably have that option locked with an incorrect calibration and LFS is doing weird things. This issue is not that extrange, and the pedals will always suffer from it.

Did that already , pressed c to center my wheel and then recalibrate. Once i turn my wheel full lock on track it just dosent line up again . And i do have the auto spin on boot . I will try to reinstall lfs after work maybe that will work .
Issues with g27 wheel-help!!!
S3 licensed

iam recently getting this weird issue when i play lfs on first startup , the wheel is turning very very quickly restarting the game helps but today i cant play at all!!!

my wheel dosent lineup with lfs wheel and and moves very fast .
look in picture>>>
at first the clutch was acting as the steering wheel and the brake padel was the head movment :S

recent changes in pc were , installing rfactor demo to try it out , and uninstalling mungo gamer driver which i dont need anymore .

what should i do ?

the wheel profiler is setup correctly and i tested the wheel and everything is fine it is just in lfs like that.

S3 licensed
i just bought the game with east expansion for 8$ on steam and it is so much fun to play !!!

only thing that it bothering me is the lack of engine sound in cockpit :\
S3 licensed
Quote from Subphonic :Is it wrong that those buildings look normal to me?! Much more so than the originals, anyway, good job! Is this someting that will be released at some point or just a personal bit 'o' fun?

Quote from Kyotee :I hope it gets released, it's damn sexy.

it will be released maybe tomorrow, i finished it but there are still some minor things to do like logos and shop signs , road signs and iam having trouble finding a couple of files of the buildings .
if anyone could help me with a full list i will fix some stuff and release it :]
S3 licensed
Cool pics , what filters did you use ? And i finished south city , its not that big of a project once you get all the files of the track . I'll upload when i have some free time off work
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
some sort of honda\acura ?
a hint ?
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :i just got a wheel 1 month ago and i was racing with joystick before i got the wheel. i found that if i turned of manual gears you can eventually turn of auto gears after you got control over new controller. some of you might think differently but i did it like that.

Well iam actually starting to get better , my shifting might not be so fast but iam getting better. Iam using the clutch peddle althogh it set to auto clutch for now till i know how to down shift properly . Iam getting some decent lap times but still not as fast as i did with mouse . Also i wanted to ask if there is a way to t
Reduce wheel weight ? Because it feels like my old 89 405 pego
S3 licensed
Quote from Texpelt88 :"The Last of Us" or "The Walking Dead" (Telltale Games)?

lol just finshed an episode of walking dead
iam traying to make the city to look abandoned as possible.
S3 licensed

Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, .
S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Ex-mouser myself. What I did first was before moving to wheel was sticking to mouse+pedals for a little while so I could work on eye-foot coordination, while staying in the comfort zone of mouse steering. You might want to use slow cars(ie XFG) on tracks you know well, so you don't have to worry too much with throttle input or reference points.

Then once you move to wheel+pedals, try a small wheel rotation angle first. Something like 180°, even less if that makes you more comfortable. You could even try with reduced FFB. Then once you get comfortable with the wheel, increase rotation angle and FFB progressively, until you find the sweet spot. You say you are constantly not putting enough steering input. Maybe you're using a rotation angle too big for the time being, what wheel rotation angle are you using? Could it possibly be fixed with a reduced wheel rotation angle?

I find it surprising that you say you are locking the brakes too much. I find the braking phase in LFS quite forgiving for most cars, in most situations. Could it possibly be fixed with decreased front brake bias? Or simply with ABS, if available with the car you're using?

Also: when I switched to wheel, I expected to be slower, or at the very least less consistent. But the exact opposite happened. Of course you need to put the adaptation time, but on the long term I think wheel is definitely faster in most situations.

i use diffrent wheel angle for each car according to the car setup . road cars 720 , gt cars 540 and formula cars , 450 .

i actually practiced my braking today and am much better now :]
S3 licensed
so there isnt any normall cruise/racing game like that? :\
game like TDU2 ?
S3 licensed

is there a game like tdu2 but one that dosent suck ?

thanks :]