just play demo , you have 3 cars and 3 track layouts , thats inaf .
xfgti is a very fun car to drive , go to the race servers and start to race .
AA and MRC GTI servers are always full + FBM server too
How much pp working on GT5 and how many in Lfs ? Its not easy to do all of those things , but i do expect them for new track layouts , all the physics chages they were saying and improoved 3d models with highres textures . Dont really think that new cars and tracks is nessecery . (sorry for my english )
Yes your right , the road marking do look way too clean/bright/white i will blend them to the road and give them some wear and add some more dust and dirt to the curbs + all walls . The only thing i really want to change is the backround landscape but dont have good pics
here is a good exapmle from Westhill on why its difficult to create asphalt that has some kind of cracks or dirt edges to it and damage .
look at it , its just a big mess , anything but smooth "fresh looking" asphalt will look bad. and thats way Aston old took me alot of time .
also notice the orange dots pit entry is stretched and on the left how oversized the red dots are .
you can also notice the square line and see how many times 1 file duplicate it self :s
-Green & Pink is Roadbump file (its like a half road file)
-Red & orange & Blue is Road file ( half of it is a long half road like roadbump and other half is the pit area)
the asphalt road i used in KY and WST i think are the same as used in revolution pack for FE , dont really remember where i found that great road texture. i dont use textures from other games , its very hard to find good free HQ textures out there and if you dont have a DSLR camera and a race track near your house then its hard .
the curbs made from scratch by me , no pictures there .
ground textures are combo of 2 textures that i put together to make those edges and "random" look . i found a great technique doing that with the "magic wand"
the asphalt is very bright and smooth so i put on work in there too with all kind of brushes .
i really do want to make some dirt on the edges of the asphalt and some scratches and stuff but i cant make it random and the way lfs textures work is no good , i'll post a picture later that you could see what iam talking about with the dirt.
i could share with you my texture folder if you want and make some texture for the game too .
Kyoto Ring 2013 Textures
tell me what you think , iam not really sure about the ground and
i hope i will find some good landscapes for the backround .
enjoy :]