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Quote from illstyles :I take it you mean re-install? And yeah just tried it, without results.

test and show results

if your internet if fine you should get somthing like this.

Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, . Reason : added pic
S3 licensed
Quote from Neon145 :some people cant afford it like me. :iagree:

just play demo , you have 3 cars and 3 track layouts , thats inaf .
xfgti is a very fun car to drive , go to the race servers and start to race .
AA and MRC GTI servers are always full + FBM server too
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :yes

good, found it and works fine
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :"LFS strobe" does exactly what you want, look for it in the forum

can this also be used online ? if not then it pointless :\
headlights alltime flicker
S3 licensed

is this possible to make some insim script to make front headlights to flicker non stop with a push of a butten on\off ?

somthing like gt porsche drivers use all the time , that will be awesome
S3 licensed
Quote from Neon145 :it might be better if the S2 Was free... but you have to buy it.. i dont know how long i can stand the boredom...

S2 for free ?

maybe this game is not for you
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :s3 = new cars and tracks

that will be great but only if they fixed all the issues , if not then whats the point ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :The amount of time it's taken them atm i would fking expect full day night cylcle with the weather changing every 20mins , fog that makes you wet, more cars than GT5 and tracks so detailed you can spot every tiny shade of grass.

but then you remember, eric.

How much pp working on GT5 and how many in Lfs ? Its not easy to do all of those things , but i do expect them for new track layouts , all the physics chages they were saying and improoved 3d models with highres textures . Dont really think that new cars and tracks is nessecery . (sorry for my english )
S3 licensed
Quote from vipex123 :Alon Day raced LFS did he not?

have no idea
S3 licensed
Quote from luchian :@shimon:
Yes, I know it's quite difficult unfortunately to insert some cracks into the road without visible patterns. But I was not talking about the road itself. I am refering to road markings (the paint, is too white, too clean - look at the start checker for example). Also the side banners they are too clean. Why am I insisting on this: the LFS's graphic engine is not very up-to-date so you have no real shadows, or light variations on the objects and this makes it look blunt when too clean. The only solution is to "bake" these variations into the textures themselves. Now as of today we have some advantage on this point compared with the time Eric has made the original stuff. The memory limits are way more generous for us..

For the second part: I also know the problem with texture stretching on the circuit. I personally use reference maps (like this one) to help me understand what comes where. For the ROAD file, look carefully; you should be able to use different scale/stretch on the two halves of the file in order to obtain some uniformity. I have done this on some Aston road I have tried and the result was not so bad.

Good luck and keep it up

PS: if you wish to share texture files, of course I would be happy to have them. As we all know they are never enough .

Yes your right , the road marking do look way too clean/bright/white i will blend them to the road and give them some wear and add some more dust and dirt to the curbs + all walls . The only thing i really want to change is the backround landscape but dont have good pics
alon day Gravity Charouz
S3 licensed

can someone make skin for FXR of the car alon day is driving from the FIA GT series please

S3 licensed
(sorry for double comment )

here is a good exapmle from Westhill on why its difficult to create asphalt that has some kind of cracks or dirt edges to it and damage .

look at it , its just a big mess , anything but smooth "fresh looking" asphalt will look bad. and thats way Aston old took me alot of time .
also notice the orange dots pit entry is stretched and on the left how oversized the red dots are .
you can also notice the square line and see how many times 1 file duplicate it self :s

-Green & Pink is Roadbump file (its like a half road file)

-Red & orange & Blue is Road file ( half of it is a long half road like roadbump and other half is the pit area)

Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, .
S3 licensed
Quote from luchian :The work itself is very good. The asphalt texture is ok, but the problem (imho) is with the road markings and side banners. They are too sharp, too clean, like they have just been painted. And on LFS's graphic engine this gives a slightly gamey/cartoonish/unrealistic look.
They have to look like part of the whole, like the track is weared out by time and races. So some dirt, scratches, and other imperfections are welcomed.

Side question: no intention of being disrespectful of your work, but are these textures created by you ? adapted from what you can find on the net ? from other games ? Kind of remind me of Lynce's work.

Anyway, good effort. Thank you

thank you for comment , well iam getting all my textures from websites like this >>

the asphalt road i used in KY and WST i think are the same as used in revolution pack for FE , dont really remember where i found that great road texture. i dont use textures from other games , its very hard to find good free HQ textures out there and if you dont have a DSLR camera and a race track near your house then its hard .
the curbs made from scratch by me , no pictures there .
ground textures are combo of 2 textures that i put together to make those edges and "random" look . i found a great technique doing that with the "magic wand"
the asphalt is very bright and smooth so i put on work in there too with all kind of brushes .
i really do want to make some dirt on the edges of the asphalt and some scratches and stuff but i cant make it random and the way lfs textures work is no good , i'll post a picture later that you could see what iam talking about with the dirt.
i could share with you my texture folder if you want and make some texture for the game too .
Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, .
S3 licensed

what kind of improovments do you think i should do ?
Kyoto Ring 2013 Textures
S3 licensed
Kyoto Ring 2013 Textures
tell me what you think , iam not really sure about the ground and
i hope i will find some good landscapes for the backround .
enjoy :]

some pics

S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Try these settings in your Graphics options:

0.0 show no details at all , it just makes everything blurry , it maybe helps with frame rate but showes less detail, max all and look
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Looks great but your AF/mipmap settings are a bit bad

what do you mean by bad ? maybe its because i wasnt at full screen ?

i have this settings , tell me what to change :]

Last edited by shimon-ifraimov, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :If you think about it....all the tracks are old now LOL

no pressure, but you have set the standard high

Thx if you like to know i already started on Ky and looks nice alredy
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Sorry I ment give the the OLD touch like you did aston

Oh , i was thinking about this but Fe is alot of work .
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :There is a Blackwood pack already too. It can be found

This is nice but iam gonna do bl too
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Me 2 downloaded WOW !!!!!!

Now get to work on FE and Blackwood and give the golden oldies a well deserved spruce up with this quality


FE has already very high quality pack , already did WST and KY is next on my list .
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :Wow! I love them. If you do another track soon? I would like to request Kyoto. =]

yes KY may be the next track :]